Chapter 10: Royals

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Alfred's POV

"How soon will they be here?" Arthur asked, when the messenger was standing in front of us.

"Soon..." The boy said. I looked around, trying to see where Yao went. Wasn't he supposed to be here with us?

"Alfred!" My mother exclaimed and I startled.


"You have to go, now." Arthur was already standing, watching as I stumbled down the little stairs, which were in front of two thrones. I hope that nobles didn't see that.

"Where are we gonna meet them?" I asked. My mother had left with the nobles in throne room and Yao was still missing.

"It's 'going to', not 'gonna'." Arthur said, annoyed. "And you should know that, Alfred." He added.

"Whatever. In a lounge?"

"Yes." Arthur answered, when we arrived in the lounge. Guards were standing next to the doors.

Suddenly, the doors opened. Arthur startled next to me, but my eyes were locked on person, who walked inside. He was dressed on green and beige  cloak, which was thick and fluffy. The man saw me and smiled creepily.

"Hello, comrade Alfred." King of Clubs greeted.

I forced myself to smile as Ivan Braginski walked in front of me.

"I heard you are now a King."

"Yes, that's true. Welcome to Spades' Kingdom, King Ivan." I glanced briefly Arthur and noticed that Yao had come back.

"Here is Arthur Kirkland, Queen of Spades and Jack, Yao Wang." Yao bowed quickly, but Arthur only nodded.

"Ah, the infamous Slumm Queen?" The said man looked Ivan angrily and opened his mouth to say something rude.


"My King, that might be enough." A beautiful brown-haired woman appeared next to Ivan. "Don't bother them."

"Hello again." I greeted with a smile the Queen of Clubs, Elizabeta Héderváry. She was the only person who I liked in the Clubs monarchy. She smiled kindly before glancing quickly at Ivan, who's expression was blank. Suddenly, besceptacled, quite skinny man appeared behind Ivan. He had a beauty mark on his chin.

"Hello, your Majesties. My name is Roderich Edelstein, unless you knew it already."

Roderich Edelstein? I haven't heard of him. Maybe he's a new Jack or something? I notice a ring on his finger. He's married to someone? That's weird, especially when he's a Jack. Well, things in Clubs are different than here.

"Bonjour, mon ami Alfred!" I heard somebody yell. I turn my head and see Francis Bonnefoy, the King of Diamonds. I smiled widely as the King walked to us. He hugged me briefly.

"It's good to see you again. And you are now a King. I'm sorry for you father, he was a good friend." Francis said. When I was a child, before Matthew died, Francis often came to Spades with his former Queen, Jeanne. He came to speak with my father, Jeanne always told me.

"You mean just a fellow King, who was your way to power again." Arthur said, looking annoyed by Francis's behaviour.

"Ah! A beautiful, dangerous rose on a field of cottons. You are the Queen, am I right?" Diamond King kissed quickly Arthur's hand, smiling gently. There was a disgusted look on Arthur's face, but I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest.

"If you can't see that, frog, you're blind." The Queen yanked his hand out of Francis's hand.

"You wounded me!" Francis said, acting offended. He winked his eye at me, before walking off. A little, young-looking woman, walked past us, followed by a man with a stern look. The woman smiled kindly, but the man only glared us.

I turned to look Yao, when they were gone.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I had... Some business with other... People?"

"With who?" I questioned.

"He was doing some preparations in the kitchen. Yao told me." Arthur suddenly said. "Of course, we are going to eat with our guests." He explained, when he saw my expression.

"What? They're going to eat here? Why didn't you tell me-?"

"Ciaoo!" A happy voice yelled, and suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I startled, turned and saw Jack of Hearts.

"Feliciano! What's up?" Alfred asked and smiled. It was nice to see always so happy Feliciano again.

"I'm fine! And you are now a King! Congratulations!" The brown-eyed man exclaimed.

"Felicianooo!" King of Hearts, Ludwig Beilschmidt, yelled angrily and walked to his Jack. "Stop disturbing King of Spades and behave!"

"Ve~. But I wanted to say hi." Feliciano said sadly.

"I'm sorry for my Jack. I hope he didn't hurt you." Ludwig apologized.

"He didn't. It's nice to have a happy person here." Alfred said.

"That is true, my King." Queen of Hearts, Kiku Honda, said calmly. He had black hair, expressionless eyes and a slim body. Not that Alfred payed attention to it... Despite his smallness, he was the master of using katanas.

"Alfred." Arthur whispered. "All the royals have arrived. We have to go to the dining room."

"All right. But where are the Clubs' and Diamonds' royals?" I asked. I didn't notice them leaving.

"They already went to the dining room. Yao left with them." He answered. How did I miss them?

"Well, Clubs and Diamonds went already dining room, so let's follow them." I said, raising my voice.

"I believe that you are hungry and tired from the journey." Arthur added, before glancing me quickly.

I started walking towards the right hallway, which lead to the dining hall. Arthur talked to Kiku, who looked slightly interested, Feliciano took Ludwig's hand to his and smiled. Ludwig was embarrassed.

"Take your hand out of mine now, Feliciano!"

"But I don't want, Luddy! Ve~."

A small smile appeared to my face. It seemed that King and Jack of Hearts were closer than King and Jack usually were.

"Alfred." Yao said and I startled again. Why everyone keep startling me today?

"What?" I asked.

"You seem unsure today. Are you all right."

"Yeah... I am." I answered and opened the doors in front of me. Arthur was right; the other royals were already around the table. Ivan, Francis, Elizabeta and Lili were sitting, but Vash and Roderich were standing. 

"Ah, finally you came!" Francis smiled. "And bonjour, Hearts' royals." His expression changed colder. Arthur took a seat and sat down.

"Hey, calm down. Whatever has happened between you two in the past, try to cooperate with each other today. Please." I added, when I saw Yao's shocked expression.

"Hmph... All right." Ludwig said and sat down after glancing Francis angrily. Feliciano and Kiku followed his example.

"Are the more matters which we should discuss?" Arthur asked.

All the royals shook their head as an answer.

"Now, let's eat! We, the Spades, afford it."  I said, smiling. A door opened and servants holding plates full of food walked to the table and put the plates down.

"Bon appétit!" Francis said, before he started eating.

Suddenly, Ivan snapped his fingers. A little girl appeared from somewhere and tasted his food.

"What?" Arthur sounded shocked.

Girl collapsed to the floor and started screeching. Some blood dripped from her mouth, until the screeching abruptly stopped. Ivan smiled creepily.

"It seems that you have tried to poison me."

I wrote some of this chapter when I was in math lesson >w< But, soon there will be action. Not in the next chapter, but soon.

{1223 words}

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