Chapter 2.

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I woke up early the next morning, due to my bladder screaming to be empty. I was sore all over, though I was use to all these love making workouts yet I was still weak to keep up with his sexual appetite, he doesn't get tired, never ever.

After taking a shower and then towel drying my hair. I wrapped my self in a robe and very slowly opened the door, so it doesn't make noise. After closing the door behind me. I padded my way towards the closet lightly, after entering the closet I was again free to move freely. I went through my dresses, to decide what should I wear today, as Brandon's mom was arriving today and I had to look pretty enough to stand beside her. According to her I wasn't pretty enough, talented enough and worth being a part of their family and I never object. I was a normal brunette with an average height, the only thing charming about me was my eyes, my dark sea blue eyes from my mothers side. I sighed and took out one of my blue dress. It was knee length and appropriate for today according to me. I went towards my vanity and started putting moisture on my face and arms. I was rubbing it on the side of my neck when I noticed something red on it, I pulled my robe down from my left shoulder and I gasped as I saw a trail of love bites. hickeys if you would like to call it that, from my shoulder down towards my chest. Just then I heard the door to the closet open and instead of pulling the robe up and turning around I sat there with my shoulder exposed and hickeys starting from my shoulder and going under the robe on my chest. I looked up in the mirror and saw him looking right at me through the mirror. Suddenly our eyes met and nobody spoke a word. He kept the eye contact for a moment and then looked away and walked towards his side of the closet.


On our way towards the airport, we bought a bouquet of flowers for his mom, he said it wasn't necessary but I knew it was. I was nervous to meet his mom, scared even but it wasn't like I could run anywhere. So I just tried calming my nerves and focusing on the good side. Brandon took my hand as soon as we stepped out of the car, the public affection was necessary for the good press. We walked past the the camera men and journalists screaming for our attention and walked straight towards the departure section under the protection of our bodyguards. I took of my shades when we reached there and so did Brandon. we waited for the few more minutes before his mother arrived. Just seeing her made me get nervous all over but I couldn't do it now. I had to act as a loving wife and daughter in law, so I smiled and so did she. She hugged me first, a tight and a fake hug. I hugged her back of course, she kissed my cheek before going towards her son and her eyes sparkled with love and genuine affection. She kissed his cheek first before hugging him. I may not like her for the way she behaves with me but the love for Brandon in her eyes make me like her. she was a fan of her son and did everything for his welfare.

After a little family reunion, Anna and I walked towards the car with Brandon taking care of the luggage. On a normal day she would have sat in the front and pushed me toward the back but here in front of the press she had to act all sweet and nice so she insisted on making me sit in the front and so I did and she took the back seat, soon Brandon came back and started driving towards our house, which was going to be hell for a week or more,

"Hmm, the food taste heavenly, your cook is amazing Brandon, where is he, I want to compliment him." Anna said and I just kept quite and ate my food, "Elizabeth made the dinner mom." Brandon said and her eyes were a little wide, due to the fact that she complimented someone she disliked the most, "oh, the food is nice, Elizabeth." She said and took sip of her vine, "thank you Anna." I replied and after a few more minutes of awkwardness, she went back to talking about her journey, after dinner they both shifted into the living room and I cleaned up the table and helped our maid washing the dishes. As I came out of the kitchen and looked at the watch, it was already eight thirty, I sighed and went up to my room. As I don't think anybody would like my presence anyway. I was so tired, it was tiring day and I wasn't energized either. So I changed into my nightdress, which I rarely wear as most of the time I don't need one, and then I went to sleep, which came really quick.

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