Chapter 9: Coronation

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Arthur's POV

I opened my eyes. Sun's light blinded me and I put my hand in front of them.

"Duude, you finally woke up." A familiar voice said next to me. I startled and turned my head. Alfred watched me with a sleepy, curious expression. I blushed and hid my face.

"Did you watch when I was sleeping?" I asked a little more judgementally than I meant to. Sleepiness had vanished from Alfred's gaze.

"What? No!" Now it was his turn to blush. I huffed.

"Really?" I said sarcastically.

"Really." Alfred assured.

"Hmph." Sudden thought struck me and I turned to look Alfred.

"How long I was asleep?" I demanded. The crown prince looked thoughtful, before he answered.

"About few hours, I think."

"Few hours? Why didn't you wake me?" I exclaimed, little annoyed. Today was the day, when we'll be crowned. Why that stupid wanker didn't think?

"You were in deep sleep and you looked tired, so I didn't dare to." I opened my mouth to say something, but then we heard shouting. Alfred stood up abruptly, same with me.

Voices came closer, until Jack's head appeared into sight. When Yao saw them, concern vanished from his face and it was replaced with relief.

"There you are!" Yao walked closer. "Don't you have any idea how worried your mother were? You can't just disappear on a day like this!" Yao scolded. Alfred smiled sheepishly and I sighed.

"Yeah, we'll try not to vanish like that." Alfred stated.

"Better try!" Yao said. "Now you two have to go and prepare yourself. The coronation will start in an hour."

"What?" Alfred and I exclaimed. I hastily started walking back to the castle and Alfred followed me.


I walked upstairs to my chambers.

"Damnit..." I swore under my breath.

"Ah, finally!" I heard my maid, Eliza,  say. "Now we have to get you presentable."

"How?" I asked and sat down on my bed. Eliza smiled.

"Stand up." I did as she told. She cleaned my cloak, boots and pants, which were little dirty after I sat on grass in the garden.

"Where's your hat?"

"What hat?" I asked, confused.

"The hat which you wore today."

"Oh." Why do I even need it? It's just a hat, it shouldn't be that important. Well, it might have something to do with Spades tradition.

"Maybe I left it at the garden." I wondered out loud. Eliza nodded and said something, but I didn't pay attention.

I suddenly felt nervous. The coronation. The day that I dreaded so much. I would have to leave my past life behind.

Door opened, and I turned my head to see who came. It wasn't Eliza, like I expected. It was Alfred.

"Alfred!" I exclaimed, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Shh!" He hissed and closed the door. "Don't tell them that I'm here."

"What? Are you playing hide and seek on a day like this? You are unbelievable!" I snarled.

"Yeah, kind of. This is a great stress reliever!" Alfred said and sat on my bed. I watched him.

"You-!" Eliza interrupted me.

"Aha! I found you, you childish King!" She said triumphantly. The King sighed, looking disappointed.

"But, now we have to hurry. Coronation will start in few minutes. Jack and your mother are already there." Me and Alfred watched him, dumbfounded. This day won't go well...

"Now go!" She exclaimed. We hurried out of the room.


Yao was already waiting us in front of the throne room. He tapped his foot on the floor, clearly impatient.

"Ah, finally you two came. I have been waiting." He said. "Where have you been?" The Jack glanced between us, waiting.

"This git decided to play hide and seek and he hid in my chambers." I glanced him angrily.

"What? I was stressed!" Alfred defended himself.

"That doesn't justify you act like a child. Try to be more mature, wa-"

"Silence!" Yao interrupted me. I huffed. Alfred looked little hurt by what I said, but he started smiling after a moment.

Silence fell between the trio. Yao listened, Alfred was in his thoughts and I tried to get the stress go away. It will go well, it will go well...  I said to myself in my mind.

"Let's go." Yao said finally and opened the big mahogany doors. All the nobles and their wives turned to look us. At the other side of the room, in front of the thrones, stood Alfred's mother. She looked like she was smiling, but I'm not sure.

Alfred started walking. On his face, there was that bright and beautiful smile. He looked confident, like he owned the whole world.

"Go." Yao whispered. I startled and hurried next to Alfred. I glanced him.

I inhaled and took a calm expression on my face. We walked in front of Theresa, who smiled peacefully. Yao was behind us. All the nobles were quiet, waiting Theresa to do something.

"Spades' nobles! I present you new King, Queen and Jack!" She took two crowns and a sword - Jack's sword - and put them on front of her.

"Alfred F. Jones, will you wear this crown as a King of Spades and protect this kindgom until the day you die?" Alfred glanced at Yao, who nodded quickly.

"Yes, I will." He said, that obnoxious smile vanished from his face. Former Queen of Spades put a crown on his head. The crown was golden, with little blue decorations. Alfred walked to his throne, which was bigger and sat down.

Theresa turned to look me. There wasn't emotions in her eyes, only emptiness.

"Will you, Arthur Kirkland, fulfill your duty as a Queen of Spades and protect your King and kingdom until you die?"

I inhaled. "Yes." I said. She put a same golden crown with blue decorations, although there were much less them than on Alfred's crown.

Theresa turned her attention to Yao, and I exhaled.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought." Alfred whispered to me, when I walked to my throne and sat down.

"Why would it be?" I asked.

"You're the one who talks! You were half dead from panic and stress earlier." He said, smile playing on his lips. Why is he always smiling, anyway?

Suddenly, Theresa shouted:

"Long live the Spades!" She repeated it few times and nobles did the same.

Servants brought the food in and brought them to tables, which I noticed only now. Nobles started chattering. Theresa walked to us, looking exhausted.

"Is it fun being King, Alfred?" She asked, smiling.

"It's boring." He answered. I chuckled.

We chit-chatted a bit before the doors opened again, revealing a panicky, breathless messenger.

"The other kingdoms' royals are coming!" He yelled.

Silence fell in the throne room.

Nothing to say, I guess

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