Chapter Six

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The plane is stuffy and cramped, like all planes, and Atlantis finds herself missing Chicago more and more. Of course, they are on their way to New York, but the two of them still had so much left in Chicago to explore. Maybe one day in the future, she will come back, with Aaron, or without.
On another note, her heart beats with excitement as she knows that she will be in New York in just a matter of hours. A baby cries somewhere in the back of the plane and Atlantis heaves a sigh. Aaron, who had been engrossed in a book, glances over at her.
"Just a few more hours love, think you can manage?" He offers her a small smile and she returns it, knowing that she will have to survive if they are going to fly from LA to Paris.
"Yeah, survive, that I can do."

A few hours later, they are there and Atlantis is mentally exhausted. Aaron seems to in tip top shape, ready to adventure, but all the young girl wants to do is sleep. With Atlantis' arm slinked through Aaron's, he leads the two of them through the hotel and up to the room, though it's only eight o'clock, Atlantis is ready to call it a night.
"Coffee?" Aaron looks over at the girl who is curled up on one of the beds, cuddling a pillow.
"Why would I need coffee?" She mumbles into the pillow, snuggling closer to it. Aaron roles his eyes and pours a cup.
"To stay awake silly." He takes the mug full of coffee and walks over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. Atlantis turns her head to look at the man, a pouty expression on her face. Aaron just raises his eyebrows and holds the mug out to her. With a role of her eyes, Atlantis sits up and takes the hot drink from him.
"So, what were you thinking of doing in New York?" The question roles casually off of Atlantis' tongue as she takes a cautious sip of the hot beverage.
"Well, the basics, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, etcetera. That and I was thinking, other than doing tourism things, we could go to a few night clubs." Atlantis takes another sip of the drink, pondering the question.
"I don't see why not, were you hoping to go tonight?" Aaron clutches the back of his neck and glances around the room.
"Yeah, that okay?" Atlantis nods her head and  laughs, taking a large gulp of the coffee. She begins to cough and sputter, waving a hand in front of her face.
Aaron grabs a bottle of water that sits next the the bed and gives it to her, taking the mug from her hands. Atlantis eagerly drinks the water, taking some relief from the heat in her mouth.
"Forgot that it was hot?" Aaron questions, discarding the half empty mug on a table.
"Yeah," she says in between gulping down water.
"Well, you finish off that bottle and then get ready, I'm going to get some more water seeing as we are going to need it." Aaron swipes a key card from the table and exits the room, leaving Atlantis to get ready for the night. She shuffles through her suitcase after discarding the water bottle, looking for just the right outfit. Finally, she comes across a dress that she bought when she first moved to Maruka, though she's never had a opportunity to wear it. Grabbing the dress along with her beauty products, she locks herself in the large bathroom of the hotel room and gets to work. Aaron comes back ten minutes later but it takes Atlantis thirty minutes.
When she steps out of the bathroom, Aaron is sitting on his bed, phone in hand. He hadn't noticed Atlantis yet so she took that moment to admire him, though she wouldn't admit that it's something she does. He wears a dark navy t-shirt and regular jeans, obviously having ditched the suits that he's so fond of. The bathroom door creaks from being opened and Aaron looks up, eyes widening slightly as Atlantis comes into view. She awkwardly walks farther into the room and grabs her phone off of the night stand. Aaron stands and makes his way over to her, but stops a couple of steps from the young girl.
"Atlantis you look.. beautiful." He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, snapping himself out of his trance.
"Are you ready to go?" She nods with a smile and hesitantly takes his hand in hers. It's awkward at first, but they both settle into the whole, holding hands thing and walk to a club that's close enough to their hotel. As they walk, Atlantis looks back at the hotel and notices something that has been fairly consistent in their journey. The sign above the hotel reads The Brandon Moore, the same name of the hotel they had stayed at in Chicago. Shaking it off, the young girl turns her head back to the street and focuses her attention on Aaron, who is rambling about a idea he had on the plane.
They arrive outside of a building that sports neon lights and a long line of people.
"Aaron, we are never going to get in!" Atlantis roles her eyes and close to Aaron's arm, trying to pull him away form the scene.
"Don't doubt me, love." Aaron pulls Atlantis with him, straight to the bouncer.
"Is your name on the list?" The bouncer seems unimpressed, as though he doesn't want to be outside IDing people all night, Atlantis wouldn't blame him. Aaron nods.
"Aaron Moore." The bouncers face seems to light up and he puts a smile on his face.
"Welcome Mr. Moore, the VIP lounge is ready for you." Atlantis looks at Aaron, surprised, but he just slips his hand into hers and pulls her into the club. Music blares from many speakers that sit about the place and a DJ plays in front of everyone on the dance floor. A large bar sits on one side of the room while a staircase is on the other. Aaron takes Atlantis up the stairs and into a lounge that is closed off, but not completely. There's a few people inside and they all welcome Aaron. Of course, Atlantis is confused, but Aaron doesn't seem in a huge rush to let her in on what's going on. Maybe he just knows these people because he's a writer, yeah, that must be it. Atlantis mills around the room, looking at the interior while Aaron converses with a group of men. After a few minutes, she hesitantly walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around with a smile on his face.
"I'm going downstairs to get a drink."
"Alright love, stay safe," Aaron boldly leans up and kisses her cheek before turning back to the group of men. Surprised, Atlantis wanders out of the lounge and down the staircase, towards the bar.
"Something light please." The bartender that has obviously been waiting for someone to come, gets to his job and places a small glass in front of her. Atlantis looks at it, swirls it around a bit, and then takes her first sip. She coughs slightly, haven't only drank something once before, and then continues to sip it. She finishes the glass and then signals for another one. She finishes that one rather quickly as well.
Not wanting to drink anymore, Atlantis finds herself on the dance floor, swaying her hips to the beat of a mixed Martin Garrix song. Hands on her hips don't stop her, not for three songs. She awkwardly detached herself from the man and moves towards the bar again, signalling for another drink. The bartender, recognizing her from earlier, places the same small glass in front of her.
"That was some dancing." A man that looks to be around her age sits in the stool next to her.
"Water please." He says to the bartender and than glances in Atlantis' direction.
"Oh you really think so? I was just feeling the music." Atlantis laughs and looks down at her empty glass. She asks the bartender for water, like the man, and then turns towards him.
"So mystery man, what's your name?" She runs a hand through her hair and takes a sip from her new glass of water.
"Nick, and yours?"
"Atlantis," he takes risky move and places a hand on her thigh.
"Well, a unique name for a beautiful and unique girl." She giggles, swishing around the water in her glass. She goes to speak, but a voice calling her name stops her.
"Atlantis?" She glances over to see Aaron standing just off with a angry look on his face.
"Take your hand off her." Aaron, rather roughly, grabs Atlantis' wrist, making her yelp in surprise.
"I think your hurting her mate." Nick goes to remove Aaron's hand from Atlantis but Aaron pulls her from the stool.
"No, she's my girlfriend, I would never hurt her." Enraged, Atlantis rips her hand from Aaron's and slaps his arms.
"I am my own person and you can't make decisions for me." Not wanting to be around Aaron and his jealous attitude, Atlantis storms out of the club, making her way back to the hotel.

Sooo I don't know what age someone can drink and go to a club/ bar in New York and to be honest, I'm too lazy to look it up. So I did the age as 19, cause that's the age it is here, oops.
Also, this is by far the longest chapter I have written in a while.
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