Chapter 11

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Was he really here. Even after speaking to him and sitting right beside him, I was still unsure. I kept glancing at him while playing with my food and eating in between. He chatted happily with Stacey. And she too was talking to him nicely. When did they became friends?. "Nahh. We'll just leave after Beth is finished." Brandon's words brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I gave a small smile before putting some vegetables in my mouth.

"Lizzie will you help me in the kitchen?." Stacey asked and I looked up. Confused I looked from stacey to Brandon who was busy checking his phone and eating his food.

"Of course." I said and stood up. We walked towards the kitchen together. I on the bar stool and stacey sat beside me.

"Calm down okay? Stop over thinking and try to relax." She said and I tried. But it wasn't helping. nothing was.

"Why is he here? What does he want? Is he here to take my baby away? Tell him I won't let him even touch my child." I panicked suddenly and stacey tried helping me relax.

"He won't do anything like that. We are here, we won't let him do such a thing." She said running a hand through my hair.

"I don't want to go home." I whispered and she gave me a sad smile.

"Lizzie. Don't just leave it. Try to fix it." She said and I sighed before standing up and walking out of the kitchen.


The ride home was horrible. Depressing and full of tension. I couldn't stop thinking. Thinking of the worst. I stepped out of the car just after Brandon did. He smiled at me and offered his hand. Which I ignored and started making my way towards our house. I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Home sweet home." I heard him say behind me and I wanted to remind him that this was not home anymore. But I didn't. I sat down on the sofa and threw my bag on the table.

"Did you miss me?." He asked sitting beside me. Yes. My internal voice whispered but I ignored everything.

"How was Newyork?." I asked. I tried keeping emotions out of my voice but couldn't. "Everything was boring without you." He said taking my hand and I wanted to pull it back.

"Is our baby okay?." He asked suddenly leaning towards me. Staring at my stomach.

"Yes. Perfectly healthy." I said and he smiled. Planting a kiss on my stomach. The slightest touch of his lips light up all the weird feeling inside me.

"Brandon please." I said and stood up.

"What's wrong Beth?." He said and I closed my eyes. Trying to cool down.

"Nothing." I said and started making my way towards my room.

"Why are you acting so weird?." He stopped me and asked. I pushed him away.

" why are you acting so weird? Stop acting like everything is normal Brandon! Not after leaving me alone with your baby inside me for 5 fucking months!." I yelled and I could feel streams of tears on my cheek and going down my neck. He tried reaching me but I pulled back. "Don't! Don't do this to me." I said and and ran up to my room.


I stayed in my room the entire day and thankfully Brandon didn't disturbed me. It was past dinner and I was really hungry. I would have survived the night if it wasn't about my my baby. I sneaked out of my room after checking the path twice. Very slowly descended the stairs. I can't face him right now. As I came near the living room I looked everywhere. after not finding him anywhere. I made my way towards the kitchen. I turned on the lights and made my way towards the fridge. I pulled out some fruits and a yogurt. I closed the door and..

"ahhhh.", I yelled as I got startled by the figure in front of me. yogurt fell out of my hand and luckily fruits didn't. After calming my self, I walked past him and sat the bowl on the counter and went to pick up the yogurt but before I could he he did.

"Elizebeth." he called out and I stopped. His voice held so many emotions. He sounded tried, worried, regretful. I closed my eyes and inhaled before grabbing a spoon and fork and digging in my food and completely ignoring him.

"Listen to me. just once" he took the seat opposite to me and said. He sounded sad. Why am I doing this to him? I sighed and looked at him. his face looked worst.

"I am really sorry for what I did. I know it wasn't right of me to leave you here for such a long period but." he stopped and I looked up. he wasn't looking at me. "I had my reasons." he replied looking up. my eyes met with his.

"And you're not going to tell me, are you?." i asked and he again diverted his eyes somewhere else.

"That's how it ends. Me out of everything. And well I don't mind. I am leaving soon anyways." I said and stood up. so did he.

"don't. don't leave Beth." he said and it literally brought tears to my eyes.

"do I have a reason not to?." I asked and a tear escaped my eyes.

"Yes. we can have a normal life. I'll cancel the contract. I don't want anything. I don't want your company. I jus-." he stopped himself but his words already did the damage.

"It's always about the money isn't it?." I whispered, my voice so low. my tears so fast and my heart so damaged.

"No! I didn't mean anything like that. I just- beth just stay!. I'll do anything. whatever you want." he said holding my arms and looking at me with those grey pleading eyes.

"Anything but love me." I said and his eyes widened. I kept looking into his eyes. searching the only emotion I had for him. I couldn't find anything. His eyes were clouded with something I couldn't guess and then suddenly, he looked away.

And there my answer was. I pulled out of his hold and left his standing there alone.


soon you'll have more chapter. hope you like this one

don't forget to vote and comment.

-laila james.

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