Once Upon A Time...
There was a young prince and a young princess, both from two different regions of the land. Their names, Prince Perseus of Toria and Princess Annabeth of Aevaland. Even from before their birth, both young royals were destined to be married. This union had been planned by King Poseidon and Queen Athena to merge their two kingdoms. A/N sorry for the lame kingdom names
The two children met for the first time at age 7, at one of King Poseidon's galas.
Princess Annabeth had an excessively frilly floral dress that do doubt, her mother had picked out for her.
The encounter was awkward and mostly blanketed by a heavy silence. Both children, eyes narrowed, and mouths frowning, were shoved together. Percy, after a large amount of encouragement from his father, reluctantly kissed Annabeth's hand. Followed by immediately retreating behind their parents, grossed out faces, and disgusted noise.
The young royals then were shooed off and told to play, while the adults mingled.
Immediately, Annabeth hid behind a tree and changed out of that Pom-Pom catastrophe of a dress. Although, remembering to leave her tiara on to make sure people knew her status.
The two kids stood by the trees, not knowing what to say.
"So your name is Perseus?"
Percy face scrunched up.
"Percy. Only old relatives call me by my full name."
"Hi Percy, I'm Annabeth." She stuck her hand out for Percy to shake.
Before Percy could reach her hand, Annabeth quickly added, "You aren't gonna kiss it again are you?"
"Bleh! No way!" They shook hands before laying on the grass to look at the sky. Percy and Annabeth watched the clouds change shape and the shadows pass by.