Chapter 3.

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"I know Stacey but I can't come today." I repeated myself,

"Lizzie you have to, you know how hard it is to look after everything now and I have to move in this house before my 7th month." She tried reasoning, but how could I?, Anna would definitely make a scene,

"I'll try, but I'll come after 5." I said and she kept quite for few minutes before finally agreeing, I sighed and went back to setting the breakfast table, just when I was putting the the jug down, Anna entered, "good morning Anna." I said and she replied with a morning without looking up,

"where's Brandon?." She asked me, looking up from her phone for the first time,

"showering maybe, I'll just go and check." I said and walked towards my room. Just as I entered the room, I saw a shirtless Brandon still sleeping. It was rare. I walked towards him and called his name. He didn't responded so I gave him a light shook. He groaned but didn't wake up, "brandon." I called again with a big shake and this time, he sat up just to pull me on the bed with him. He then pulled me closer to his body. A sigh escaped his lips and he went back to sleep, I was so amazed at what happened that I didn't even spoke a word. After a few seconds of blinking I relized that we're cuddling. I didn't wanted to waste this golden opportunity to be close to brandon in such a way but it was hard to ignore the fact that Anna was waiting downstairs, so I tried wiggling out of his grip, which was a waste, because brandon was surly strong and a tough guy, "Brandon." I called out and he replied with hmm, "Brandon." this time I called louder and his body got tensed

after a few seconds of a tense silence, he slowly pulled his arms back, I took the hint and sat up immediately, "Anna is waiting downstairs." I said before standing up and leaving the room.


"Brandon, you're late, it doesn't look like you at all." Anna said as soon as Brandon entered the dinning room,

"I am sorry, I just had a little more liquor than usual last night." he said taking a seat beside me, I filled his glass and his plate with some egg and fruits. And he started digging in,

"Maria called, she was asking about you. she was so worried about you. She told told you were not answering her calls. She cares so much about you." Anna said and I tensed, not again, I thought, Maria was Anna's neigh, Anna always tried to set Brandon and her together, even after our marriage. I just ignored and ate my omelette,

"nice of her." Was all Brandon said before taking his newspaper and reading it,

"she's such a sweet girl, I really like her." Anna said again trying to continue the topic. Brandon opened his mouth to reply but before he could utter a word his phone started ringing. He closed his mouth and then answered his phone standing and walking out. Leaving me alone with Anna,

"My poor son, he looks so weak, are you not taking care of his diet?" She asked and I cleared my throat,

"Of course I am, he's just working too much these days." I replied, what else could I say? You should get your eyes checked?, because Brandon in 6 months has not only gained weight but more muscles and a healthy body, not too fat, not too slim. He was somewhere in between with all good muscles, just the perfect kind figure he had.

After cleaning up the table, I took Anna to shopping. I didn't had anything else to do and one thing that Anna loves after her son was getting new stuff so yes. She bought everything she liked and I just kept trailing behind. After that when I got home, it was past six and I knew going to Stacey's house now was of no use. So just messaged her with a sorry note. I went into the kitchen then.

I was tired. One thing that I can never understand was, how can Anna not get tired of shopping. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I thought of cooking something but then my muscles protested so I just ordered some nice food for them and then sat in the lounge watching tv and waiting for Brandon and the food.

I woke up due to the voices coming from somewhere near. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I didn't realized that I fell asleep, I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, there the two of them were standing, Brandon and his mom,

"tell me Brandon when are we getting rid of her?." I heard Anna speak, she was talking about me,

"Mom please." He said while drinking water,

"are you both not sharing a bed?." She asked and Brandon looked at her immediately,

"of course we are." He said and I felt my cheeks getting hot, I blinked and kept standing there, out of sight,

"I knew it! That witch is infertile, isn't she?." Anna spoke with such venom in her voice, it literally shook me to my core,

"mo-" he tried saying something but Anna cut him off,

"I knew something was off about her, why would her father force her in a marriage without getting anything out of it!." She said and pulled at her hair, " I hate them all Brandon, just seeing her bring back sad memories. I can't take it anymore!." She cried and I saw tears in her eyes. her hatred for me?,

"mom, control yourself." He said but Anna was 0ut of control. Her shouting at Brandon and calling me names were the last words I heard before I ran towards my room and closed it behind. I couldn't help but cry myself, why would someone hate me so much?


Hope you guys like it,
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-Laila james.

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