Chapter 22: Homecoming

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Alfred's POV

Verhen loomed in horizon, as we rode closer. Arthur rode next to me, and he looked like he was going to fall asleep right there. To be honest, I was tired too.

After we had left the Nine of Spades the next morning after Francis's death, we had visited in Ten of Spades. Arthur had told me about mass murder of the citizens, but he didn't told me why major Dan was in jail. Some of the soldiers had left in the city, because their parents or relatives had lived there. Same with Nine of Spades.

Then we had traveled in Eight of Spades. Major Joshua had told to Kirstin that her husband died; major Werner had died by enemy's arrow in surprise attack. I had almost heard her wailing.

We had slept in city of Six of Spades through the night. Soldiers from there had left in the city, and their commander had said that is had been a pleasure to fight with you. I doubted it, but Arthur had thanked him politely. 

Now, when I rode through the city, watching the excited and cheering faces of the citizens, I realized what that feeling in my chest had been. It was homesickness.

"King Alfred had won the war!"

"What? I heard he died!"

"Well, what you heard is wrong! I heard he healed because of magic."

"King of Diamonds died from King's claymore." I listened at the gossips, and chuckled. It seems that I was famous now.

When I heard giggling, I turned to look and saw some noble girls watching and pointing me. I smiled my characteristic smile to them, and they blushed and screamed more. One of them even fainted. I chuckled and rode to our castle's courtyard.

"Alfred, my son! You're alive!" I turned my head to see my mother, who was running towards us. I got down from the saddle, smiling.

Theresa's arms wrapped around me and squeezed. She pressed her head against my chest.

"Mom... I.. Can't breathe..."

"Oh, my son... I got news that you had died." She cried and pulled out of the hug. "But now you are there, in front of me. And you've grown so much!" Theresa smiled.

"Yeah.. Sorry." I smiled sheepishly and rubbed my neck.

"No, no, don't apologize." I looked at Theresa closer and saw, that she looked tired and older. Arthur walked next to me.

"And Arthur, thank you for keeping that promise."

"My father always told me that I should never broke any promises." She nodded.

"Anyway, I bet you must be hungry! The food is ready and waiting for to be eaten in the dining room."

I grinned and Arthur sighed.


I stared at the thick paper stack and sighed. It seems that kingdom didn't stop with these requests, pleas, debt things and personal revenges, even when we were at war. I read it through, signed it and put it next the thick paper stack.

That continued for a long time, until finally the letters ended. Luckily messenger would post them to their receivers.

I stood up and decided to find Arthur. He wasn't in his chambers, or in the rose garden, but I finally found him in the library. He was reading a old, worn out book on a chair and a tea cup was in front of him on a small table.

"What are you reading?" Queen startled and almost dropped the book.

"Oh gods, Alfred, don't just appear out of nowhere and startle me!" He scolded. I laughed.

"Sorry, Artie."

"First, my name is not 'Artie', and second, I'm reading Fifty Shades of Grey."

"Strange name, but I came to ask you something. Could you come with me in the garden?"

"Have you done your works?"

"Jeez, of course. You're starting to sound like Yao." Arthur huffed, closed his book and drank the tea.

I turned and walked out of the library. Arthur followed me.

Soon we arrived at the same bench in rose garden where Arthur had got his vision. I sat down, but the green-eyed blonde didn't do the same.

Akward silence fell between us, as I stared at him and Arthur avoided my gaze. After a moment, he came to sit next to me, like he had been anxious about sitting on the same bench with me.

We didn't speak.

As the days passed by, we always went to the garden to sit on that same bench. If it rained outside, we would still go - with umbrellas, of course.

And we never spoke.

Because we were afraid of breaking that bond between us.

Psshhh this is such a short chapter, about 800 words *hides*

And this story is nearing its end

... That's a shame, because I've enjoyed writing this

But I have been planning a sequel to this

(God help and forgive me, I ship those two so hard)

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