Chapter 6: Matchmaking

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You strolled into class Monday in a sprightly sort of way. You heard peppy chatter throughout the day, learning that you weren't the only one who had an eventful weekend. Todoroki and Momo had also gone on a date. You didn't ask for details but you were certain it must have been over the top. You heard someone mention a private jet but that may have just been a rumor. However, this fact didn't seem to affect the gratuitous amount of chocolate Momo still uncovered in her desk each day. She gathered all the boxes clumsily as the end school bell rang.

"The price of being beautiful, eh, Momo?" You called to her as she walked out the door with most of your peers. It was then you felt a tickle on your hands. Midoriya had shimmied down in his desk, tilting his head back to look at you. You turned your palms up to catch his head.

"H-Hey, F/N." You grinned in response. "I was gonna ask... Can I maybe walk you to the station today?" There was a surprising amount of confidence in his tone.

"You always walk me to the station, Izuku." You chuckled. If this was his version of flirting, it was unbearable.

"Oh... Right." He said stupidly. You ruffled his hair vigorously, eliciting a giggle. He looked back up at you. "Oh hey! You're wearing the earrings I got you on Friday." He observed happily.

"Yep. They are so pretty that I didn't want to wait to wear them."

"Wait. You guys went out on Friday?" Kirishima asked curiously. 'Wow. We really suck at being discrete.' You thought to yourself.

"Oh... Yeah. There was an art thing at the beach." You stated. Bakugou walked between the desks and stopped to look down at you.

"Did you just say you went to the beach with this shitnerd?" He looked disgusted.

"Uh huh." You nodded saucily. "Why? What did you do this weekend?"

"I did what normal people do. I went golfing." He shrugged.

"Ah. I always knew you were into slapping around dimpled balls." You stuck your tongue out at him impudently. In all the time you had known him you had never heard Midoriya laugh louder. Kirishima cracked up too despite his close friendship with Bakugou. 'That was a mistake.' You realized, seeing the rage burn in his eyes.

"The fuck did you just say?!" He snarled, reaching back for an attack. You yelped, moving Midoriya's head out of the way as your desk got charred.


"It was just a joke, Bakugouuuu!" You yelled, bolting towards the door with him chasing you. Luckily Iida had restrained him before you needed to flee the classroom.

"Stupid bitch! Drop dead!"

"If I wanted to die, Kacchan, all I'd have to do is jump off of your ego and land on your IQ." You quipped once more. "Ooh. Somebody stop me!" You snapped your fingers pertly. 'OMG. What is wrong with me today?'

"Do you have a death wish, F/N?!" Mineta warned.

"We should go." You quietly whispered to Midoriya, grabbing your things. You carefully stepped over the tangled Iida-Bakugou complex and hurried out the door.

You stopped in the doorway and turned to make sure Katsuki was properly secured before adding, "Later, BAKA-gou." You moved to stick your tongue out again but missed the chance, as Midoriya was forcefully pushing you around the corner. Just in time, too. An explosion erupted, sending an unknown flying object soaring out the door at face-level. 'How the heck did he do that?!'

"Oh jeez. I think I overdid it."

He gestured you out a different exit than you usually take, just in case Bakugou were to get loose. He seemed to be walking closer to you than usual, which was definitely alright with you. You assumed it was to protect you from the potential... strike that- the definite wrath that awaited you.

"F/N!" You heard a voice from behind you. "Oh, hey, Kaminari." You greeted, watching his yellow hair bounce as he bopped down the hallway. He held up a single pink rose in perfect bloom. "For the pretty lady." He wore a salesman-like simper. You raised your eyebrows and looked at Midoriya. 'It's a pretty bold move to do this right in front of your competition...' You figured he deserved to be teased for it.

"Oh. It's nice to know I'm second banana to Momo." You said with a hint of sass.

"Aw. Hey. Come on. Don't take it like that." He whined. You beamed back at him with a chuckle.

"I'm just messing with you." You said, accepting the flower. It had not crossed your mind until now that maybe he was hurt by Momo's rejection. If that was the case, bringing it up may have been a low blow. "You aren't upset about Momo, are you?" You asked delicately, trying to be more sensitive of his feelings.

"Me? Nah." He replied with a swish of his hand. "I just want to get picked by a pretty girl." You smirked, knowing that your original suspicion was correct.

"Well thank you. And good luck. I'm sure someone will pick you."

He smiled widely and walked away. 'Probably on to his next victim.' You thought, glancing back to Midoriya. He was eyeing Kaminari with the most peculiar expression.

"Let's go." You commanded, pulling lightly on his sleeve as you walked away. He obeyed, walking closely by your side again. "Mmm." You sighed, inhaling the sweet aroma of the flower. You held it up to his nose to sample. He sniffed, mirroring your pleased little hum.

The two of you rounded the corner to the front door and noticed Kyouka Jirou sitting by herself listening to music.

Turning to Izuku, you whispered, "I have an idea." You hooked arms with him, pulling him along. "Kyouka!" You exclaimed in a bubbly way. You handed over the rose with exuberance. "What's this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in an almost judgemental expression.

"It's for you. It's from Kaminari." You lied smoothly. "He said, 'your beauty is electrifying.'"

"Oh." She said in hushed tones, appearing slightly flustered. A fiendish grin pulled at your cheeks. 'I knew it.'

"Why don't you ask him out?" You suggested openly.

"Would he say yes?" She asked, insecurity seeping through her voice.

"I'm sure he will." You answered confidently. "But don't bring up the flower or anything..." You tried thinking of a reasonable excuse. She couldn't exactly thank him for something he didn't do. That could certainly come back to bite you. You imagine Midoriya was thinking the same thing. "He might be embarrassed. So you know... be cool." You told her, hoping she could be discrete.

"Oh. Of course." She said, nodding. "Thank you, F/N."

You smiled and winked as you walked away. You held a finger to your lips so that Midoriya wouldn't speak while she was still in earshot. Once you reached the main entrance to the school he turned to you.

"That was nice of you, F/N." Izuku said.

"Oh? Well thanks." You said, accepting the unnecessary compliment. "I like Lilies better anyway." You added with a shrug.

"I can't believe what you just said to Kacchan." He yawped at you.

"Yeah. I don't know what I was thinking. I thought I was gonna die." You laughed at your own lunacy.

"That was amazing. You're my hero." He exclaimed smiling ear to ear. The two of you cackled about your actions all the way to the station. 

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now