Chapter Eighteen: Planning Delayed

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So, telling Kanbe and Kojuro couldn't have gone any better.  I was glad that they had taken the news so well, and didn't tease me or anything.

I had gone to my room after lunch that day so that I could think about a few things for our wedding.

There was much that we had to plan: who to invite, what kind of dress I was going to wear, what kind of food to serve, and most importantly, where to have it.  I grabbed a scroll, and an ink brush to immediately start jotting down ideas.

"Wow you don't waste any time, huh?" Masamune asked with a grin.  I ignored him pretty much after giving him a nod to acknowledge him.  He had followed me to my room without my noticing, so I knew I was really focused on one thing.  This wedding didn't have to be huge, but it had to include all my family.  That's all I really wanted.  But if I knew Masamune, he would want to have a party, to show off to the entire country if he could.  I had to prepare myself for that.

I felt his hand on mine, after a while of writing things down.  I didn't know if he had left and come back, or if he had been hoovering over me the entire time.

"Hey.  Why don'tcha put that down and take a break?"  He whispered, and took my pen from me. At first I was annoyed because I was in the middle of a thought that I would probably forget if I didn't get it on paper.

"Masa? Wha-"  I began to ask what he was going to do with my pen, when he threw it, and attached his lips to mine.  At that point, I didn't care what had happened to my pen.

"Be mine...(Y/N)..."he moaned in my ear, that gave me shivers.  I was mesmerized by his voice, by the way his skin was touching mine.  I didn't answer him, just wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him just as passionately.

He removed my top,and kissed my neck. I gasped a little at the tickling sensation.  I squirmed a little but I loved it.

"Sh...I won't hurt you."  He promised.  It reminded me of the time he protected me from the storm. He placed his hand gently on my chin to look at me in my eyes for a moment.  "Are you scared?"

"No." I assured.  But really, I was terrified.  Masamune was my first love.  I didn't want to mess that up.  Not that I think I could.  Masamune was understanding, and it seemed like once he had something he would fight like hell to keep it.  I hoped he felt the same about me because, I would do the same for him.

He removed his top and armor too.  I ran my hands up and down his chest slowly and gently.  I loved the feel of his soft skin.  He continued to kiss me again, pressing our chests together. I had never felt so secure in my life.

Mid make-out, someone knocked at my door.  The moment we heard that sound, we scrambled to get our clothing back on.

It was Kojuro.  He had some news to share with Masamune, privately.

"I'll be out in a moment." Masamune called back, after Kojuro told us why he was there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"  Kojuro asked, sounding like he was going to laugh.

"Yer damn right you did..." Masamune scowled under his breath. I chuckled, and picked up my pen and paper.  I opened the door, and let Kojuro in.

"Dad.  You're just in time!"  I smiled, acting like we weren't doing anything too serious. "We were just doing a little planning for the big day!"

"Oh really...I thought it was a little too quiet for planning...Let me see."  he took a look at the scroll I had written ideas on.  Luckily I had written so much in such a small amount of time, that my little fib was believable. "Touche."  He put the scroll down on my table. "Boss Masamune, I need to talk to you in private."

"Yeah,yeah... I heard you the first time.  Make it quick...we still have a little more planning to do." Masamune winked at me.  Could he make it any more obvious?

They decided to have their private talk right outside my door, like I wasn't going to listen in.  I put my ear to the door and heard them whispering amongst themselves, not wanting me or Kanbe to hear it.  Once I started listening in though, I wish I hadn't heard a word.

"My Lord, there have been reports of mysterious activity in Kanegasaki."  Kojuro explained.

"So?  Why should that concern me?"  Masamune was right to the point.  He really didn't care unless it involved him in some way. 

"Because, they're attacking and eliminating nearby regions, making their way here."  he continued.  "You know where Kanegasaki is, right?"

"Yea, somewhere in the East..."

"It is the pathway to Honno-Ji."

suddenly, all was silent.  The name Honno-Ji brought nightmares to my very soul.  It was apparent that Masamune was thinking about it.

(Masamune's POV)

Kojo was telling me about the mysterious happenings in Kanegasaki.  big deal, right? If they made their way to Oshu, I would take 'em down, whoever they were.  I didn't even care until he mentioned Honno-Ji.

"So...That bastard is causing trouble again..."  I crossed my arms, and leaned against the wall.  I kept from making eye contact with Kojo as I thought about what to do.

"It may not be up to us alone, to decide on what happens to their army, but you know as well as I, that something must be done--for (Y/N)'s sake."

I knew something had to be done. And I couldn't tell (Y/N) about it.  I remember when she first came home with us, and how scared she was when she asked us not to tell them she was here.

"Word has it, he is looking for the Toyotomi, to eliminate the blood line.  And, she is the last one."

"I know."  Was all I could think of to say. "Give word to the army to prepare for departure in the morning.  We will leave at dawn. Now...leave me alone with her for the rest of the night."

"Yes, my Lord."  Kojuro bowed and left.

I know he was thinking I wanted to do some kinky things to (Y/N), but that was the last thing on my mind now.  I took a deep breath and re entered (Y/N)'s room.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Masamune came back in to my room a few moments later, and I was just sitting at the table pretending to look over my planning notes.  

"Hey, Masa, everything okay?" I asked, with a welcoming smile,

"Yeah, Kojuro just wanted to be a stick in the mud, like always." He laughed, like nothing was wrong.  "We're just going to have to go on a little trip for a few days, nothin big."

"Oh yeah? Can I come along?"  I asked, knowing he was going to say no, but I was curious as to how he would explain why I couldn't.

"It's just a long and boring trip that we Date take every year to the East.  Can I count on you to guard things here?"

"...I guess..."  I answered, my eyes falling back to my paper.

"Hey."  He placed his hand under my chin to shift my eyes back to him.  "I'll be right back.  It won't take me long at all."

"Yeah..."I sighed.

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