Chapter 2 - No Man Is Left Behind

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Chapter 2: No Man Is Left Behind

Inside the perimeter of the East gate –just at the border of the cemented wall of the district, the noise of firing guns and armors and shouting men can be heard. Ana can see the portion of the high-voltage wired gate of the East gate crashed and torn to debris. She can hear the cry of injured men. Her heart pounded quickly when she saw blood and flesh scattered everywhere, both from humans and monsters. She wished that the blood and gory parts she saw did not come from any of her men. She hurriedly run towards the gate and looked for any member of her platoon. She quickly saw a body being devoured by two monsters. She run to it and using her butterfly swords, she slashed the two monsters, which instantly killed them. She slowly turned the body of the uniformed man and was relieved to see that it was not one of her platoon members.


She heard someone called her, a few meters away.


She called him. It was her Second Lieutenant, Simon Martinez.

“Where are the others?”

“They’re outside the gate!”

“Outside the gate? Who told them to go beyond the perimeter!?”

With rage, she questioned Simon. It was to everybody’s knowledge that going beyond the perimeter was without a doubt the bravest thing that a warrior would do. It was like sacrificing his/her life to be devoured by a pack of wolf-life monsters just to save the whole community.

She kept her swords in place behind her back and replaced them with two high-caliber guns, one each on her hand. Those were her most trusted allies on long-range battles especially that time that the members of her platoon were scattered outside the perimeter of the district. She can just easily target those monsters even from afar –of course that’s besides the fact that Ana is a sharp shooter.

She runs towards her team to call them back inside the perimeter.


Simon Martinez shouted to Ana.

“I’m glad you’re back –Captain Torres.”

And with a smile, Simon saluted to his Captain. He can’t hide his relief upon seeing the captain run towards the others. That was the first time he saw her again –with fighting spirit after the tragedy. He knew that once their captain goes with them in every battle, they were bound to win and survive.

Just outside the gate, she saw her First Lieutenant, Jonas Jimenez fighting barehanded at a monster and at the same time the lieutenant saw his captain.


Ana called his lieutenant and aimed at the monster he was fighting with. In seconds, one short bang was heard and exploded half the head of the monster.

“Captain! –Thank you Captain!”

Jonas said with a continuous heavy breathing that shows the relief and tiredness from fighting the monster.

“Why did you go beyond the perimeter, Jimenez?”

Ana asked her lieutenant.

“I’m sorry, Captain.”

“And who told you to go beyond the perimeter?”

“I ordered them, Captain!”

Jonas answered his captain.

“Call back everyone and fight from the inside, Lieutenant.”

“Captain, we have to retrieve our two men...”

Just as Jonas is relaying the plan, Ana stopped him and repeated her order.

“Retrieve everyone and fight from the inside. That is my order now, Jimenez.”

“Yes Captain! –Everyone, retreat! We will fight from inside! Alfonso, Santos, call everyone!”

Jonas obeyed the captain’s order in an instant.

“Jimenez, help Martinez inside.”

Ana commanded Jonas as she went farther to help the others.

She went twenty meters away and commanded everyone that she met on her way. They were at least seven of them.

“Captain! You’re here!”

One of her officer, Dizon, greeted her.

“Captain, we have two casualties and the bodies are carried by at least five hounds.”

Dizon told the Captain.

“We tried to go after them and retrieve the bodies but we failed. These monsters are waiting for us here.”

Another member, Yang, continued the story and pointed at the dead creatures lying at the ground.

“Dizon, can you still cover for me?”

Ana asked her officer.

“Yes, Captain!”

“Yang, go back inside the perimeter and help others finish the mess. Dizon, come with me.”

“Yes, Captain!”

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