Chapter Three

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The Silence ~ Mayday Parade

"Aaron, it's been months, I don't want to stay here." Atlantis runs a distressed hand through her hair, heaving out a large sigh.
"Why? I thought you moved here for a fresh start." He looks up at her from the paper that sits ok the table.
"Yeah, but I can't.. Find happiness here. No, what am I saying, that makes no sense." She shakes her head, placing it in her hands. Aaron looks at her, concerned. He reaches a hand across the table and places his hand in hers, a reassuring smile on his face.
"How about we go on a trip? Get away from classes, work, the stress. What do you say?" She peers up at him from her hands.
"A trip? To where?" She raises a curious eyebrow. Aaron smiles at her, his face lighting up like a child.
"Well, we could go to Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and then maybe finish off in Paris?" She sits up, freeing her hand from his and running her hands through her hair once more.
"Yeah, wouldn't money be a issue?" Aaron coughs, a nervous habit of his.
"No no, let me worry about that." She smiles, bringing the cooled cup of tea to her lips.
The pair had decided to go get coffee, take a break from the ongoing stresses and business. It was something that Atlantis needed, a comfort in amongst all of the anxiety. Of course, it would only be temporary relief. After the much needed vacation, she would have to come back to work and school and all of the interactions that she's trying to escape.
Three days later Aaron breaks the news to her that they are leaving for Chicago that night.
"Aaron, what?!" Atlantis clamps her hands over her mouth in pure shock. "Are we actually doing this?" He grins widely.
"Better get packing!" She hugs him tightly and runs out of the small book store, making her way back to the hotel that she had been staying in for so long. She packs everything that she owns, it takes a few hours, but she manages to do it. She hauls her luggage down to the lobby and the desk receptionist looks at her with a sad smile.
"Are you leaving, Atlantis?" Atlantis returns the smile, placing her room key on the desk.
"That I am Margret, thank you for being so kind to me. I'll see you around." She walks out of the hotel doors after giving a nod goodbye to the lady, sad that she won't be able to see the others that had been so kind to her, and waits like Aaron told her to.
It's odd how closely Aaron and Atlantis had gotten over the course of three months since meeting. She had found out that he's a writer, well, a struggling one. It never occurred to her that when they met in the coffee shop three months ago, it wasn't the first time they had met. No, Aaron had driven Atlantis from the airport to her hotel her very first day in Maruka. A car pulls up in front of her and Aaron steps out, sporting his usual fedora hat and untimely suit. He takes her bags and places them in the trunk of the car before rounding the car to open the door for her.
"M'lady," she giggles and steps into the car.
The ride is quiet though she's basically bursting with excitement. Through all of the happiness and excitement, she cant help but feel something tugging at her, the idea that she's running from her past. The car ride takes the same amount of time as it did just over three months ago, though this time there is less conversation and more idle music playing to fill the space.
Before Atlantis knows it, she is stepping off the flight, in Chicago. She didn't remember much of the flight, mostly because she slept through it all. Aaron had told her just as they got off that he booked a room in the perfect little hotel, something that Atlantis would like.
"We're in Chicago Atlantis, are you ready for a adventure?" The young girl turns towards the older man as they step out of the cab. Her nerves build up inside of her.
"There's so much to do Aaron." She lifts her long sleeved shirt up, even though it's nearly summer. His eyes trails down to her wrists and the back to her face. She puts her sleeves down.
"Yes, well. Let's get settled in first, shall we?"
Aaron checks in and then helps Atlantis with her bags, carrying their luggage to the third floor. It wasn't that hard though, they took a elevator. The room is small but marvelled. Two beds sit adjacent from each other, and a tv on the far side of the room with a couch.
"How long are we in Chicago, Aaron?" Atlantis questions, plunking herself down on one of the cushiony beds.
"A week. One week for each city. Sound fun?" Her eyes light up and then lift to his.
"So much!" She begins to unpack some things such as jackets and shoes, putting her toiletries in the bathroom and such. Aaron just takes out his shoes and then stuffs his suitcase in a corner. Atlantis roles her eyes at the typical boy behaviour.
"So how is your recent piece going?" Atlantis throws out a question, making idle conversation as she continues to settle in.
"Oh, I don't know. A series of ideas here, a series there, it's just not making a concept, you know?" Aaron lays back on the bed, his head resting on a pillow.
"Is inspiration really that hard?" She hands some coats and hangers.
"No it's not that I- yes that is it." She chuckles to herself and sits on her own bed, looking across the room to the man that she's known for three months. She's sharing a room with him, and it's only been three months. She shakes her head at the crazy thought.
"I am way too trusting," she whispers under her breath, but Aaron's head pokes up.
"What was that?" She looks away from him and over towards the city view.
"Oh, nothing." He sits up from his position, eyes still trained on her.
"Don't say nothing cause there's always something." She shrugs, eyes unwavering.
"Just saying how trusting I am." Aaron crosses the room to sit next to her, blocking her view of the city, making the young girl look at him.
"Have you ever once doubted my trust since we met?" His eyes hold a sincere gaze.
"And I haven't once doubted yours." The contact between the two of them sparks something in Atlantis and she jumps up, running towards the door.
"Atlantis? Where are you going?!" Her heart races as she slams the door behind her, running out of the hotel as fast as she can.

Oooppssss. My hands feel clammy and stuff, weird. But yeah, here! Why do you think Atlantis suddenly ran off? Please don't forget to vote!

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