Chapter 9: Jealousy

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Sorry that this chapter is a little long. Couldn't find a good spot to split it like I could with some of the other chapters. 

"Not him! You can't mean it!" Uraraka protested, hands flailing.

"I mean it."

"F/N, No!"

"F/N, YEEESSSSSS." You hissed with a devilish grin.

"He's so... uh... I don't think I can handle..." She didn't seem as disgusted as you originally thought. Rather she appeared cornered, like a frightened animal.

"Ah... Well... I suppose since they are pursuing both of us, it doesn't really matter which one of us gets with him. I'll do it then." Even if Midoriya likes Uraraka more, seeing his close friend dating his rival still has to sting a little. Besides, you secretly always wanted to know what Midoriya's jealousy looks like. 'Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever once seen him get angry.' But you always imagined it would be something akin to having a dandelion yell at you.

"Are you sure? He's like one eye patch and a Persian cat away from being a supervillain." You covered your mouth to muffle an outburst of laughter.

"Gee, Ochako. Tell me what you really think..." Her bluntness has officially reached maximum levels. "It's settled then. All we have to do is find a guy for you. Is there anyone in the class that isn't already set up with someone?"

"Well I'm pretty sure Todoroki is ruled out... How about Kaminari?" You winced, remembering you had already attempted to set him up with Jirou. You shook your head.

"Uh... Minet-"

"Pass." She deadpanned flatly.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice startled you from behind.

"...Hey Kirishiiiimaaaaaa." You smirked mischieviously, throwing Uraraka a significant glance. "What are you still doing here?" You inquired casually.

"On my way to the gym. Want to come?" He offered.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Kiri. I can't. But I'm sure Ochako would looooove to join you." You scooted her over to him, tapping on her bum in encouragement.

"Rad!" He exclaimed with an oblivious smile. "It's upper body day, Uraraka. Are you pumped?!" His painfully upbeat disposition made Ochako roll her eyes.

"See you all tomorrow." You called, noting Ochako staring daggers at you as you walked away.

THURSDAY (lunchtime)

"Ugh. My arms are killing me." Uraraka complained as you entered the lunchroom. You snickered before noticing her frowning at the table where Ida and Midoriya sat. You patted her gently on the shoulder. "We have to play this as if nothing has changed." She nodded, exhaling her aggression with a puff. You scoped out Bakugou, who was standing near the buffet table. "I'll meet you at the lunch table in a minute." You swept over to him flirtatiously. "Kacchan." You touched his arm with your fingertips. He turned to face you with a bored expression.


"I wanted to gi-" You realized the heaping congregation blocked a direct line of sight to Izuku. "Er- one sec." You shifted his position to the gap in the crowd. His brows furrowed in puzzlement. Midoriya's hair came into clear view. 'Wait. Did he brush it today?! Weird.'

"Ah. There." You stopped him with your arms. "I just wanted to pay you back for the coffee you gave me." You said, unzipping your bag.

"It's fine. Forget about it." He grunted.

"I insist. I heard you liked spicy food. So I made you something-"

"I don't want it." He spat.

"Why?" Your mouth fell open. You would have felt offended if you actually cared what he thought of you.

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