Chapter Twelve: Safe In Osaka

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I had stayed in Osaka for a few days, like Mitsunari had suggested.  He had sent out a letter home, or atleast I hoped he had, so that everyone knew where I was.

In the mean time, Mitsunari and I were getting along pretty well.  We were getting to know eachother, since I hardly got to leave my bed--he made sure of that.  He stayed near and protected me, but it sure was boring!

"You know, Kanbe had that exact same problem with the runaway bird." Mitsunari decided to tell me during the many hours I was in bed.  

"He did?" I laughed.  I could just imagine Kanbe dragging his ball around, chasing the bird that took his only means of escape.  I was happy that I had it safely with me now.  "Poor Kanbe...he needs  break.  Maybe when he is free, his luck will change."

"Perhaps."  I could tell Mitsunari didn't really want to talk about 
Kanbe, but he was doing so to cheer me up.  "(Y/N), I apologize that these past few days have been harsh..."

"Not that harsh..." I smiled. "Thank you for keeping me company in here.  I bet these past few days have been even more harsh on you.  Just finding out about someone you idolize...while I knew all along.  It wasn't as shocking to me.  Still, I think we should stick together from now on."

"I think that is a good idea.  But will you not be going back to Oshu?"

"I will, but I still expect to keep you in my life.  I can't lose you again, Mitsu..."

"I agree."


Later on that day, Mitsunari left my room momentarily, so that he could meet some visitors at the castle gates.  He brought in Kojuro and Kanbe, who had travelled all the way from Oshu to come get me and bring me home.  I needed them to be there.

"Young Blossom!  Thank God you're okay!" Kojuro collapsed next to my bed and held me in his arms. He placed his hand on my head to check the bandages.

"I'm okay, da-" I stopped myself once I realized what I was saying. "--Kojuro.  Mitsunari has taken really good care of me."

"The Dark King?" Kanbe doubted. "Now forgive me if I seem a little too surprised."

"Shut it, Badger.  It isn't like you were here to help her."  Mitsunari shot back.  I saw Kanbe get a little insulted over that remark, but I tried to distract him.

"Come here, Kanbe."  I beckoned.  He did what I said, and I immediately used the key on his locks, before he had the chance to ask what I was going to do.  I didn't want to take any more chances of anything else happening to that key before I got to use it.

"Whoa, you really DID catch it!  I'm impressed!"

"With Mitsu's help.  That bird led me here.  And...."

"Hush now." Kojuro stopped me before I could go into details.  "Mitsunari let us know what happened in the letter he sent to us, informing us you were here.  Let's not dwell on it."

"Okay."  I lay my head back on my pillow. 

"Get some rest, Young Blossom.  We will be leaving tomorrow."

"Okay."  I closed my eyes, after watching the three of them leave my room.


(Kojuro's POV)

I was so worried about (Y/N).  I had only wished that I had traveled with her, instead of letting her take off from Oshu like that.  But what were the odds of her actually getting caught up in everything the way she had?  Still, I feel that it was irresponsible of me that I had let her go out on her own.

The letter from the Dark King stated that she had faced her father in his last breaths, however Ieyasu of the East was the one who had actually killed him.  I had only regretted that I wasn't there in his final moments to tell him how arrogant he was, and how blessed I was to have taken his place as the father figure in her life.  He missed out on alot that, had he not chosen to give her up, I would never have experienced.  In a way, I was grateful for his stupidity; however, I would have given up anything to spare (Y/N) the heartache I knew she was experiencing.  Especially considering that she had learned that her mother had suffered the safe fate.

I really wished I was there.  Not only to comfort (Y/N), but to have a hand in killing that man.  Whatever judgement awaited him in the afterlife would have been too good for him.

Masamune had come along to Osaka, but he preferred to say outside of the castle gates.  Idiot....It was then that (Y/N) needed us the most.  I knew he cared, otherwise he wouldn't have made the trip from Oshu to Osaka.  What I didn't understand is why he didn't tell (Y/N) that he cared.  I was definitely going to find him and give him a good talking to.

I walked around and found Lord Masamune outside the castle gates, pretty much where Kanbe and I had left him, seemingly pouting.  

"You should come in and check on her."  I told him.  He just sighed.

"Didn't you already do that, Kojuro?" he asked, like checking on (Y/N) was an extra chore that he didn't want to do.

" I did, but don't act like you don't want to see her."

"Ya read right through me!" he taunted sarcastically.  "Besides, I'm probably the last person she wants to see, after all that has happened to her.

Now, we were getting somewhere.  He didn't want to go in there because of the incident a few days ago when (Y/N) saw his lips on a woman.  He should have talked it out with her, to clear up any air.  

I saw the way (Y/N) had made him smile.  That was something that I hadn't seen with anyone else, not even me.  If even on a friendship level, I needed to get the two of them talking.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up later and didn't find anyone.  It was late out, the moon well in the sky, and there wasn't any sign of Kanbe, Kojuro, or Mitsunari.  I just stood up and walked around, hoping to bump into someone--and I did.

"Masamune?  I didn't know you were here."  I pointed out.  When I had called out his name, he only looked at me, not saying a word.  I had never seen him with a face so serious.

After a few moments of silence, he decided to speak;

"Don't be so surprised.  Of course I came."  He turned his head away, crossing his arms.

"Where is everyone else?" I continued to look around, as if there was some nook or cranny I had missed.

"They're doing rounds around the castle.  They asked me to stay here, in case you woke up."

"Why you of all people?"  I mumbled, but he didn't hear me.

"I wanted to talk to you about..."

"You want to talk?  Did Kojuro put you up to this?"

"No!  I mean--Kinda. But mostly me."

Masamune was being hesitant.  It was another side of him that I wasn't used to seeing.  What exactly was it that he wanted to tell me? 

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