Chapter Nine:Get it Together!

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I stayed in my room for quite the time. I didn't eat much, and I didn't let anyone in my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone. And I knew it was just a phase.

I knew that one day I would be over what had happened, what I saw. But for now, I was heartbroken I lost my appetite, and I didn't want to see Masamune anytime soon. I was stupid. To think that someone like him would like someone like me. After I had seen him with someone else, I realized I wasn't his type; No, I wasn't pretty enough. That woman had curves I could never hope to have. I was hurt, but I needed to think of other things. In that spare time, when I didn't have to deal with anyone else, I decided to write my letter back to Mitsunari.

Dear Mitsu,
I received your letter from Osaka. Thank you for writing to me.

I hope there is a time that we will be able to talk in person, as it had been years since I have seen you. I don't think that the moment we met in Odawara was enough for a lifetime of absence. Know what I mean?

So, as you asked, this is the story; I don't know what lies you were fed regarding my disappearance, but the truth is, I was taken, and Lord Hideyoshi did nothing to stop it. Kanbe tried to stop them too. But we were little and he couldn't do much.

Kanbe told me that no one believed him. I know that's true, considering everyone thought I was dead. But, He was telling the truth. I was taken. And when he tried to overthrow Lord Hideyoshi, he was punished. He is with me now.

How have you been all these years Mitsu? I remember when we were little you used to smile so much. But where is that smile now? When I saw you, you looked like you hate everything.

I, like you, will also be here a few days to write. I'm in my room, and I'm not leaving for a while. Write back when you can!


I placed my letter in the container with the Toyotomi seal. I gave it to a messenger hawk who then carried it to Osaka. Hopefully, Mitsunari would be the one who received it. If he wasn't though, I didn't give any location specific information in the letter, so I still wouldn't have been found.

I stayed in my room, hoping that no one would bother me. I ignored my stomach that kept grumbling. I couldn't think of food at all.

(Kanbe's POV)

Kojuro came in from working in the fields, bringin a whole bunch of vegetables he had grown himself. I thought of being a farmer once. Once. But then I thought of being out in the sun. Just the thought of working so much with no shade exhausted me. Nope, not for me.

"Is she still in her room?" Kojuro asked me. I shrugged.

"Looks like it. She hasn't come out to try to get these off either." I held my shackled wrists up.

"I wonder if she's of us should check on her."

"Nah, she ain't sick." I stated, which got him to look at me funny, like how did I know? I told him how. "Look. She started actin this way after she claimed she didn't find Masamune right? I think he either said something to her, or she saw something she didn't want to see. Judging by the look on her face when she came home, she seen something. "

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