Chapter 2: Courting Begins

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FRIDAY (2 weeks until Lovers Day)

'TGIF...' You were so grateful that Friday had come. Besides the Lover's day shenanigans and the whole note business yesterday, it had been an exceptionally boring school week. But nonetheless, you were looking forward to this morning.

You yawned and stretched, approaching the large picturesque window of the student lounge. Sunrise arrived, illuminating the countertops and tile floors, giving them a honey-colored shimmer. You heard the door open behind you.

"Good morning, Izuku."

"Good morning." He approached you with a little Tupperware container and a crooked smile.

"I uh... made you something." He said nervously, shoving the container into your arms.

"Thanks! That's so thoughtful!" You exclaimed, opening the carton seal with a small ploof. A sweet doughy aroma filled your nostrils. You investigated the contents hungrily. "Aw! It's... um..." You paused and pursed your lips. Well... you weren't sure what they were exactly. "What are these?" You asked him.

"Huh? They're muffins." He said with doe-eyed innocence, surprised you didn't recognize them.

"Oh. I thought maybe they were no-bake cookies or something." You replied. He peered into the box to double-check.

"GWAH?! What happened?! They're flat!" He yelped frantically.

"Are they not supposed to be flat?"

"No! They're muffins!"

"So they're muffins that look like cookies. They're cuffins." You said with a dorky smile.

"Something must have went wrong." He added fretfully.

"It's ok. Probably just not enough of whatever makes them fluffy. I'm sure they still taste good." You picked up one of the cookie-muffins. The texture was dry and crumbly and the color was dark. They must be chocolate. Your favorite! Midoriya waited in anticipation with his fingertips pressed together, watching you take a generously large bite. 'Oh no... They're just as bad as they look!' The texture was parched with a hint of staleness and chocolate, but all of that was drowned out by the overwhelming burnt flavor. You didn't have time to hide your reaction before- "Oh gosh! You hate it!" Midoriya cried, clamping his hands over his mouth. "No, no! They're fine!" You lied, certain your contorted face was making your deceit even less convincing.

"I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you, I promise!" He shouted, bending over in a bow.

You used this brief opportunity to quickly spit out the cuffin into your hand. 'You could make it up to me right now with a glass of milk or something...'

"You don't have to do that. You were just trying to be nice. I'm not mad at you."

He looked up, a little relieved. "You sure?" You nodded to reassure him.

"What recipe did you use?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Oh. Just something I found online. Here." He pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it over. You examined the ingredients and realized what was missing.

"Izuku! There are no eggs in this recipe!" You laughed, knowing that was the reason for the dry texture. He stood there for a moment, gazing at you in stupefaction.

"I'm so embarrassed!" He covered his crimson face with his hands, turning away from you. Your whimsical laughter became even harder for you to stifle. You had the mind to cheer him up, but your own sense of humor clobbered you.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now