Chapter 21: Duel

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Arthur's POV

I blinked rapidly, trying to get blurriness out of my eyes. I groaned, before watching around me. My hands were tied behind my back, I noticed. Three soldiers in yellow were behind us and they were holding crossbows, which were armed. If I moved, I would get an arrow through my back and chest. Francis was talking with his Jack on the plaza.

"You woke up." Someone said next to me and I recognized that voice as Yao's.

"How did you get here?" I asked. My arm's throbbing pain was still there, and I couldn't even heal it.

"I didn't hear any voices of the battle, so I came here to check. And now", he sighed, "I'm a prisoner."

I nodded and turned my head to see Alfred, who was on the left side.

"Alfred." I said. He didn't wake up. "Alfred!" I exclaimed. He stirred, before blinked his blue eyes.

"Ugh... Where am I?" He mumbled and raised his head slightly.

"You're at Nine of Spades with me, Yao and majors. We're prisons of Diamonds right now. Remember?" He nodded.

"My head hurts..." Alfred complained quietly. "Your spell didn't work."

"Of course, you would have a thick head if it didn't hurt." I huffed. "Well, you have a thick head and a complex. And my spell protects only from wounds, not from bumps."

"What about your arm?" He asked after a moment, worry shining in his eyes.

"I think it's broken." I replied. Luckily I could use magic, if I first could get my hands free from this rope.


"Yes." I snarled. "Are you deaf?"

"No. I'm just worried about you."

"Why?" I asked after a quiet moment.


"Bonjour, Royals of Spades!" Francis walked from center square to us and  greeted, interrupting Alfred. Nobody answered.

"Bloody frog, let us go!" Instead of saying something polite, I decided to hurt his pride and spitted on his fancy boots.

Francis's smile died. "Black sheep of the Royals, you will regret that." The rumours are true, it seems. Diamonds are the richest kingdom and they practically worship fashion.

He kicked me - hard - to my left hand, which was the broken one. I inhaled abruptly, trying to block the cry of pain. I let out a small whimper.

"Stop!" Alfred yelled next to me and tried to free his hands, which obliviously didn't work. Soldier behind him moved his crossbow, which was now pointing at his nape.

"Or what?" Francis smiled mischievously.

"I challenge you into a duel!" My eyes widened as I looked Alfred. His expression was determined.

"Are you crazy? You'll die!" I hissed to him. He ignored me. Yao watched us with mild interest.

"He's right." Yao said, but Kings ignored him.

"Well?" Alfred looked at him.

Francis looked thoughtful.

"If I win, you'll leave this kingdom and free all the prisoners. You have to pay us for all the damage you did here. If I lose...", he hesitated, "Kingdom of Spades is yours." Francis drew his sword out of the sheath.

"Turn around." He commanded. Alfred did what he said, although slowly. Francis cut of the ropes. Alfred stood up and grimaced as blood rushed in his blood vessels.

"Please, don't." I pleaded Alfred to stop this nonsense, but he didn't even look at me. He followed Francis to the center square.

"What is your weapon, King of Spades?"

"My own claymore. Yours?"

"A long sword, of course, mon ami." Alfred drew his claymore out of its sheath. Francis attacked almost immediately.

Alfred dodged and attacked, trying to hit other King's leg. Francis dodged and tried to hit Alfred, but he wasn't even near. Alfred thrusted his sword to Francis's side. I heard a metallic ping. Under King of Diamonds' fancy clothing, there was an armor.

Francis smirked at Alfred's surprised expression and backed away few steps. He raised his sword and attacked.

Their battle was like dancing. Dance of death, my father had said. Dodge. Attack. Dodge. Hit. Retreat. Attack.

Soon, King of Diamonds was panting and bloody. Francis had some wounds on his legs and he limped slightly, but he tried not to show it.

Alfred didn't have any wounds, which surprised both Francis and Alfred. I could feel the spell depleting slowly, so he would have to finish that duel fast.

I glanced Yao, who was, too, watching the battle. He had a bland expression on his face. When he didn't show any signs of noticing me watching him, I turned to watch the Kings again.

Suddenly, Francis's legs buckled under him and he collapsed on the ground. Sword clattered to the ground, next to him.

"Your Majesty!" Vash Zwingli yelled angrily and drew his sword out of sheath.

"Don't... Intervene to the duel!" Francis exclaimed and tried to stand up, but he failed.

Alfred pointed his sword to Francis's head.


No answer.

"Surrender." Sword came closer to the King's head.

"I surrender!" Francis exclaimed. Alfred grinned victoriously and turned to look at us.

Then, many things happened at the same time.

First, the spell ceased.

Then, Francis took his sword, stood up and lifted it to cut Alfred's head off.

"Alfred! Watch out!" I screamed, cursing myself for being so weak.

Alfred turned around quickly and thrusted his claymore through Francis's neck.

Nobody moved.

Blood dripped from the King's mouth and neck. Pure shock and pain was written on his face.

"Go back to Sádne, King of Diamonds." Alfred said and yanked claymore out.

Francis swayed for a moment on his place, rattled and collapsed on the ground. Pool of blood spreaded quickly under him.

Vash hurried next to Francis, before glaring Alfred and us.

The said King walked in front of me and freed us quickly. Soldiers watched him with fear and respect.

I put my right hand on the left one and enchanted a healing spell. Soon, my hand was healed, and there was no mark that it had even broken.

Yao congratulated Alfred, who grinned happily.

Alfred turned to watch me. He was going to say something, but then Vash came to us.

"As King Francis of Diamonds promised, we'll leave this kingdom and pay the money." He said and I nodded.

"Good. Leave this city before sun rises tomorrow." Vash nodded and walked to his troops. Diamonds seemed little shocked because of their King's death. I couldn't see Yao anywhere. Maybe he had gone to free other prisoners.

Alfred looked at me, smiling. I, too, smiled shortly.

"We can go home."


Crappiness returns... Maybe? No, this isn't crappy, I think

And I would have written them kissing at the end of this chapter, but then I changed my mind

And this chapter's name reminds me of Hamilton

"It's the ten duel commandments!"

"This is my very first duel, they don't exactly cover this subject in boarding school."

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