Chapter Seventeen: Sharing the News

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(A/N): some of the plot in this chapter was suggested to me by MheiZaoXie19. Thanks girlie! Enjoy!

"So let me get this straight," Masamune began, as he carried me through the doors of our home. "While I was wishing for a wife, you were wishing for...ramen?"

"Well, I'm hungry." I laughed.  "And, you're a jerk most of the time. How was I supposed to know that you were gonna pull a 'Prince charming'?"

"Yeah, I'll give ya that." He smirked. "Well, you made my wish come true. Let me make yours."

"What. Take out?"

"Huh? No!" He seemed insulted that I would even suggest such a thing. "I'll make it myself."

"What? You?" I snickered.

"Is that so hard to believe? I can cook pretty well!"

"Since when? You never helped me or Kojuro all these years." I continued to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah...laugh it up."

When he put me down, we encountered Kojuro making breakfast.

"Hey Dad." I continued to laugh, and had to try to explain it a few times to him,  but he could hardly understand me since I was laughing so hard.

"(Y/N) slow down.." Kojuro laughed. I guess it was contagious. I bet he was still getting used to my calling him Dad, too.

"Masa says he's going to cook!" I fought to keep talking without laughing.

"Oh is that so?" Kojuro couldn't help but start laughing too.  Masamune crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Hey what's all the commotion about out here?" Kanbe entered the room.

"Masa is gonna cook!" I explained, I couldn't breathe. The entire room was full of laughter.

"Whatever, laugh.  I don't care. You'll have to eat your own words. I'll make lunch."

After breakfast, I went to my room and took a nap. After being out all night, I was too tired. I was having a wonderful dream, of Masamune training next to a stream. I didn't know why I was dreaming about it, but it was nice. He was shirtless and I could see scars all across his chest and back--battle scars, no doubt. I didn't pay much attention to them, as I noticed he was sweating, his muscles glistening in the sunlight. He swung one of his six swords and decapitated a dummy, then looked at me.

"Hey." He brushed his hair out of his face. I waved, but didn't say anything. He beckoned for me to come to him, and I did. He immediately kissed me deeply and passionately. He slipped his hand up my shirt and I let him. 

This dream was getting steamy. Only, I didn't know it was a dream at the time.

"(Y/N)." I heard Masamune say, but that was impossible, since his lips were attatched to mine. "(Y/N)." I heard again. My vivid, colorful dream  faded to black, then melted to the colors of my room. I looked around.

"Man..." I held my head as I sat up.

"Hey." Masamune was sitting next to me, grinning. "I made lunch."

"Oh." I stretched. "Sorry, I fell asleep."

"I know, I couldn't expect you to stay up all day." He held my hand. "What did you dream about? You were moaning alot."

I sat there, embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.

"Uh..." I thought for a second, which made it obvious that I was making something up. "My stomach hurts. I think I'm coming down with something"

"Try to eat something. Maybe you just need to eat. Come on." He stood up, then picked me up to bring me to the dining table. Waiting there was a whole banquet of food. I was breathless.

"You really made all this?" I looked around, and locked eyes with Kojuro.

"I didn't help, I just watched. " he laughed. "Had to make sure the house didn't burn down."

"Have you tried it yet?" I asked staring at all the food as if it was poisonous.

"Nope, left that honor for you." Kanbe crossed his arms.

Masamune put me down, and I sat at at the table. I picked up my chopsticks and grabbed a dumpling, perfectly made. It was even better than the ones I had made in the past.

I examined the dumpling, and sniffed it a few times. Masamune grew impatient when I lightly touched my tongue to the dumpling.

"Will you just eat it!!" He yelled. It startled me, but it was funny.

I put the dumpling in my mouth but I didn't chew it. The taste so far wasn't bad. When I chewed it, it was nice and soft. And very flavorful.

"Actually, it is really good!" I smiled.

"Told ya!" Masamune elbowed me.

After I had eaten the first piece and proved that it wasn't poisonous, Kanbe and Kojuro began eating too.

"Hey. Not bad, One-Eyed Dragon!" Kanbe complimented. Masamune smirked, ego inflated.

We enjoyed the lunch that Masamune made. I loved that moment, when I was happy with all of them. That was my family, though not by blood. I never wanted to be anywhere else.

"See? Now I made your wish come true." Masamune smiled, and fed me a rice cake. That was delicious too.

"Well Masa, you gave me my wish a long time ago. So when we saw the shooting star, I didn't know what else to wish for. I already had what I wanted."

"What.  Yours truly?"

"You're a part of it." I laughed. "A family."

"Hey, you two are gettin kinda cozy,  huh?" Kanbe asked.

"I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said  I didn't see it too.." Kojuro politely agreed. "You seem closer than you were in Osaka. Has something...changed?"

"Wow, nothing getting past you two!" I grinned.

"Actually, I asked (Y/N) to marry me last night. And, no woman can resist this mug..." Masamune bragged.

"Your 'mug' isn't what got me. It's just when you aren't an ass--you know, the few times that you aren't--its actually really wonderful." I explained.

"Well, in any case, congratulations, you two." Kojuro stated. "(Y/N), I'm glad you agreed to this. Blink twice if it was against your will."

"It wasn't against my will." I laughed. "I think Masamune will make a fine husband....most of the time."


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