FINAL CHAPTER: The Decision Part 1

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You took a hot shower to calm yourself that evening. You returned to your bed, noting that your phone was lighting up. You grimaced, viewing the source.

(5:17 pm) Missed call from Izuku

(5:20 pm) Izuku: Hey, F/N. Are you okay? Tell me what's wrong.

(5:30 pm) Missed call from Izuku

(5:33 pm) Izuku: Can we please talk? Call me.

(6:09 pm) Missed call from Izuku

(7:12 pm) Izuku: I guess you are busy... But I wanted to let you know that if I did anything to upset you, I didn't mean to and I'm really sorry.

Bitter and strained, you decided to turn your phone off... and leave it off for the entire weekend.


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Uraraka bellowed as you walked into school.

"Eh?!" You were startled.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you all weekend!"

"Oh... Sorry. I turned my phone off Friday. I... needed some time to think." You pulled the phone out of your purse and pressed the power button. "Holy shit..." You mumbled as 48 messages and mixed calls blew up your phone. The majority were split between Izuku and Uraraka, with a few stragglers from Tsuyu and Momo, and one lone text from Katsuki that simply said, "Hey."

"Exactly." She crossed her arms. "You can't just disappear off the face of the earth like that."

"Sorry." You apologized, scrolling through the missed messages.

"Here." She pulled out an envelope and handed it to you.

"What's this?"

"You should have answered your phone. Deku was pestering me all weekend about you." You flipped open the envelope to see a giftcard to the restaurant you had taken him to by the beach. A final desperate effort from Midoriya.

"There's a letter in here too..." You noticed, but didn't have the heart to read it.

"Yeah. I'm surprised he didn't give it to you when he went to see you on Saturday."

"Wait, what?" You questioned. "He came to my house?"

"You didn't see him?"

"No. I must have been out." You were relieved, yet somehow disappointed. Oh, how badly you wanted to reconcile with him. To have him beg on his knees for forgiveness so you could pretend that none of this ever happened.

"Yeah." She continued. "He stopped by and asked me for advice about you."

The memory quickly rushed back into your mind. 'Do you know what kinds of things Uraraka likes?' You scowled.

"And what did you tell him?" You asked.

"Nothing really." She sighed. "But he seemed really genuine about patching things up with you. I think he actually feels guilty-"

"Good." You snapped.

"It kind of made me wonder... if we are doing the right thing by making them feel this way..." Your eyes widened at her sudden doubts.

"You aren't thinking of backing out NOW are you?!"


"They deserve this." You concluded with resolve, placing your hands on her shoulders.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now