Chapter 5.

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The next few days went in blur, Brandon came home late, after I was asleep and left the house before I woke up. He thought I wouldn't notice but I did. waking up at night to use bathroom was the only time I saw him in the entire day.  It did bother me but I didn't say anything.

On the other hand Anna was being more than a bitch to me. She wouldn't directly approach me but would glare at me whenever I am in her sight, would taunt me from afar. But gladly didn't came near me. I spend most of the time at Stacey's house. Helping her setting things in her house. Buying toys for her baby and many more cute things.

As usual after getting dressed I went downstairs to get something to eat. Though I didn't felt like eating anything, I still made a sandwich for myself. To cease the weakness and laziness.

I just took my first bite when Anna walked in. I lost my appetite just by looking at her, so I stood up and put my sandwich in the fridge.

"What have you done to my son?." She yelled but I ignored her and kept washing my hands. I was just walking past her when she took hold of my arm and stopped me, "I said what have you done to my son!" She yelled again and tightened her grip on my arm,

"I did nothing!." I yelled back and tried getting free of her grip,

"don't lie to me!." She glared at me and gave me a shook,

"I did nothing other than telling him to back off!." I yelled and tried getting her hands off me,

"Youu.. you-." She tried saying something but I cut her off, "you what? Come on say it, witch? Wench? Whore? These words doesn't effect me anymore!." I said she just kept glaring at me,

"I am going to make your life a living hell Elizabeth if you will not behave well here!." She said through gritted teeth and released my hand,

"fuck off! And fuck you! you are a mad woman Anna! Leave me alone!." I yelled at her and suddenly I felt someone swirl me around and then the next Thing I felt is a smash on my cheek. It was so fast I couldn't even think what was happening. My hand immediately went to my cheek, I looked up to find Brandon standing in front of me, his eyes identical to Anna.

"You don't talk to my mother in that tone! Ever again!." He yelled at me and I couldn't stop the tears from falling, he slapped me, my eye widened, "do you get that?!." He yelled again and without even realizing what I was doing. I ran out of the kitchen, took my car keys and ran out of the house.


"It's okay Lizzie."Stacey said rubbing my back. But I kept sobbing, "Lizzie don't waste your tears for someone so worthless." She said and I couldn't help but sob even more because my heart didn't consider him worthless, "Lizzie just stop crying and listen to me." She said and again wiped my tears. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile, "They are not worth it, they don't deserve you. They think you're not valuable? Then don't give them anything to value." She said and I nodded, "Just don't cry okay?." She said and I nodded my head and wiped my tears. "Okay stand up, we have a lot of things to do.".


Stacey was a great help. She treated me with a trip to spa, which literally helped. Then we went for shopping and then after grabbing dinner, we watched movie at her house. As night approached I felt more anxious. I had to go home now and I didn't wanted to face any of them. The movie ended and I stood up,

"Where are you going?." She asked immediately,

"Stace I have to go now." I said and she shook her head,

"You're not going anywhere, do you think I will let you go there so they can beat you? No!." She said and pulled me back on the couch,

"Stacey I know you're right but if I didn't go today, I wouldn't be able to go there ever again." I said and she softened a bit,

"But Lizzie both of them are mad, they are going to kill you one day." She said brushed my hair away,

"Brandon is no-" I tried reasoning her but she cut me off, "if you wanna go there fine, but do not defend that bastard in front of me." She said and I sighed before nodding.


Ride home was tough. I drove as slow as I could, but I was home soon. It even felt weird calling it home. I sat outside the house for at least 40 minutes before sighing and getting out of the car. Without even looking here and there. I just directly marched towards my room and closed it behind me. I sighed and closed my eyes with it. After taking few breathes I opened my eyes and examined the room. It was dark, only the table lamp were the source of light in the room. I heard the shower running and immediately my heart rate picked up. He was here. My heart whispered. Suddenly the shower went off. My eyes widened and my heart rate picked up. I controlled my self and walked into the room. Sat my keys on the night stand and went into the closet. I was just finding an appropriate nightdress for me when Brandon entered the closet. I looked to find him naked other than the towel. He stopped for minute to look at me and I Everted my eyes back to the stand. I knew he was watching but I kept a straight face and kept my search on. After a few seconds he walked right towards me. Well not towards me but towards his pjs, which was right beside my nightdresses. I should have kept his section very far from mine, my mistake. I kept ignoring him and took the most nice and covering one and left for the bathroom. I locked the door and quickly stripped out of my dress and jumped into the shower. I wanted to calm my nerves and this was the only option. After a good more than 30 minutes shower I wore my nightdress, which was almost knee length (well not almost but it will work). sleeve less but thankfully no deep cut.

I walked out to find Brandon wearing just pajama bottoms and sitting on his desk working on his laptop. As soon as he looked up. I looked away and walked towards the bed. I took my moisturiser and put it on my arms and legs as usual and after brushing my hair I tied them with a hair tie and slipped under the sheets. Sleep was difficult to come but there was nothing wrong with trying.


It's been I don't know how long but I am still awake. I can't sleep, with Brandon typing continuously. Urg! Can't he move away? Though I knew this was not the reason behind me be being still up. Yet I blamed him, because I wanted too. How could he do this to me? Was the cold behaviour and cutting me off from everything not enough? How could he use his hand on me? It wasn't my fault, everything I said was right, anna was actually a mad woman. I have done nothing wrong to her, ever. And yet she hates me so much. Sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with me. Something that makes everyone hate me. And What does Brandon think? I don't know the reason behind his coldness? It's because I am not pretty like his ex mistresses. Like the girls he's used too. What does he think? I am so naive? It breaks my heart to even think about it. Without even registering a sob escaped my lips. A small sob, but hearable. His typing stopped and so did my breath. I put a hand on my mouth as tears fell from my eyes. I breathed very slowly so he could not hear me. Thankfully his typing returned. I cried with a hand on my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise and slept at some point.

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