New Chapter

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i just want to apologize right now because I haven't been updating in so long! I really am sorry! I'm a student who's been trying to keep my grades up. I haven't been able to manage my time with school, social life, CHURCH, and the book!

Im kinda high so this stuff might not sound right but I wanna tell you what just happened a couple hours ago. 1st I wanna give a quick update about the proceeding chapters of the book. I will only give stories that are significant to my life. these will be most important and most interesting. The middle school stuff is the reason for a lot of today's stuff. The cruise stuff is just fluff in the story. its true just not important . currently I am grounded and I'm about to tell you now....

Back in my freshman year, I was really a bad kid. Almost a thot.. idk if we discussed my high school years much but ima give u a quick debriefing

My freshman year was weird bc I didn't know anyone. I came from Lake forest and everyone else from the school came from up top, Smyrna, or Dover. 5 of us were from Lake and I barely even fw them when I was at Lake. Eventually, I started being cool wit them out of poor selection. The school was new and had only about 120 kids. People were leaving and that brought the population down even more!

I am not the type of person that can be without friends . Im srry i just can't do it. Ive been left alone so many times and i don't want it to happen again, that's why i try to keep folks around me.

So when I wasn't messing wit George, I would be wit Devon. Now Devon was mad at me because he wanted to go out and I was wit George one day and George pulled up to Devon's house and wanted to fight him for talkin to me. the whole situation was bad. Eventually George became possessive, I had to stop fw him.  So i was just enjoying being without a nigga.

i started focusing on my work again and the devil aint wanna see me winning he threw a nigga my way. His name was Deandre.

For a spring project, we had to do a big end of year project. I remember it very precisely. Now as I explained to yall earlier, I was smokin so this story ain't put together that well.

Me, Deandre, a thot named Callie, and a smart goody-2-shoes girl named Willow was in my group.  I think Willow was in my group.... idk tbh i just know that it was a 4-person group. The people don't really matter. Just know that me and deandre had to spend time together a lot for this school project.

Our project was on the Norovirus. That didn't really matter. Just know that we don't know what we were doing and we all aint wanna do it. Science says that people who hate the same things are more likely to get along. keep that in mind as the story unfolds...

Callie was that one friend in the group (well she wasn't our friend. she was just that person in the group). she wanted to play matchmaker with me and Deandre. Out of awkwardness, me and denadre were like nahhh. and that's what we bonded over. We just started to click. it def wasn't his looks, it was all his personality. if u havent found out by now, im attracted to personalities as opposed to appearances. yes you hoes, I like girls too. (I'm talkin to a dyke right now if u wondering) Just because I like everyone don't mean that i like u tho. Don't get it twisted. the fact that i like everyone means that everyone is in danger!

Anyway, Deandre and i start talkin about sports, school, etc. Back in 2014, I loved to party. not a lot of drugs at this time, just dance and at the time we yiked and twerked and swagged and grinded. Sooooo yeah that's what i was into...

Deandre and i would flirt by downing each others talents to swag. eventually he said prove it. Now everyone of any gender knows that prove it is either fighting words or sex words.

Like i said =, our school was small af and we had a lot of freetime. one day I took him up on that offer. when he said prove it, I said "u can't handle this"

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