FINAL CHAPTER: The Decision Part 2

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The day has come. [See what I did there?] You brought in the finalized package into class with you. You faced forward hoping nobody would ask you about it. You saw Midoriya glancing at it out of the corner of your eye. He needed to get a good look at it before you could put it away in your desk.

"So is this my prize?" Katsuki asked as you were moving it. "It's not Lovers Day till after school! Sit down, Katsuki!" You screeched at him, pointing him to his desk.

"Heh. I guess I can wait a few more hours." He smirked, strutting back to his seat. 

"Oh you'll be waiting a lot longer than that." You mumbled snidely.

"What?" Izuku asked.

"Nothing! Nothing." You said with a big feaux grin. You cleared your throat and looked the other way.

It was hard to power through the rest of the day. The anticipation was killing you. But you finally walked in to the student lounge, which was decorated in pink streamers and ribbons. You wouldn't call it ornate but somebody put a measurable amount of effort into it. Ochako, Iida, and Izuku caught your eye from across the room. You smiled and waved. You sent Ochako a significant look, urging her to keep Midoriya there for a few more minutes.

You had to take care of something first... It didn't take long to locate Katsuki's stark hair color in the crowd. Not to mention his loud voice...

"Kat-Five!" You called, beckoning to him when he looked up.

"Hah! Later losers!" He called back to them as he rushed over to you. You looked over to Ochako, who was patting Midoriya's head, which had already found it's way to the tabletop. You sighed. 'Just a few more minutes, Izuku...'

Bakugou arrived to your side. "I need to talk to you. Come with me." You dragged him aggressively through the open doors and just out of sight of your classmates. You pulled the  letter you received out of your pocket. "I know you lied, Katsuki." You said angrily. "You stole Midoriya's letter and signed it. How could you do that?" He looked unphased by your words.

"Eh. I figured you could do better than that nerd." The pit of your stomach churned in disgust.

"Yeah? Well that NERD just kicked your butt in this competition. This gift is for him and not you!" You yelled to rub it in. He made a pissed-off 'tch' sound with his tongue. "Go home Kacchan!" You shouted, demoting him back to the original nickname he hates. "Save yourself the embarrassment!" With that, you turned on your heels and strolled back into the lunchroom.

An explosion resounded right as you walked through the door. "Where did you go?" Ochako asked as you rounded the table.

"I had to take out the trash." You quipped. You noted that Tenya must have won his own competition, since he was wearing a little crown that Ochako kept floating above his head as well as a cozy-looking scarf that had "UA class rep" embroidered neatly onto the tail. You assumed she had made it from scratch. You smiled at them before glancing down at your woeful beloved.

Your resounding heartbeat echoed in your ears. Why were you nervous?! You were so confident this whole time, but now that the moment arrived you became petrified of a ruthless rejection from him. 'It's now or never! He deserves to know your true feelings.' You reached out a shaky hand and placed it on his shoulder. "Izuku." You whispered softly near his ear. He jerked upright, his miserable expression turning to surprise when he saw your face.

"F/N." He mumbled. His eyes darted around you, searching for something. "Where's Kacchan?" He asked, still convinced Bakugou was the winner.

"I told him to leave." You said.

Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now