Chapter 8: Cheaters

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Homeroom was a blur. Most of the morning you spent with your head down on the desk. You were exhausted. Not to mention your stomach was in knots.

A gentle hand on your head suddenly interrupted your deep self-wallowing. "Are you okay?" You didn't have to open your eyes to recognize Midoriya's voice. You nodded.

"Just didn't sleep well I guess. And my stomach is a little upset." He didn't say anything else. You plopped your head back down for a few minutes. Fshhhh. Clink. You looked up to see a can of soda on your desk that Midoriya opened for you. You raised your eyebrows slightly in confusion.

"My mom always gives me ginger ale when my belly hurts." You propped up on one arm, flashing him a sleepy smile. "You're my hero."

"Shut up and sit down, Deku!" A loud voice shattered your ears. "Can't you see she has a headache?!" Well if you didn't before, you certainly had one now.

"AH! You're right, Kacchan! I'm sorry, F/N!" Izuku spluttered. You opened your mouth to defend him, but all that came out was, "It's ok, Izuku." The truth was you still felt put out by him. So you were okay with him suffering one single tiny indignity from Kacchan today. 'But just one...' You flashed Bakugou the mandatory warning glance.

Bakugou sat down in the empty chair in front of you and turned in your direction. He handed you something in a little bag. "What's this?" You asked, narrowing your eyes. Why was he not attempting to kill you after Monday's ordeal with him?

"Coffee." He replied. You sniffed the small package. The aroma was rich and dark with a hint of vanilla. "It's imported from France. It's usually expensive, but I was able to pull some strings." He bragged. 'It's totally poisoned...' You thought.

"Aren't we too young to drink coffee?" Izuku asked innocently.

"Only if you're immature." He scoffed snidely at him. 'Maybe two is okay...'

Midoriya turned his eyes down to his desk. You did the same. To be honest, you agreed with him. Even last night his mother made hot cocoa for the two of you. You thought that coffee was totally bitter by comparison. However, you couldn't simply reject such a fine gift. "How sophisticated!" You claimed, thinking he earned a small stroke to his ego. "Thank you, Kacchan!" He shrugged, returning to his seat near the back of the room. "I play to win." He said; more to Midoriya than to you. You let out a scornful "psh" with your lips. Its not like Kacchan had to worry about that. Midoriya was going to choose Uraraka anyway. You heaved another heavy sigh.

Lunch rolled around before you knew it. You sat down with Ochako, trying to be cordial and calm despite the twinges of jealousy clawing at the back of your throat. You noticed Iida and Izuku were nowhere to be found in the cafeteria. That was actually semi-fortunate since you needed to talk to her alone anyway. Though you weren't sure where to start.

"Did you ever finish that novel?" You asked her. She nodded. "Could I maybe borrow it?"

"Sure." She rustled through her book-bag and pulled it out for you. "I saw Bakugou give you something today. What was it?" She asked with curiosity.

"Oh. It was some fancy foreign coffee." You said, tossing her the small bundle.

"Ooh." She sniffed the package. "Wait, do you even like coffee?" She tilted her head at you. You observed at the surrounding vicinity before answering.

"No." You whispered. "But it would have been rude to say that. I figured at least my parents can drink it. Also didn't seem like a good decision to piss Bakugou off more after what happened the other day." She smiled.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now