Chapter 10: Fiery competition

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For all you Bakugou lovers out there, this lil chapter is for you. 


"Anteiku." You read the sign above your head, which matched the text that Bakugou had sent you. A little bell jingled as the door swung open. The scent of roasted coffee beans and sounds of screeching machines filled your senses before a familiar blonde head caught your eye.

"Hey." He greeted as you sat down.

"How's it going?" You asked politely.

"Same as it was when I saw you a half hour ago." He said snidely. You made a face at him before noticing a young dark haired server approach the table.

"Welcome to Anteiku. Today's specialty-"

"What's with the eyepatch, shorty?" Bakugou scoffed.

"Kacchan!" You hissed through clenched teeth at his rudeness. "I'm sorry." You apologized to the waiter. "I'll have a hot chocolate and this one will have a nice tall glass of shut the hell up." You watched as Katsuki bared his teeth.

"Coffee for me." He growled lowly. The waiter nodded and left the table.

"Well hopefully there will only be spit in your drink and not mine." You said with a grin, kicking him lightly under the table.

"What did I do?! I just asked him a question!" He rolled his eyes. You laughed, honestly believing that his impoliteness was not intended to be malicious.

"You're so funny, Kacchan."

"Why do you call me that?" He asked.

"Huh?" You paused. "Well Midoriya has known you longer and he calls you that. So I figured you were okay with it."

"It's just some dumb nickname that stupid Deku gave me." He said. For the briefest of moments you pouted. 'Izuku never gave ME a cute nickname...'

"I see. Ok. No more Kacchan then. I will have to figure out a better nickname for you."


"Here ya go." The waiter said in his soft tenor tone as he sat the hot drinks in front of you.

"Thanks." Bakugou mumbled.

"Wow. Betcha didn't see that coming." You said to the waiter. Silence fell over the table. Even Katsuki was tilting his head at you as if you had said something offensive. Your eyes widened at your faux pas. "AH! Er! Not because you can't see or anything... I just meant that..." You babbled apologies as Bakugou's cackle filled the café. "Ugh!" You surrendered, plopping your face into your hands.

"It's okay, miss." The waiter comforted. "I have both of my eyes. I wasn't offended."

"Thank you." You sighed in utter defeat as he walked away. "...Oh shut up, Katsuki!" You snapped to stifle his boisterous roar of laughter. He leaned forward and took a quiet sip of coffee, his features still painted with a shit-eating grin. You sulked at him in silence for a moment.

"Go on then." Bakugou teased. "Taste your little 5-year-old drink."

"Hey! Adults can like hot chocolate too!" You defended.

"Do you want rainbow sprinkles and widdle marshmallows to go with it?" He quipped.

"At least they'd be sweeter than you." You snapped back, taking the cup in hand. "Mm. This is actually really good. Want a sip?" He shrugged and tasted it, nodding in apathetic approval. "Hey. By the way... did you end up getting in trouble for blowing up my desk the other day?"

"Ack." He smacked his palm to his face. "Yeah. I got detention. All because four-eyes ratted me out to Aizawa." '...Does he not know Iida's name?' You wondered.

"You're a force of nature, Katsuki." You said, shaking your head. He lifted his chin proudly. "Ooh! That gives me an idea for a better nickname for you." He raised his eyebrows with high expectation.

"Alright. Impress me." He challenged.

"You know how hurricanes have naming systems categorized based on their severity?"

"What of it?"

"Well they call them Cat one through five for short. Five is the strongest. So that's what I'll call you. Kat-5." He gazed out the window as if holding back a smile.

"Fine. Whatever, loser." He muttered, looking slightly flustered. His lack of a witty retort made it safe to assume he liked it. 'This is... kind of cute...' You admitted to yourself, smiling from ear to ear. 'If I saw more of THIS Katsuki, he may have been a stronger competitor from the start.' You scooted your chair around the side of the table next to him.

"KAT-FIIIIIIVVVEEE!" You sang, poking his belly playfully with your fingers.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU SO WEIRD?!" He squirmed away from your touch, which struck you as unusual. On any normal occasion, he would just reach out his hand and blow up the head of whoever was bugging him. But this time he didn't. You smiled at his discomfort.

"Hey. I have a favor to ask you." You interrupted his fidgeting. "I need you to help me study for the test next week. I haven't started and-"

"Figure it out yourself." He grunted, returning to his default aggression level.

"Fine." You swished your hand in an aloof gesture. "I'll just ask Midoriya to help me instead." You couldn't say for sure but you thought you might have seen Bakugou's eye twitch a little.

"Don't ask stupid Deku for help!" He protested.

"I mean if you wont help me..." You shrugged as if your hands were tied by the situation. He huffed in frustration.

"Fine! We can study. Just shut up about that shitnerd." He conceded in defeat. You smiled wryly. 'Like taking candy from a baby.'

"Shitzuku." You whispered absentmindedly out of spite.

"Hah!" He threw his head back at the insult. "Perfect! You're on a roll with nicknames today, F/N." You winced, hoping that wouldn't come back to bite you. 'Wait...' You blinked.

"Was that an actual compliment?" You asked, bewildered. He looked away again, scowling at the floor.

"No. Shut up. Are we gonna study or what?" He demanded.

Ok. I lied. This chapter got too long and I am gonna have to split it. But YAY! Tokyo Ghoul references. And yes, Bakugou is taller than Kaneki. I looked it up. 

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