Chapter 1- Lovers Day

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This is a reader insert. So F/N is first name. L/N is last name, etc. 'Italics' is your inner monologue. Enjoy.

Author's Note: So this story takes place over about a 2 week period. I began writing this before I finished season 1, so any major character developments that follow are not in here. Imagine if there was like half a semester of chill between the beginning and the USJ villain attack. Todoroki's aversion to his fire power was not yet known to me, Izuku is still a little bit shy, and All Might is still capable of justice-ing the usual amount each day.

You should also know that I believe opposites attract. Fanfics where the shyest characters get with someone even more shy seems very unrealistic to me. To balance out someone sweet and shy, you are going to be witty, outgoing, and confident. The two ends of the spectrum bring out the best in each of you. 


"What are you reading, Ochako?" You asked curiously, tilting your head to glance at the cover from across the table.

"Just a romance novel I found at the bookstore. I thought it looked interesting." She replied in a slightly insecure sort of way, closing the book as you sat down to join her. Sappy stories were a very occasional guilty pleasure for you as well. Although you would never let on that you were a hopeless romantic.

"Oh! That reminds me! Lovers Day is coming up in a few weeks!" You exclaimed with excitement.

"Lovers Day? What's that?" Midoriya asked.

"You guys never celebrated Lovers Day?" You asked in bewilderment. The whole table shook their head in conjunction. "Well it's like a day devoted specifically to the people you love. It's a splendid affair. My old school used to celebrate it every year." You stroked your chin thoughtfully. "Although it did change as we got older. When we were little we would just give cards to everybody. ...But when we got to middle school it became a lot more like a competition."

"A competition?!" Ida demanded in confused disapproval.

"Yeah. The guys make grand romantic gestures to a girl that they're interested in and by the end she picks a victor. And whoever wins gets a special gift from the girl." You smiled brightly, reminiscing on past years.

"What's the special gift?" Izuku chimed in again.

"Anything I suppose. It could be home-made cookies, giftcards, a kiss-"

"A KISS?!" Several of them roared in unison. You nodded and shrugged. It was nothing shocking or new to you. Personally you had never given that reward to your competitors. Since they never seemed to be the ones you were interested in at the time. Go figure.

"How do you win?" Kaminari asked from a few seats down the lunch table.

"Hm..." You thought pensively, bringing your fingertip to your lips. "Well I guess it would just depend on the girl in question. That's what makes this whole thing interesting. Guys have to be romantic in the way he thinks the girl will like."

You watched as the commotion began to build. Sultry whispers and courting plans shot back and forth across the lunch tables.

A deeper explanation could have been given but you thought it best to leave out some details... the horror of rejection is the price that accompanies this festivity. There are always some that don't receive anything. You grimaced as you remembered the year that you didn't get anything, and the other year that your best guy friend didn't win the heart of the girl he had a crush on. You recalled having to comfort him for weeks.

"F/N?" Ochako said. "Huh?" You snapped back into reality. "Is there anything else we should know about celebrating this holiday?" She asked.

"You mean you'll celebrate it with me?" You asked joyfully. Ida and Ochako smiled and nodded from across the table while Izuku stayed terribly quiet. You smiled radiantly at them and answered, "No, I think that's all there is to it. I'm curious to see what everyone comes up with. I have seen some amazing gifts over the years. I remember a rich girl in my homeroom that bought her victor a piece of really expensive equipment to go with his quirk."

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now