Chapter 31: Truth

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Arthur's POV

I couldn't get a word from my mouth, as my mother came closer and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, my son, I have missed you so much! Where have you been?" Something wet dripped on my already wet shirt. She was crying.

"Stop, mother, you are strangling him." Another person, who had eyebrows like Allistor and me, said. He shrugged, when I looked at him. When mother let go of me, I shivered.

"I doubt you remember me." My brother said. "I'm Dylan." I nodded, and tried to remember at least something of my family. Nothing came into my mind.

"You must be freezing! Get him dry clothes." Though my mother's voice was fragile, they still listened her and did what she said. Dylan walked to the campfire and sat down. I did the same, wrapping the jacket more tightly around me. Soon, Matthew came back with clothes. Allistor and my mother sat down.

After I had changed my clothes, my brothers watched me with blank expression.

"What?" I demanded.

"Matthew, could you please bring me some water?" My mother asked. Alfred's brother nodded, before disappearing to somewhere. She turned her attention to me, sighing, but looking still happy.

"My name is Brittany and, as you may know, I'm your mother." I nodded. "And Dylan and Allistor are your big brothers." I recalled the painting.

"If I remember correctly, I was supposed to have two more brothers. And how are you alive?" I asked, feeling a bit tired. Brittany's expression saddened almost immediately. Allistor looked troubled, like something was haunting him. Dylan was the only one to answer.

"Seamus, our half brother, and Patrick, are dead. They died because of an illness."

"What illness?" I asked.

"We don't know." Allistor said, sounding angry. "The worst part was that I couldn't help them.." He gritted his teeth.

"Allistor, stop it." Brittany said sternly. "Don't blame yourself. Even I couldn't help them."


"Shut up, brother." Dylan snarled. Allistor shut his mouth. Matthew came back, holding a glass of water and giving it to my mother. She thanked him, and he sat down next to Allistor. Expression on his face looked like a genuine smile. Dylan nudged Allistor, smirking. The red head only sneered, while Matthew just smiled nervously.

"And...." There was a pause. "As you might know, I left with your brothers, when you were seven months old." Brittany said after a moment of silence.

"Why?" I demanded, and anger and sadness, which I had hidden in the back of my mind, flooded back.

"Well.." My mother looked helpless. My brothers had started wrestling. "I loved still your father, and you, of course, but... I couldn't live in Verhen anymore. It felt like the mansion's walls were choking me, they were watching, listening every word we spoke." For the first time, she sounded like old woman.

"So that's why? Just because you couldn't live there?" I said bitterly.

"Yes, an-"

"Do you have any idea what kind of shit I have been through?" I practically yelled. Brittany looked shocked, though little guilty too.

"I'm truly sorry, but let me-"

"No! You listen now!" My brothers had stopped their fighting, and Matthew looked me with surprised expression. Usually, I didn't yell like this, but it felt good to let out all the emotions.

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