Chapter 7: Heartbreak

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After the Bakugou incident, you were really glad you weren't going to school today. You briefly pondered if he would get detention for the desk he damaged.

"5:40." You said, glancing at your clock. You packed up your things and started walking to Midoriya's. * knock knock *

"I'll get it!" You heard his muffled voice yell from behind the door. The door opened and you were left facing a very unguarded-looking boy. He was adorned in a plain white shirt, a pair of blue pajama pants complete with tiny All Mights on it, and a cozy looking green robe. It was unexplainably becoming. He happily greeted you, ruffling his damp hair with a towel. It was so overwhelmingly cute that you had to fight back a delighted squeal. "Hey, F/N." He said. "How was your day?"

"Good." You nodded, your smile refusing to wane even a little.

"Here are the notes from today." He said, handing them to you. "I copied them over so you wouldn't have to write it all out."

"Aw. You didn't have to do that. Thank you, Izuku."

"Is that all you needed?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"Actually... Since I'm here, do you want to study with me?"

"Sure! Come in." He beamed in a jolly way. You obeyed, noticing how his energy always managed to brighten your mood. "My room's this way." He said, leading you down the hall.

"Oh, who's this?" A woman asked, obviously his mother. She had his exact hair, eyes, and youthful round face. "I'm F/N. Nice to meet you." She gave you a funny, but friendly look. "Nice to meet you too." She replied.

"We're going to study, mom." He called to her as you slid into his bedroom. If you weren't ready for his hero pajamas, you certainly weren't ready for this. Beneath the foot of his double bed was a large All Might area rug. Posters of every famous hero garnished the whole wall. You looked to your left- "AAGH!" You shrieked.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Izuku asked. You blinked, terribly startled. The giant you saw next to you was just an obscenely large poster of All Might. You laughed out loud. "I'm sorry. That poster's so big that I thought it was real."

"Yeah." He said, embarrassment in his voice. "I... He... uh..." He stumbled over his words, probably regretting letting a girl see his room. "I always aspired to be a hero like him." He managed to say before blushing.

"That shouldn't be too hard for you." You replied, still inspecting his room. "After all, your powers are really similar- Oh my gosh! You have a figure of Thundersteel!" You exclaimed with excitement, picking up the small action figure delicately. "He was always my favorite... besides All Might of course." You added, knowing that's what he wanted to hear.

"I catch his show every night!" Izuku shouted, blatantly unveiling his nerdy side to you. "Me too!" You admitted right back. "We should study really hard now so we can watch it tonight!" He agreed fervently, sitting back on his bed to get his notes. "You can have the desk if you want." He offered.

"This is fine." You said plopping next to him. His unkempt hair bounced from the reverberation. Nearly 2 hours of quiet focus passed. His mother poked in with a study snack for the two of you: home-made hot chocolate. "Wow. Thanks Mrs. Midoriya!"

"I wasn't sure how many marshmallows you would want so I brought the whole bag." She set the tray carefully on the night stand. You could see where Midoriya's sweet tendencies came from.

"That's so nice of you. I love marshmallows."

"Thanks mom." Izuku placated politely as she closed the door behind her.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now