Chapter Twenty Six:Forever in Oshu

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Masamune and I kept up with our planning, and decided to get married in the (favorite season). There wasn't a whole lot  of people to invite; Kanbe,  of course, Mitsunari, and anyone else that wanted to be there.  I knew Masamune wasn't the popular kind, no matter how much his ego was inflated, so I knew that this wedding was going to be small.

Kojuro did alot of the meal prep. He was going to make something amazing for my special day, as he had explained to me.

I found a beautiful Kimono that I was going to wear. It was white, with blue dragons embroidered on it. My obi was yellow, and I had asked the seamstress that sold the kimono to me to embroider some lightening bolts on  it. It looked amazing.

After all planning was completed, the big day had arrived quickly. I couldn't wait to See Masamune that day, I was excited yo see what he had picked out for the day I became his forever. 

I did my hair and makeup in my bedroom while everyone waited outside. Someone then knocked at my door, before I was even ready.

"You can't see me yet, Masa!" I giggled as I continued to style my hair.

"It's Mitsunari." I heard a monotone voice. I hurried to stand up and answer the door. When our eyes met, he looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hey Mitsu!" I smiled and hugged him, but he barely put his arms around me in return. It was like he was afraid to touch me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He smiled weakly. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, but I'm not even finished yet." I giggled again. "I'm glad you could come today. I need you here."

"You do?"

"Yes. You're a huge part of my life. I feel like I shouldn't take this step without you."

"Funny you should say that..." he mumbled.


"It's nothing. I'm...glad to be here today. "

I smiled, but wondered what it was that Mitsunari was hesitant to say. Like he was holding back from telling me something.  Oh well.  I wasn't going to dwell on it, since I had a huge day ahead of me to get ready for.

"I just came to let you know I'm here for you. I...I wouldn't miss this day for the world."

"Thank you, Mitsu. That means alot to me."

After our short conversation,  Mitsu left me to get ready with my Kimono. Kojuro came to my room to assist me with that. I wanted it to look perfect and I couldn't achieve that on my own.

"I wouldn't have guessed when we found you that this would be the outcome of your staying with us." He laughed.

"I know what you mean! Hard to see past that ego of his!" I laughed too. "But once I broke through the obnoxiousness, I found the real Masamune."

"What? Gentle and kind?" Kojuro smiled, sarcastically.

"No, even more obnoxioisness. But below that...." I continued.

"Egotistical jerk?"

"Below that.  He's actually not that bad."

"No, he isn't.  And I'm glad you see that too." He took a step back to just look at me. I swore I saw his eyes get a little glossier, before he quickly turned around.

"You okay, Dad?"

"You grew up too fast." Was all he said,  before turning to me and embracing me tightly.

"Masamune and I won't be moving too far away...he is the Big Boss of Oshu after all."

"I know." He spoke gently. "Just let me hold you for a minute."

Kojuro usually wasn't the emotional type. Before that day, I had never seen him cry.

"As soon as you're ready, everyone is waiting for you. Take your time." Kojuro left me to the quiet of my room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and took it all in, that I was a bride. I was to wed the one and only One-Eyed Dragon. How lucky I was, and what a wonderful feeling I felt. I couldn't imagine what Kojuro was going through, his kids moving out of the house. Part of me wanted to just stay at home, but build a bigger room for the two of us. I was going to propose the idea to Masamune after the wedding.

Finally I had gathered my nerves, and was ready to meet everyone outside. As I had expected, there weren't too many people there; there was Kanbe and some of his men, Magoichi, Ieyasu, Mitsunari, and Motochika. I knew it was going to be small, and that was okay with me.

Everyone was dressed nicely, or in Kanbe's case, nice-er. I was excited to see everyone, but even more excited to marry Masamune.

Masamune was dressed in all white armor. It was the same as his normal armor, only all white, and without the stupid helmet. He looked so handsome as he smiled, with his eyes on me. I joined hands with him as I met with him in the circle of our friends. Kojuro was going to do the honors of marrying us. He sat a teapot  between Masamune and I, with one teacup.  We said our vows, and each of us had to drink from the teacup, symbolizing our new life together. Masamune put the small cup to my lips and I took a small sip, then to his own lips so that he could drink. He had this huge grin on his face when we completed the tea ceremony.

"You know what this means...right?" He continued to grin. "You're all mine now." He picked me up.

"Can't even wait till the end of the reception?" Kanbe grumbled, but I heard him.

Before Masamune carried me away, I was sure to thank everyone for coming, and to enjoy the food that we apparently wouldn't be staying for.

Masamune carried me to a horse, where he sat me down and climbed on.

"Where are we even going?" I giggled.

"Somewhere away. " he stated simply. "Anywhere. I am about to show you off to the world."


"Cuz I can." He smirked. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too Masa." I smiled and kissed him passionately,  before we rode off.


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