Chapter Two: Home in Oshu

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As I lived there in the north of Japan in Oshu with Masamune and Kojuro, I felt more and more at home. They made me feel welcome--well atleast Kojuro did. Masamune had an ego about him that was funny, but at the same time, it annoyed me and pushed me away.

It had been three years since I came to live in Oshu. They had come up with their own nicknames for me; Kojuro called me "Young Blossom" when he had to call me something. Masamune wasn't so creative though. When he tried to get my attention, he would often call me "you" or "girl"
I was now 11 years old. A part of me felt like I had to ask Masamune and Kojuro something very important,so I made some tea and sat down with them to discuss my usefulness.

I had been cooking for them, and the rest of Oshu's army. It was pleasant to cook for them though, as opposed to cooking for the Oda army. These people were actually grateful for my work.

"I need to talk to you guys about something, if I may.." I began. The two looked at eachother in confusion before looking back at me. "I know all I have been doing is cooking.."

"Cooking is a big deal." Kojuro interrupted. "There are alot of men to feed."

"Thank you, Kojo." I smiled. "But I was thinking...I really need to think about training, so that I may get stronger. Can I train with your troops?"

"There's no need is there? If you're staying here, you're under our protection from the Oda." Masamune told me.

"And I thank you for that.." I kept calm. "But I'm not talking about the Oda clan."

"Then who?" Kojuro asked.

I still didn't tell them. Part of me wanted to, but I couldn't even though it had been three years. It wasn't that I didn't trust them.

"At this point, I guess it would be for me." I explained. "Please teach me. I promise I will work hard!"

"If you insist, we can begin your training in the morning.." Kojuro still seemed hesitant, as if he were trying to protect me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"On one condition." Masamune added. "When you complete your training you tell us who it is that you want to take down so badly."

"Boss, that is not our business." Kojuro stated.

"Deal." I interrupted the two of them. "If I somehow become strong enough so that I can overcome someone, I'll tell you who it is when they're dead. But..when the time comes, I want no help, got it?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Masamune smirked. I didn't know if I should have felt insulted--like he didn't even want to help me, or if I should have felt flattered like he knew I could take down anyone who stood in my way. It was hard to tell what he was getting at. After 3 years, all I really knew about him was that he was stubborn, and he was complicated. He did whatever he wanted regardless of consequence. He also seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with lightning, which I was afraid of. It brought back memories of that terrible night. It followed him wherever he went. And so, it was almost like I was afraid of Masamune himself.

I was happy that we had gotten my training all straightened out. I was going to start the next day, and then from there, I was going to take it one day at a time and challenge my father.

That night after dinner, I washed the dishes with Kojuro like I had always done. Washing dishes was pretty much our bonding time. Kojuro to me, felt like the father figure I always wanted. He looked after me and my well being like he had actually cared. Somewhere deep in the back of my mind though, I wondered; would he have made the same decision as my father had done those years ago, to do away with me over money? I knew I couldn't get too close to the people in Oshu. I would only get hurt again.

"Are you liking it here in Oshu?" Kojuro asked me, like he often had.

"Very much." I smiled, and continued washing dishes, without even looking at him.

"I'm glad. We really do love having you here."

"We?" I chuckled. "You mean you? Masa doesn't like me that much."

"What makes you think that?" Kojuro hid a grin by turning his face away, hoping that I wouldn't see. But I saw.

"He doesn't really...just seems like he doesn't want me around."

"Does he ever really want anyone around?" Kojuro laughed.

"Touche." I laughed too.

"Well. Starting tomorrow you will be seeing alot more of eachother. So if there are any differences between you two, I suggest you settle them."

"None, really..." I continued to wash the dishes. "He was really nice when I first arrived. It's just lately, that it seems like I'm more of a nuisance."

"Think nothing of that. If there is anything I know about Masamune, it's that he is unpredictable. Now. We are starting tomorrow with your training. It will be a while before you can go on your own, however."

"I know." I kept my gaze on my hands, as I knew he was looking at me. I wanted to thank him for his patience and support with me. Kojuro was a huge part in my staying sane.

Three years. Three years since I had joined the people of Oshu and I loved it so much. Did I really want to leave, after the people of Oshu had taken me in and become my family? After I had finished my training and gathered the power to take my father down for what he did to me, was I really going to leave them all behind? For now, I couldn't imagine my life without them.

After dishes were all clean, I said my good nights to Kojuro and went to bed.

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