Chapter 9.

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I hated him. I hated him for doing this to me. To make me wish I never had a baby. How could I do this? I have wished for this since I don't even remember how long. I sobbed silently in the corner of my room. I can't even believe I had thought about abortion even! I will never forgive myself for thinking something so wrong.

"Beth!." I heard Brandon yell from outside while knocking on my door.

"Go away brandon!." I yelled back crying even more loud now. I don't know what will I do now.

"Just open the damn door." He kicked the door and I gasped.

"Babe just open the door. You'll make yourself sick by crying like this." After a few seconds he said in soft voice. Hearing him say it like that I stood up and started taking steps towards the door while sobbing lightly but then I realized what I was doing and I moved back and dropped on the floor again. I have to run from here. But how?


I was just sitting on the floor holding my legs to my chest when I heard the sound of the keys from afar. I looked up and saw the lock twisting. Before I could even blink. The door was opened and Brandon stepped in. I couldn't help but stare at him. He held that worried expression on his face. His posture looked tensed his eyes look sleep deprived. He wasn't worried about me. He was worried about his money and nothing else.

I told my self. He made his way towards me and dropped in front of me. I kept looking at him because I couldn't think of anything else. Suddenly I was feeling out of energy. Tired. Sore. I couldn't move any of my body parts except for my eyes. He brushed the wet hair from my forehead and I couldn't even protest. He wiped my tears with his thumb and didn't even flinch. He cupped my face and dropped a kiss on head and I didn't even fight back. I needed this today. Badly.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?." He asked running his fingers through my hair softly and I just blinked. I wanted to say a lot of things. Like, because of you! But I couldn't. Energy was drained out of me. "Elizabeth. I know I did wrong but can we not start over again?." He said and I just closed my eyes.

"Put me to bed." I whispered somehow and I could feel him stiffen. Of course it would be hard. To help someone he despises so much. I know he wouldn't. Waiting for him to leave but for the first time I gasped as he lifted me up in his arm. My eyes opened at their own and stared at him. He looked even more handsome from this close. I never got time to admire him. But he really was beautiful. His eyes were so blue and beautiful and his lashes were so big, lashes all the girls including me would die for. His eyebrows were naturally shaped so nicely. A little messy but suits him. His nose was straight and he had high cheekbones that made him look super attractive. And his lip... I shook my head and looked away. Soon he dropped me on the bed and went away. He came back after few seconds holding a shirt in his hand. It was one of his black full sleeved shirt out of hundreds.

"Arm over you head." He commanded but I just looked at him. "I can do it myself." I told him but I knew very well I couldn't. "I am husband Beth and beside that you need me right now. I will never hold this against you. Now please raise your arms." He said softly and I somehow did raise my arm up. He pulled the shirt I was wearing over my head. He stopped for a second and I got an urge to cover myself. I was about to but before I could he slipped his shirt on me. Thankfully. And pulled my hair out of the shirt. Helped me drink a glass of water before helping me in the bed and adjusting the duvet over me.


The next morning was better. I woke with sore muscles, yes. But I wasn't dizzy or out of energy I could move and do things. I stood and saw Brandon sleeping on the other side of the bed. It made me a little angry but helped me last night. I could at least reward him with a night in bed without any consequence. I walked into the bathroom and after using the bathroom I washed my hands and took out my tooth brush. I was brushing my teeth when Brandon walked in rubbing his eyes. He walked towards the sink and I stepped aside for him. He too took out his tooth brush and started Brushing his teeth. We both were brushing our teeth while facing the mirror. He looking at me and I was looking at me too. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before exiting the bathroom. I sighed and went into the closet to find something to wear. I took out a pair of white jeans and a dull green sleeve less top. I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out but didn't. Even after mintues he didn't. I couldn't hear the sound of the shower even. I walked to the bathroom's door and knocked on it. "Brandon come out." I said and there was no reply. Maybe he left.

"Brandon I have to use the bathroom." I said and again and there was no reply so I knocked once again. Maybe he did left. I then twisted the knob and walked inside to find a sleeping Brandon in the bathtub. I blinked my eyes more than once but the scene didn't change. Was he literally sleeping in the bathtub?. I walked into the bathroom and threw my clothes onto the chair in the corner and walked towards the bathtub. His eyes were closed. His face relaxed. His lips closed. And his head leaned back. His muscled chest was out of the water but his beautifully sculptured abdomen under the water. He looked tired. Tensed even in his sleep. I thought of waking him up. But. Couldn't make myself do such a thing. My legs started moving on there own, I had no control on them. Soon I was standing right in front of the bathtub. I sat down on my knees. Admiring his features. His beautifully made face and body. My hand raised without my consent and dropped on his face. My fingers caressed his forehead. His cheek and finally dropped on his lips. It's been more than a month since I have felt them on me. My inner voice whispered. And again my body started doing things on its own. My head leaned down. Towards his lips. My eyes closed and very slowly my lips made their way towards his. As soon as our lips touch. The atmosphere completely changed. Inside and out. My breathing changed. My cheeks became warm. My stomach twisted And my heart melted.

My eyes widened as I registered what I was doing. I pulled back and thankfully he was still sleeping. I stood up and quickly made my way out.


"Where have been Lizzie. You haven't visited me since I have moved in." Stacey said taking her seat after hugging me.

"I have been busy." I said and sat down beside her. She filled a cup of tea for me too.

"Busy? With what? Your husband?." She winked at me and I just shook my head with a sad smile on my face.

"I am expecting." I said and she nodded.

"Good." She said and then something clicked in her, she stiffened and her eyes widened. "What!!! Lizzziieee I am so happy for you!." She screamed and hugged me laughing so loud.

"I know!." I giggled too. She was the only one happy about it. I just wish I had a girl so I don't have to face all this.

"I just wish you have a baby girl so my son can marry your daughter. Wouldn't it be perfect Lizzie?." She chuckled while clapping her hands.

"So do I." I whispered and sipped my tea while Stace kept on making plans about future.


Finally chapter 9 is up.
Sorry for being late. I had my board exams and all.
Hope you like it.
-Laila James.

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