Chapter Eleven

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This story was called "The Lies Shadows Forgot," but I changed it because it didn't make very much sense.

The lights illuminating the large barn light up the surrounding area, creating a comfortable glow as Aaron and Atlantis walk up to the building. The music can be heard from outside the barn and Atlantis wrings the bottom of her shirt in her hands. She doesn't know what to expect, having never been to a party in general. It is a casual event, Aaron had said, yet she could help but want to wear a plaid t-shirt in light of the theme. Entering the barn, the smell of the country side fills Atlantis' nostrils and she breathes it in, finding comfort in the smell. People litter across the arena, a DJ stage placed at the end wit a crowd dancing around it. Though end plays through the speakers, people sport country looks and Atlantis can't help but feel happy for somewhat fitting in.
Aaron leads the pair into the barn, weaving them through people that stand, milling about and chatting.
"Care to dance?" Aaron's words echo through the young girls ears, his lips press to her left ear.
"I would love to." His arm snakes around her waist and he leads them deeper into the chaos in front of the DJ booth. The music plays louder as they approach the speakers, the sounds ringing in Atlantis' ears. Aaron wraps his arms around the young girls waist and begins to sway with the music, guiding Atlantis as he does. Aaron puts his nose in the crook of Atlantis' neck as they move, kissing it tenderly.
They stay comfortable and dance for what feels like hours, enjoying each other's company and the music. After a while, Atlantis begins to feel tired, the swaying and dancing becoming enough and the heat getting to her.
"I'm going for some air," Atlantis speaks loudly over the music. He nods his head, kisses her cheek, and let's her go. The young girl weaves her way through the bodies of sweaty people and eventually finds the drink area. Every drink looks alcoholic and she groans.
A tap on her shoulder has Atlantis turning to a girl who holds out a bottle of water.
"You look like alcohol isn't exactly your thing." Atlantis takes the water from the girl and mutters a thanks before she walks off. The situation has her confused, but she opens the bottle and drinks the water anyway. People filter in and out around the young girls dm soon, the air that she went to get becomes clouded. Scanning the area for options, Atlantis spots a set of stairs that leads to a hay loft over looking the arena. Seeing as it's her best bet, she makes her way over and climbs the stairs. She situated herself in a spot that overlooks the entire arena and every person in it. She watches as people dance and enjoy the night, the sun having set half a hour before.
"How's my little sea city doing?" Aaron comes up from behind Atlantis, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Sea city?? Is that supposed to be a new nickname?" She laughs and turns around in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"It shall be a new nickname," he leans down and placed his lips on hers in a slowly and comfortable kiss. She pulls away first and looks him in the eyes.
"Aaron, my past, I think I'm ready to tell you." Curiosity dances behind his eyes and he pulls away, giving her room and space to speak. Aaron leans on the rail next to the small girl and outlooks the party. Atlantis takes steady breaths as she looks to Aaron, his cool exterior radiating off of him.
"You see, I um.. " Atlantis hesitates and fiddles with her fingers. "I ran away." Aaron's eyes widen as he turns to look at her, his height making him loom over the young girl. She doesn't meet his gaze, but instead, looks about the loft. Aaron gently placed his fingers at the base of her chin and lifts her face to his.
"Go on." His words are subtle and soft, his pink lips leaking a soothing voice. Atlantis takes a deep breath and continues on, entranced by Aaron's eyes.
"My parents- foster parents, they were terrible. Didn't deserve anything they own, didn't work for it," she bits her bottom lip and looks down.
"They kept me in their house for as long as I could remember. I was homeschooled most of my life." A single tear drops down her cheek in remembrance of her past.
"Five or so years ago, they were drive on a bridge with my blood brother, taking him to soccer practice.. they crashed into the water and did nothing to save him." More tears escape from her eyes and Aaron wipes them away and holds her face.
"You don't need to tell me anymore if your not ready." Atlantis nods her head and grabs into Aaron's shirt, pulling him into an embrace. She hasn't even told a quarter of her story and she's beginning to break down, would she be able to tell Aaron everything? He rubs soothing circles into her back, a habit he had picked up to make her feel comfortable while she's upset.
"It takes time, right love? So please don't rush yourself with this." Atlantis breaths out a sigh of relief. Just knowing that Aaron is there to comfort her is all she needs.
"Let's go back to the hotel, yeah? It's nearly midnight." Atlantis tugs up a smile and she suggests the simple activity. With a quick peck on the cheek, Aaron leads her from the loft and away from the energetic party. It was a good time, that she would admit, but it was time for them to go back to the hotel and rest. It had been a rough couple of days after all.
At their arrival at the hotel, Aaron offers to carry Atlantis back to the room, which is something she doesn't object to. He tells her of when he first moved to Maruka and how funny it had been with his old room mates. Upon listening to the story, Atlantis didn't want to leave Aaron's side. She wanted his comfort and love, if she could call it love, and all that he gave her. So that night, she asked to sleep with him. A simple question of comfort and a meaning of not being lonely. And that night, she wasn't lonely, she was safe, for she has Aaron's arms wrapped around her the whole night she slept.

I bet some of you are like "what the heck is make me stay and why is it in my library?" Well, the title I had before was just a random thing that I came up with and I decided that it was time to make this story more mature. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
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