Chapter 5: Heart of Gold

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Two more train stops and you had finally arrived. The festival was full of art and fun little souvenirs. You strolled around, not looking for anything in particular, Midoriya trailing behind you through the walkway like a loyal sidekick. "See anything you like, Izuku?" You asked him, subtly giving him permission to leave your side if he wanted. "Not yet." He said. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a sparkle of light reflecting from a little glass display of jewelry.

"Wow! These are so pretty!" You squealed girlishly. You had your eye on a particular pair of earrings. Tiny pink sheets of glass were arranged into a small exquisite flower, miniature diamonds in the center. You poked them with your finger, watching the light scatter as they dangled back and forth. 'These would be perfect to wear on Lovers Day.'

"Yeah, they would." Midoriya agreed. Apparently you had spoken that thought aloud. You made a face remembering that you hadn't brought enough money. You didn't want your wallet distorting how amazing your butt looked in this skirt. 'Oh well.' You turned to find the greatest part of any festival shop: the funny hat rack. You walked over, placed a dignified squid atop your head, and grabbed a Fedora for Izuku. "Mhmmm. Did someone order a sushi?" You asked, vocally simulating a snooty waiter. He looked over his shoulder and giggled at the sight of you, his grin distorting the freckles on his cheeks. You placed the Fedora lightly on top of his curls and replied, "Look! Now it's a Fedoriya!" To your delight, he burst into a roar of laughter at your terrible pun. It was very pleasing to your ears. High pitched, yet somehow still musical. Actually, with his grey school uniform to match, the hat complimented him well. In another life, he could definitely pull it off... assuming in that life he had a confident sense of swag and style.

You gestured him over to the rack where a diverting Viking helmet was just waiting for you.

"How does this one look?" Izuku asked you, now garnished by a humorously oversized top hat. You snickered before answering, "You look positively Midorable." He clutched his sides, exploding with laughter once more.

"Two in a row. I'm on fire today." You said, proud of your horrendously dweebish witticism. 'Time to quit while you're ahead.' You turned by the edge of the shelf, about to make your way around the corner.

"You're so clever, F/N!" Midoriya exclaimed in admiration. "You're so confident and you always know exactly what to say. I wish I could be more like you."

You loved that he was never afraid to admit his appreciation of others. And his compliments were never false either. He genuinely held the people around him in that level of esteem. He was consistently able to make you feel good about yourself. It was easy to see why everyone in your class trusted him. But you felt that he was the one who truly deserved the compliments. "Don't be ridiculous, Izuku." You replied. "You're the one who's super thoughtful and nice. That's why everyone likes you. I wish I could be more like you." He gifted you a grateful smile.

"Lets go." You said. "I think the ice cream shop is going to close soon."

He hesitated. "Uh... I'll be right there." You figured he wanted to get something. "Ok. What flavor ice cream do you want?" You asked loudly from a nearby bench. "Mint chip!" He called back to you cheerfully. You held a thumbs up to let him know you heard him, turning on your heels to run to the ice cream kiosk. The sun was beginning to set over the sea. Pink and orange light sparkled off the ocean water, blending its blue deepness with the haze of purple clouds above.

On your walk back, he caught your eye, running to meet you half-way with his hands in his pockets. You handed him the mint chip cone, noticing how the green and brown color scheme of the ice cream matched that of his hair. It was almost serene.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now