Chapter Twenty Three: The Fall of Honno-Ji

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He didn't want to admit it, but I knew after everything, Masamune was happy to see me. I couldn't have been happier to see him, either. I was so glad that I was able to catch up with him. I wouldn't have been there if Kanbe didn't talk me into going. Then we would have had another problem on our hands; Oshu meeting up with the Toyotomi forces. I was glad that I was there to break the ice. Masamune was still kinda sore with Mitsunari.

"Well. If it ain't the Dark King Himself." Masamune glared, "The hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here because of (Y/N). You're not the only one who hates the Oda for what they did to her." Mitsunari was trying so hard to be nice, as he spoke through gritted teeth. "I'm here to offer my assistance."

I knew Masamune wanted to say something he shouldn't have, but thankfully he refrained from doing so. Instead, for my sake, he just said,


I knew I wasn't the only one who was surprised by this. I decided not to call attention to it though.

"Where's Dad?" I asked, looking around the troops, and I wasn't finding him. Mitsunari looked at me strangely, not knowing who I was talking about since Lord Hideyoshi was dead.

Masamune looked around too. "He's usually in the back, conversing with with the troops about whatever." He shifted his gaze down to the lone Nobunaga staring us down, but not moving. "We can talk later. Right now, we need to set our sights on bringing this guy down. Are you ready guys???"

Only the army from Oshu cheered. I didn't think anyone else understood what was going on. We were unique indeed.

"Tonight we get vengeance for what this monster did to our (Y/N)! Let's send this bastard to hell where he belongs!" Masamune continued. He put me down, and Oshu's army was the first to advance. Everyone else just kind of stood there, not knowing what to do, or they just went with the flow.

When Masamune placed me on my own two feet and charged off without me, that's when I noticed a sharp pain in my ankle, but I didn't let it show. When the men charged though, I was able to stay behind and meet with the leaders of the allies.

"Hello, My lady, Good to see you again." I was greeted by Ieyasu, the man that killed Lord Hideyoshi once and for all. I was so grateful to him. And there he stood, smiling, like we weren't in the middle of a death trap.

"Likewise." I returned the smile, and bowed in respect. I would catch up with him later though. Now was not the time for small talk.

The sky grumbled in a way that resembled Masamune when he was hungry. I looked up, and felt a few rain drops on my forehead.

"Oh, great...." I thought aloud. I wasn't looking forward to the loud booming thunder and sudden flashes of lightening that scared me so.

Magoichi with the Saica faction had her gunmen surround the area, with a clear shot of Nobunaga. Maybe I underestimated the power of these forces. They did take down the Toyotomi after all. I wastched as they all had their guns aimed. I was afraid though, that they might have hit Masamune or any of Oshu's men.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Kojuro, as the armies from the east and west readied theirselves to jump down and overwhelm Nobunaga. He grabbed me and held me in his arms for a moment. "When I heard that you were here, and then the storm..."


Thunder boomed, and lightening struck. I jumped from the sudden noise, but to be honest...I wasn't afraid. It wasn't because Kojuro was holding me either. There was something else, another reason that the storm didn't bother me. and I think I knew what it was, or rather who it was.

"I'm Okay, Dad." I smiled. "I'm not afraid anymore." I smiled. "I need to go to Masamune. Let's bring this nightmare down, once in for all."

"As you wish." Kojuro returned the smile, and helped me jump down to face Nobunaga, who was locking swords with Masamune. I felt like this was Odawara all over again, when he was locking swords with Mitsunari. But this time I hoped I wouldn't have to step in since he got so upset with me last time I did.

When Nobunaga was pushed back, it looked like he was dead. I put my arms around Masamune.

"Hm. Wasn't even a challenge." Masamune grinned, then turned his back. The thunder crashed again, and I didn't even jump. "You okay?" he asked me.

"Yes. I'm fine." I answered.

"Uh...Boss?" we heard one of his men say, as Nobunaga rose to his feet, without even really moving, as if there were some invisible force pulling him up to face us.

"So. Ya want more, huh?" he smirked. "(Y/N), you just sit back and enjoy the ride. It's gonna be one hell of a party!" He laughed like it was all a game. "Badger! Look after her, will ya?"

Kanbe didn't answer, he just came and picked me up. I wanted to help. I wanted to be with Masamune. I was there, though. Atleast I wasn't at home in Oshu waiting for him.

I watched as everyone seemed to be beaten back by Nobunaga's power, even the Saica forces that were pretty much watching the fight and getting ready to shoot. They still did though. And with one shot, he fell as if he had died, and then got up again, just like the last time. I was horrified at the sight. I was horrified at what he had to do to gain such power. I was horrified that he wanted to hurt, and kill everyone that opposed him.

With everyone's power though, they were able to overcome Nobunaga all seven times that he rose to life, each time stronger than the last. The forces were tired, not to mention hurt after that battle.

My ankle still hurt, but at this point I didn't really pay any mind to it, since it was nothing in comparison to others. I rushed back to Masamune, who could barely stand. I put my arm around his waist to hold him up.

"See... told ya..." He smirked like he wasn't hurt. " won't have to worry about anything."

"I know, Masa." I began to cry, but it was masked by the rain. "Thank you, Masa." I kissed his forehead.

I had to do something nice for him when we returned. He had single handedly taken all of my fears away;

first, the lightening. I used to be so afraid. After he held me the night before leaving for Honno-Ji, I felt like nothing could hurt me. He told me nothing would hurt me and I believed him. I felt like I wouldn't even be scared of anything again, except for Masamune's safety, when he left. But now, he was safe, and I had him in my arms.

Second, he and the rest of the combined armies risked their lives to help me. He had gotten so many people together to kill the remnants of the men that gave me nightmares. I was so grateful.


we all heard, but it wasn't thunder that time.

"Motochika! Idiot! You're late!" Magoichi yelled, while smacking some guy upside the head. He wielded a massive anchor on his shoulder. I had no idea who he was, other than the pirate that a camp guard had told me was going to show. He was late, indeed.

"Well then." Motochika grinned, his violet scarf-life garments flowing in the wind. "Ye mateys better clear out! We will blast Honno-Ji all the way to Davy Jones' locker!"

The men cheered, and I couldn't help but cheer too. Not only were the Oda remnant gone, but this guy was gonna make sure there wasn't a trace left. I didn't mind that he came late. He was helping alot, still!

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