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I still don't know if she really died that day. I may never know.
Writing this book was one of the hardest thing I have done because she is the one that gave me my inspiration, all to have it ripped away when she made that decision.
I can't form words to express how I am still effected by what happened.
To all of you out there, reading this, there is someone out there that needs you. Go and find them, be their rock. There was so much going on behind the scenes that I never saw how Atlantis really felt, how she was really hurting. Well, that is until she left me a note.
I found it tucked in between the pages of her favourite book, The Beetle And The Bard. The tear stains on the paper were the first thing I saw, and they were soon to be joined by mine.
You see, there is so much beneath what a person wont say. So much hidden under the words they actually will speak. Atlantis was a prime example to me, and she opened my eyes to see how people actually work.
I must say, I never thought that I would lose her in such a way. I always think, if only I had been more careful. But that's not the case, it wouldn't have helped anything, what has happened, happened.
Don't let the same thing happen to someone you love, be there for them. Show them that you care because one more person living is another light in this world.

By the time you find this I will already be gone. I need you to know that you had nothing to do with the decision that I made. I love you with all of my heart and you did everything that you possibly could for me. I will never be able to thank you enough and I pray that I will see you again in another life. Aaron, know that you did absolutely nothing wrong, I have been fighting these demons much longer than I've known you. You tried to help, but in the end, it was nothing that you could do, but only something I could fix on my own. Aaron, love, I want you to continue on living your life. Run your businesses successfully, continue on with your writing. Just don't forget me, okay.
Love always, Atlantis.

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