Chapter Eight

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The day brought down beaming rays of sun through the hotel room windows. They had arrived in LA the day before and after a exhausting flight, collapsed on a bed and fell asleep. With it being the summer, the heat was clearly evident in the city.
Aaron planned to take Atlantis to the beach, for comfort instead of tourism. Of course, at every word he spoke, her heart would beat slightly faster. Ever since New York, Atlantis has been nervous around Aaron, her palms getting sweaty and her heart beat quickening. The only thing is, Aaron had become possessive ever since the kiss, leaving Atlantis wondering what they are to each other. Surely they aren't a couple, are they? By this point, she's contradicting herself.
With a sigh of relief as she slips into her bathing suit, Atlantis revels in the thought that she will be able to escape her mind, if only for a little while. See, the beach does that. You soak in the rays of the sun and feel the water on your skin, it's like a whole different planet, or at least that's how Atlantis describes it. She slips on a pair of shorts and a light, baggy cover up. Picking the sunglasses off of her bedside table, she makes her way out into the hall to meet Aaron, who waits by a vending machine, pondering his choices.
"To grab a coke or a Pepsi?" He hold a hand to his chin, gaze shifting from the machine to Atlantis then back. The young girl roles her eyes and presses a random button on the ending machine, a bottle of Gatorade dropping out.
"When in doubt, there shouldn't be a decision." She pats him on the back and walks down the hall towards the elevators, leaving the man to look at her back with a confused expression. Aaron quickly hurries the catch up as Atlantis presses a button and the elevator opens with a ding. He makes it inside safely before the elevator doors close and take them to the lobby.
"Here," Aaron smiles and passes the young girl her bag.
"Thanks for holding it for me so I wouldn't forget it." Atlantis takes the sunglasses from her head and places them on her face, shielding her eyes from the rays that will hit her as they leave the building.
"Your welcome, love." Aaron's soft, British accent rolls off his tongue and Atlantis lets the sound ring in her ears. She had forgotten about his accent, being around him so often she just got used to his voice. Every now and then he would say something and she would hear the accent, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips each time. The light of the day explodes on the two of them once they leave the doors of the building, the heat already pricking Atlantis' skin. Aaron boldly takes the young girls hand in his, and she doesn't reject. So they walk down the street, hand in hand, headed to the beach. Of course Aaron has managed to get a hotel that's a near ten minute walk to the beach. This boy is something else.
Around fifteen minutes and an ice cream cone later, they arrive at a long stretch of beach. It's not too busy, but there is a fair amount of people spread across the sand. Flip flops on and towel in hand, Atlantis treks across the open area to find a spot for the two to set up. Aaron walks behind her, juggling beach gear.
Atlantis settles on a spot in between the road and the water, centre line. She helps Aaron set up, placing the two umbrellas up and the towels down. Hesitantly, Atlantis glances at her wrists before taking off her cover up and shorts, the scars of her insecurities healed over. She can hear Aaron suck in a gasp from next to her and she can't help but blush. After being left in her bikini, Atlantis is quick to pull the hair tie out of her hair and let her long locks fall down her back. She sighs and then looks out towards the water.
"I'm going to to water, are you coming?" She looks towards Aaron who is sitting on his town, a awed look on his face.
"Oh, I'll join you in a minute, go ahead." The young girl smiles and makes her way to the water where many other people are gathered.
Aaron's mind jumbles as Atlantis walks away, a girl he is come to have strong feelings for. He wonders how a guy like him, a struggling writer, came across such a girl to nearly call his. But she's not his, no not yet at least.
Down at the water Atlantis dips her feet in, feeling to cool liquid twisting around her ankles. She lets out a sigh and closes her eyes, soaking in the feeling.
"Hi." A sudden voice startles her and her eyes fly open to see a boy about her age looking at her curiously.
"Sorry to bother you. You just looked alone so I thought I'd come say hi." Atlantis smiles at the boy am gives him a small wave.
"Hi." He's tall, yet slender. His hair is clean cut around the edges but the bangs and the sides of his hair hang messily around his head. His green eyes look at her curiously and a genuine smile rests on his lips.
"I'm Jeremy, and you?" He holds out a hand for her to shake and she takes it.
"Ah, what a unique name, are you here alone?" Atlantis looks towards Aaron, who is focused on something on his phone.
"Yeah, I'm here with my friend actually, Hes a bit preoccupied at the moment though." She jabs a finger in the direction of the distracted man.
"Then do you mind if I keep you company?" A grin spreads across her lips and she nods her head.
"Are you local?" She questions, moving her position in the water.
"That I am, and you?"
"Canada." Atlantis shrugs and wares deeper into the cool ocean.
"Oh I've been there, what part?"
"West coast." She glances to Jeremy. He's looking at her with a genuinely interested gaze.
"And what about you? Are you here with someone?" She raises a eyebrow.
"My younger sister wanted to come to the beach with her friends, they are off doing their thing and you seemed nice so yeah." He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"Well I'm glad that you did come to say hi." Atlantis glances back in the direction of where their set up, and instead of seeing Aaron on his phone, she sees him casually walking over towards her, though she knows there's nothing casually going on inside. He is furious.

Hihihi. I picked that up from a friend haha. So here's a update. I've been really busy with a music video and school and sadly, I will not be able to finish this in time for the contest to end. Sorry to everyone who was counting on me.
Please vote and comment xx.

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