Chapter Nine

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The wind whips Atlantis' hair around her face and she has to violently try to catch it to keep it out of her face. Sighing, she ties it up into a bun as Aaron approaches. Instantly he wraps a arm around her waist, but she pushes him away, not wanting him to use her in his fit of jealously.
"Aaron, this is Jeremy, he saw that I was alone and thought he would keep me company," Atlantis says in an annoyed, yet shuttle tone. She didn't want to put up with Aaron and his mood swings at the moment. Jeremy sticks his hand out and Aaron hesitantly shakes it.
"It's nice to meet you man." Aaron gives Jeremy a nod in response and turns to Atlantis.
"Sorry, I know that I said I would just be a second, but work called and I-" Atlantis places a finger to his lips and laughs.
"Aaron, you ramble too much. Move on and enjoy the day, yeah?" He nods in response.
In all honestly, Aaron was to the furthest part of jealously he could handle, or that he has experienced. It didn't go unnoticed, all of the stares that Atlantis got as she walked the beach, numerous pairs of eyes on her. If someone asked him, he would outright say that he's jealous. Why wouldn't he be? He had the opportunity to turn their feelings into something more, but he didn't, and after Atlantis confronted him about his jealousy, he had to stay in the down low.
Atlantis, on the other hand, couldn't care less about Aaron's motives of jealously. She would rather enjoy the day than be pulled away with useless drama. And with those thoughts, she spent most of the day in the water with Jermey and Aaron, relaxing and enjoying the sun. The beach brought a moment of security to the young girl, a force of love. As the beach began to quiet, so did Atlantis, and she walked off to be on her own with her thoughts. It seemed that she had to keep reminding herself that this is only temporary, that soon she will be back home, back to her old news. She knew that it would be coming soon, but in the past, she would always deny it, wanting to sink deeper into their little vacation and never go back. She watches as the sun sets over the horizon, a beautiful picture in her mind, and then heads back to Aaron, who waits for her at the edge of the beach.
"Are you ready to go?" He questions her calmly, obviously knowing that she was thinking of important things.
"Yeah, I'm ready." She takes her bags from Aaron and rubs the smooth skin on her shoulder. Even though she put sunscreen on, the thought of a burn is there. Atlantis huffs and follows Aaron back to the hotel where they collapse on the beds in the room.
"What a day," Aaron breathes out before getting up and heading to the bathroom.
"Mind if I shower first?" Atlantis smiles and takes her hair out of her bun.
"No no, you go ahead." He does a little salut and closes the door. Not wanting to go on her phone, Atlantis explores the room. Something abnormal but secretly, she wanted to find what Aaron had been working on for the past few weeks. It didn't go unnoticed, the little bits of writing that he had been doing and not letting her see. So in that opportunity, she crossed the other side of the room and popped open the briefcase that sat carefully on Aaron's bed. Inside were a mess of papers and Atlantis couldn't help but scrunch her nose up at how unorganized Aaron was. Though she knew that each piece of paper in the case contained a bit of writing for his book, she couldn't help but want to clean up the briefcase for him. No, can't did that.
She begins to shuffle through the papers, moving aside ripped of bits, looking for more solid pieces. After a few minutes of shuffling, she comes across a square piece of paper, one of which that looks like it had been cut from a note book of sorts. On it is some scribbled writing that Atlantis has to narrow her eyes at to read.
Her smile was beauty in itself and I couldn't see any other reason not to love her. She screamed of passion and kindness for that is all she is. Have I never met such a wonderful women to date.
She put the piece down with a smile at her lips and picked up another piece, this one a bit smaller.
I can see the light in her eyes fading, if you have looked into them as often as I have, you would see the small detail removing itself.
A lump forms in the back of the young girls throat as she makes a realization, were these notes about her? Surely they couldn't be, Aaron had been working on this book long before she met him. But maybe, just maybe, this cluster of papers are the new additions, snippets that Aaron had written on the trip. The thought of confronting him about it crosses her mind but she pushes it away and closes the brief case. The sound of water running stops and Atlantis quickly runs across the room, picking up the book that lay on her night side table and opening it. Only a few moments later does Aaron open the door, a towel hanging around his waist.
"Everything good?" Atlantis blushes and looks away from Aaron, closing the book that had been opened for alternate purposes.
"Yeah, my turn?" He nods his head, wet hair falling in front of his eyes. Quickly, Atlantis gathers together some clothes and rushes towards the bathroom. Just as she is about to close the door, Aaron calls out her name.
"Yes?" She looks at him curiously, peering from inside the door frame.
"Say, I was wondering. I heard of a small barn party and I thought maybe you would want to go? It's a little out of town, but it's a barn party after all." Aaron avoids eye contact and Atlantis smirks at his nervousness.
"Sounds alright. Is it tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow it is." Atlantis places a hand on the door.
"Tomorrow we shall go then." She closes the door and leans her back against it. Oh how she hopes Aaron doesn't find out about her going brought is manuscript pieces. She wouldn't know what to say if he confronted her of it, other than the truth of course. With a push off the door, she begins to get ready for her shower and a heart full of thoughts.

Wooooo chapter. Yeah. Importance and stuff. Bai. :UNEDITED:
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