Chapter 8: Tears

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Alfred's POV

Weeks had passed by quickly. Everyone were in a great hurry because of the upcoming coronation. I don't get it. Why is it so important? They just put crowns on our head, nothing more. I had learned to dance waltz, but there wasn't other new things to me. Well, maybe politics. God it was boring. Arthur was far better than me, but he had been so cold and distant when he returned from that basement. I had tried to find out what happened, but he wouldn't tell.

"Alfred!" Yao yelled. I turned to look.

"What now?" I said, my expression bored.

"You should be on your-"

"- politics lesson." I sighed. "I know, but why can't Arthur do it for me?" Yao huffed.

"Because, politics are under King's command. Military is under Queen's command, you should know that. Why are you avoiding him?" Yao asked.

"I... It doesn't belong to you!" I exclaimed and turned my back to Yao.

"... As you say, crown prince." He said bit later. "The coronation is day after tomorrow." Yao stated and left. I stayed quiet. When I didn't hear his steps anymore, I turned to look the painting on the wall.

"Why is it so hard?" I whispered.

Aedan's painted picture didn't answer.


A knock from the door woke me up. I groaned slightly and opened my eyes.

"Come in." There were a light foot steps and my mother walked on sight behind the corner.

"Mother?" I asked, my expression surprised. "I was expecting Yao or my personal servant..."

"What? Can't I come to meet my son?" Theresa said.

"No, no, I didn't mean that." I crawled out of bed and shivered at the suddenly cold temperature. How I wished stay between the blankets. I dressed quickly. The former Queen gasped.

"No, no and no! That suit doesn't fit you. You have to look like a King, Alfred." She stated sharply.

"Aww, I don' wanna." I complained and earned a glare from Theresa. She began looking through my wardrobes and quickly found everything she needed. I watched helplessly as she found me a fancy cloak.

"Now, put those on." Theresa ordered. I sighed and undressed. Then I dressed again.

"My, my, you look good, Alfred." She smiled. "Go and impress your Queen."

"I don't think that is possible." I mumbled and glanced the clock. Half nine. Damn, I'll be late for breakfast.

"Why not?" My mother asked, little confused.

"He doesn't like me! He's been acting so distant to me." I threw my hands up in the air.

"You should go and talk to him." Theresa said. I thought about the idea. It sounded good, but what if Arthur didn't want to talk to me? I opened my mouth to say something, but then I closed it.

"Now go, or you'll be late from breakfast."

"Yes sir!" I laughed and walked out of my chambers. My mother followed me, proud expression on her face.

Soon we arrived at the dining room. Arthur and Yao were already there, probably discussing about the coronation.

"Morning, dudes." I greeted and sat down. Theresa did the same. Yao glanced me quickly, but didn't say anything. He wasn't upset about the conversation we had day before yesterday, although I'm not really sure. I started eating.

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