Chapter One

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Stealing from your parents, isn't actually stealing, is it? You basically own what they own, so to take some money from the safe in the back of your dads office isn't stealing, right? I wouldn't think so. What if it was used for a flight out of the city and to a new one? It's a good cause!
Okay, so maybe the cause is good for me but whatever, my parents don't deserve the money they own. Escaping is the best decision that I had, so do you see why I committed this crime to my parents? I guess it wasn't necessary, but I'm nineteen and I've been locked in my house my entire life so you could see why I wouldn't have any money. Now on to another point, this plane ride is incredibly uncomfortable, sucks for a first time flyer, am I right?
Atlantis put down her journal to take a quick look out of the airplanes window. Being so high above the ground nerved her, but it's one of her many fears that she would have to face on this journey of hers.
She watches calmly as the plane lands and a voice comes over the loud speaker announcing that they have arrived at their destination, Maruka. Why Maruka? Atlantis wondered that many times. She guessed that it was for the culture, the arts. Two things that she has always enjoyed very much in her life.
As she exits the plane, she finds herself admiring the nature scene that decorates the airport. Looking past the glass and decorations, Atlantis could see that the airport is large with many stores and places to relax. Her tense shoulders relax and she winds through the airport, passing security with a breeze. A sense of freedom washed over her as she gathers her luggage and walks out into the air of Maruka.
The air is fresh and crisp, as if it had just rained and the sound of traffic is there, but it feels so far off. A taxi pulls up and she waves her hand to get his attention. The man that gets out is young, and he smiles at her.
"May I help you with your bags?" His eyes flicker down to the luggage that sits next to her.
"Yes! That would be great." She smiles at him. He skillfully lifts her luggage and puts it in the trunk of the car. Seeing as he's nice enough, she takes a seat in the front of the car, rather than the back. He rounds the car and gets in the drivers side. When the car starts, she begins to feel a whole new sense of nervousness.
"So, where are we headed?" He asks, turning his head towards her.
Atlantis twirls a piece of her brunette hair in her hand.
"Um, can you take me to a hotel in the heart of the city?" He raises a eyebrow.
"Not too sure?" Atlantis shakes her head and offers him a small smile.
"It was kind of a spur of the moment trip idea." He nods his head and moved the car forward.
"The Beremont it is then."
She looks down at her phone. No new messages. Sighing, she find herself staring out of the window and at the passing scenery. From what she can remember hearing, the airport is in Richmond, so the city of Maruka is a good twenty minutes away, thirty to reach the heart. Atlantis had grown up away from the city, so to be here, travelling to the city, could only mean comfort, or so she guesses.
"Is it your first time here?" Her head snaps towards the man is the drivers seat.
"Pardon?" He chuckles to himself, his eyes still trained on the road.
"Have you ever been to Maruka before?" Atlantis nervously laughs and begins to tap her leg, a nervous habit.
"No, I've lived in Toronto my entire life." He nods, once again, his fedora hat falling slightly down his forehead. He doesn't seem to notice.
"Well, there's some awesome coffee shops in the centre of town, many places to explore and it just so happens that the Beremont is right next to the Art Institute University, so if you wanted to enrol there, you could." The corners of her lips tug up in a smile at his help.
"Thank you, that actually really helps. I was thinking about taking a art course or maybe a design course, I'm not completely sure yet." His eyes flicker, only for a second, from the road to my eyes.
"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" She adverts her eyes to road ahead of the car, one filled with vehicles.
"That's a little protruding, but I'm nineteen." He fixes his hat and she finds herself twiddling her thumbs.
"Yes, I'm sorry, but I was asking for the reason, that if you would want a student loan, you could get one because you are under twenty one."
She runs a hand along her chin, not having to worry about make up as shes not wearing any at the moment.
"Well, thank you. How much is it per night at the Beremont?"
"Two hundred dollars." Atlantis would have spit out a drink if she had one. It's not that she doesn't have enough money, she does, it's just, that's a pretty costly hotel.
"Well, for the most expensive room." She let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.
"Great, that should work fine."
He pulls into a round about in front of a large building, the Beremont hotel. Atlantis quickly pulls out her wallet from her purse once he parks near the front doors.
"How much do I-"
"Don't worry about it." She looks at the man in shock.
"But, it was a far drive." He shrugs as if it was two minutes.
"Doesn't matter, keep your money." His mouth turns up into a attractive smile and she returns it with a sincere one. Like before, he helps her with her luggage, bringing it to one of the hotel employees that waits for them at the front entrance. He turns to the small girl before he leaves.
"I hope you enjoy your stay in Maruka." And with those words, they part. The employee takes Atlantis to the register where she buys a recurring package, one where she can leave at any time that she would like. Her bags are brought to her room and she envy's the size of it. The hotel has theme rooms, and Atlantis had asked for a artsy room, and to say that it was creative and beautiful would be a complete understatement. The bed is decorated in colour, like someone splattered paint all over it. The walls have a similar tone but they are covered with designs of the plenty. It doesn't klick in just how big the room is until she does a three sixty turn around. There's enough room to fit a couch and a chair, as well as a small kitchen area. The bathroom and the bedroom are both separate rooms and both rather large. "I think I bought a suite," she says to herself out loud. She sighs, falling down onto the bed. The man that drove her here flashes into her mind, and then she realizes something, she never got his name.

I apologize for any mistakes, I haven't edited this yet. First chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! More to come soon!
The story may seem kind of messed up in the way of detail for this chapter, that's because part of this chapter was written in first person and I had to go back and change it. So yeah.

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