Chapter 27: Jokers

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Arthur's POV

I was pissed off. More than usually. Actually, I was fuming. And sad. Oh God, how he dared? How? I thought I could trust and love him, not as a sibling or relative, but as a lover. Or as a husband. My vision became blurry from the tears. I was such a crybaby! Crying over a broken heart and myself, what could be more humiliating? If anyone saw this, I would never show my face in public. Maybe Antonio's mother was right. One didn't return alive from the court, or at least with a whole heart.

Suddenly, I stopped and glanced around, and noticed that my legs had carried me to the garden. No one was there, luckily. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and collect myself, but more tears just streamed down from my eyes. Soon, my cheeks were wet.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Arthur!" A familiar voice yelled, and its owner was the person I wanted to see least now. I turned around abruptly, looking at Alfred angrily. I wiped off the tears.

"Look, Arthur, I'm sorry. I didn't​-"

"You're sorry? Really?" I said poisonously, interrupting him. Alfred smiled weakly, stratching his nape.

"Yeah, I know. I fucked u-" Regret shined in his blue eyes, which I loved so much.

"Stop it! I don't want your apologies!" I shouted. Alfred winced. I fiddled with the engagement ring, until I got it off from my finger. I threw it on the ground. Now it was Alfred's turn to look shocked.

"Look, I can explain-" He tried.

"To hell with your explains!" I walked closer to him. "I thought I mattered something to you." I snarled.

Alfred opened his mouth to say something, but after seeing my expression he didn't try to interrupt.

I walked a little bit closer. "I thought you loved me, but no, I found you kissing another man- no, he was a boy! How dare you?" I was practically yelling.

"You don't love me! I'm just a toy to you!" I spitted the words like they were poison, spoiling me and my mind. But then, I knew I had gone too far. Alfred's expression was full of regret, shocked, then sad, and finally furious. I felt a little bit of fear, as I looked at the King.

"How dare you say that?" His voice was low, but it just changed his expression more intimidating. Suddenly, my legs buckled under me and before I collapsed on the ground, Alfred grapped on my waist, trying to keep me upright. He said something, though I didn't hear what. I recognized the presence. It was magic.

"Magic.." I mumbled. Then I found myself on the ground, and realized that the unknown magician wanted Alfred too. My eyes closed and I knew nothing more.


I had thought that we would wake in some of the castle's chambers, most likely in healer's chambers, but I only felt a rocky surface under my back.

"Alfred?" Guilt washed over me. I knew I had overreacted, but I had almost a reason good enough.

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Someone sang happily.

"He isn't a beauty with those eyebrows, Pete." My blood ran cold, as I realized who had said that. I opened my eyes and sat up, before looking around me. We were on a cliff, which was rocky, but there was moss and plants here and there.

"Yeah, that's true!" I saw that rude boy in front of me. And next to the boy - who had a tail? And why was he floating? - was Jack of Spades. Yao's expression was amused, when he saw confusion in my eyes.

"Yao... What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound firm, but my voice trembled. The boy laughed.

"I am not Yao, Queen of Spades." I never felt like Queen. In stories, they were always brave, intelligent witches. Alfred, and only now I noticed he was lying next to me. Luckily, he didn't have any wounds. The King shook his head and sat up.

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