Chapter 8.

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We reached home in silence and marched towards our room in complete silence too. As soon as we entered I sighed and sat on edge of the bed. "Elizabeth."

"What?!." I snapped at him and then regretted it.

"Why were you not home. It would have saved a lot of time and effort." He said and I watched him walk towards his desk and open his laptop before sitting on his chair.

"Why have you brought me here?." I asked him and he looked at me as if it is very obvious.

"Because this is your home and this is where you sleep." He said causally and went back to his laptop.

"I just wanted to spend some time with my family is that wrong?." I asked he didn't replied. "I am tired of staying here, with both of you. Anna hates me to my core and you.. well you don't even hate me. I don't know what's worst." I replied and stood up. I took the sheets and the pillow and set it on the couch before laying on it. "What are you doing?." I heard Brandon ask and I rolled my eyes. "I will not sleep in the same bed as you." I said and he just kept staring at me for few moments before going back to his laptop.


It's been more than 8 days since I have started sleeping on the couch. Well I did slept the first day but from the second Brandon kept putting me in the bed after I was asleep and taking the couch. I wouldn't talk to him at all and he didn't tried either. Anna went back to her house and our house was left only for us. It was more suffocating for me now. Now that I had to live in this house with absolutely nothing to do.

"Elizabeth?." I heard Brandon say on the dinner table. We normally didn't eat dinner together these days but today he just came home when I was on the table so he sat opposite to me. I looked up and found him already watching me. "This is not okay." He said and I honestly didn't knew what he was talking about.

"What is not okay?." I asked him with one eyebrow raised and he waved his fork around. "This. You and me. Living like this." He said and I literally wanted to laugh. We have no future together, why can't he get it. "If you have a problem with sleeping on the couch then don't worry. I was already thinking of shifting into the guest room." I replied.

"You're not doing anything like that." He growled and I rolled my eyes. "Brandon if you think I am ever going to come into your bed? Then you're thinking wrong. I want a divorce and nothing else!. Give me that or live like this!." I yelled and stomped out of the dining room.


I was just sleeping peacefully at night when I felt like someone was suffocating me. Nobody was, but it was so hard to breathe. My hand immediately went to my neck and I coughed. "B..b...bandon!." Some how I managed to speak, I coughed badly, "bran..." I fell from the bed taking the lamp down with me. "Elizabeth!." Brandon immediately came by my side and helped me sit on the bed. "What wrong?!." He turned the lights on and came running back towards me. I tried telling him that I can't breathe with my hands. He didn't got what I was saying but he immediately lifted me in his arms and ran out of the the room with me. Tears were running down my eyes. Sweat dripping from my forehead. I gripped his shoulder to compress the pain I felt inside. My head was hurting. We were soon in the car with Brandon driving like a mad man. "It's going to be all okay Beth." Telling me every now and them, Beth, he called me Beth. I was in no state to enjoy the nickname he gave me.


"What is wrong with her?." I heard Brandon ask the doctor.

"We don't know yet. We will have to do some test to confirm that. The tests will arrive till morning." The doctor said and left the room after answering Brandon's few more question.

"You look cute with that oxygen mask on your face." Brandon complimented and I smiled unintentionally over it. I wish he had always been like this. My inner voice whispered. "Sleep okay? I am right here." He said sitting on the chair beside my bed and I closed my eyes.


"Here eat." Brandon offered me a piece of banana,

"Brandon I am okay. I can eat with my own hands." I said and took the fork from his hand.

"I don't know how to deal with sick people okay?. Do whatever you like." He said and started tying on his laptop. Where did he got this from?. I rolled my eyes and went back to the bowl full of fruits. Suddenly the door opened after a short knock and a young girl wearing a lab coat entered. A stethoscope around her neck and a file in her hand entered. She was pretty with brown hair and a sweet smile on her face. Seeing her smile made me smile a little.

"Good morning Mrs Darcy. I hope you're doing well." She greeted me with such an enthusiasm,

"You were not the doctor who checked my wife last night." Brandon said immediately,

"Yes, but as the result of the reports came, I will be her doctor from now." She said and turned towards me. Checked my heart beat, asked me questions about any kind of weird things happening with my body.

"My appetite has vanished. I don't feel hungry. I can't eat more than a sandwich in the entire day." I told her and she immediately wrote it down.

"So now, again the same question. What. Is. Wrong with her?." Brandon asked standing up and the girl smiled.

"I don't how to say it but, You're expecting." She said and for second I just there like nothing happened but then the words sank and immediately sat straight. My eyes widened and breath got caught into my throat.

"Expecting what?" Brandon asked, genuinely confused.

"Umm, expecting a baby?" She said.

"Are you serious?!." I asked her and she giggled. "Yes." She said.

"I will you give you both a moment. I'll come back to write some precautions for you." She said and left. "You're pregnant Beth. We are going to have a baby." . This literally brought tears to my eyes. After so many months, after so many prayers I finally had a baby inside my womb.

"Let him be a boy." Brandon wished and his words brought me back to reality, my father, Anna, the massage contract and I snatched my hands from his.


It was really hard writing this chapter. Was totally out ideas due to the load of board exams but finally I have completed it, hope you guys liked it. Vote and comment to tell me what do you think of it.

-Laila James.

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