Chapter 11- Birds, bees, and love letters

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FRIDAY- 1 week until Lovers Day

You looked down at your phone deep in thought, scrolling through the messages you had sent to Uraraka regarding your date with Bakugou. A whirlpool of mixed emotions filled you. Despite agreeing to the date purely out of animosity for Midoriya, you actually had a nice time. The clever banter you were able to exchange with Katsuki was surprisingly addicting. He was a perfect match for your wit... almost. Not to mention that you never had to worry about hurting his feelings. You had mentally settled on the fact that he was a very secure back-up plan for Lovers Day. But something still stirred you with unease. You fiddled with the lovely dangling earrings you had worn since Midoriya bought them for you. Iida's words echoed, haunting your mind: "Do you want Midoriya to win?"

"I guess I did..." You admitted to yourself. You looked up, seeing his green eyes appear before you, clear as day. "AGH!"

"Good morning, F/N!" He greeted brightly.

"Izuku, you scared me."

"Yeah. You looked pretty deep in thought and I didn't want to interrupt. Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"Uh..." You decided not to answer. "What are you doing here? You aren't usually on my train in the morning."

"Oh? Yeah. I woke up earlier than usual and went for a run. I guess I just happened to wind up on the same train as you. Small world, huh?"

"Mm." You nodded. It was much too early for his bubbliness.

"While I was out..." He turned to pull something out of his backpack. "I uh- found this for you..." A small pink lily came into view. You clenched your eyes shut for a moment. 'Just stop.' You begged internally. The more effort he presented, the more excruciating it was for you. "I remember the other day you said that you liked them..." He fell silent upon seeing your pained expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." You lied, taking the flower from him. "Thank you. It's beautiful." You pulled a bobby pin out of your purse, snapped off the stem and pinned it in your hair behind your ear. "How does it look?" You asked.

"I think you look very attractful." He stated stupidly. "Er- wait. That's not a word. What I meant to say was beautiful... but you had already said it was beautiful so I tried to say that it was attractive and it came out as... Ugh!" He threw his arms around his head to cover his blush. You always liked that shy little display of his. You giggled, feeling your mood uplift slightly.

"Well thanks. You will have to protect me from the bees on the way to school though." He smiled blissfully at the notion that you wanted his protection.

The two of you departed the train together and approached the courtyard filled with cherry blossoms.

"I wanted to ask you something." Izuku piped up.


"Regarding Kacchan." He began. Your eyes widened in panic. You waited for him to continue. "That is... do you like-"




You coughed as a massive gust nearly knocked you to the ground. Your mind had to catch up to what had just happened. A buzz had flown past your ear, causing you to squeal. You saw Midoriya raise his hand to flick it away before a tremendous wind blew the petals off of your lily.

"Jeez. What on earth was- AGH! Did you just use your quirk?!"

"I-" You grabbed his hand, examining the damage.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now