Chapter 4: Is this a Date?

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Just as you had predicted, the lunch line was absurdly long. You rubbed your eyes with your fingers with exhausted impatience. A few minutes passed as you made lunchline small-talk with a class 1-B student. Finally you joined Uraraka alone at the table. "I guess the rest of the class dragged their feet today." You mentioned, observing most of them were strewn in the succession of people. Your eyes followed the order from a ravenously angry looking Bakugou to a derpy tired Kaminari a few spots back, and all the way to the end. There was no sign of Ida or Midoriya.

"You missed lunch." You said to Midoriya as he took his seat in front of you. He turned as you poked him in the back with a finger.

"Oh. Yeah. I uh- brought my lunch today. The weather was nice so I ate outside." That took you by surprise. Today you hadn't noticed him carrying the unmistakable atrocity that was his All Might lunchbox.

"With Ida?"

"What? How'd you know?" He shifted in his seat restlessly.

"I just assumed since he wasn't at lunch either." You shrugged as if it was obvious. He nodded. "You should have told me and Ochako. We would have joined you."

"Oh! Right! I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking. We'll definitely invite you next time." He offered to compensate. "By the way... I wanted to ask you something..." He said, eyes shifting down to his tupperware container on your desk. A long pause followed.

"Yeah?" You urged him to continue.

"At the risk of humiliating myself again today..." He recoiled backwards in his seat, shutting his eyes tightly. "Would you maybe want to go to the beach with me?!" He barked stiffly.

"Yeah." You agreed informally. He opened his eyes. "But let's go today after school." You coerced. "I think there's some sort of art festival going on at Hoth beach. It's only like a 20 minute train ride."

"Great!" He flickered with stunned vitality.

"Meet you at the Tosche Train Station at 5? That way I can run home and change."

"Okay!" He said enthusiastically. "I'll see you there!" He turned back to face the board with his chin tilted triumphantly to the sky.

During the lecture, you scrawled a funny doodle of Bakugou eating the terrible muffins from this morning. You folded it messily and passed it to Midoriya. He let out a small peep of a restrained giggle. You fought back a mischievous smile, glancing over to notice Kirishima giving you a curious, yet arbitrary look. He raised an eyebrow at your indiscretion. You pursed your lips back, getting the message and returning your attention to Cementoss. Just then, Midoriya turned and flitted you a giddy grin. You had to bite your lip to subdue your desire to laugh.

'Dammit! Why is his smile so contagious?!' You covered your mouth with your fist and looked away from him. You could feel Iida's contemptuous gaze bore into the back of your head. 'Keep it together, F/N. You have all afternoon to get your Friday slaphappy giggles out.'

Suddenly a loud gurgling growl echoed through the classroom. Midoriya lurched forward, his arms clamping around his stomach. Cementoss continued the lesson uninterrupted.

When school ended, you bounded home to drop off your backpack. 'Now what to wear?' You were going out for a night on the town and wanted to look your best. 'Not for Midoriya, of course... just for the general public.' You told yourself. You searched for a nice blouse that said "fun, but classy." Then you stumbled upon your favorite mini skirt. It was tight in all the right places and had playful feathering around the sides and back so that it rippled deftly as you twirled. The civil word to describe such an article of clothing would be "sexy." You hoped it wouldn't send out the wrong kind of vibe. 'Eh, whatever. It's not like it's a date or anything.' You thought, throwing modesty to the wind. 'Wait... Is it?' You shook your head at the thought, applying a light layer of makeup.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now