Chapter Ten: A New Aquaintance

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            Dear Mitsu,
It doesn't surprise me that he lied to you about me. Why he continues to do so, is beyond me. I guess I really wasn't as important to him as his money.  That irritates me alot. I mean,  who does That?

Kanbe actually was planning to take over the country. Yoshitsugu, whoever he is, was right in that information.  However, he was only doing it so that he could find me.

Who is this former colleague? Is it anyone I would know? Please be safe in that battle. I just met you for the first time in a long time, I don't want to lose you.

Thank you for sending the key. Kanbe will be happy to be out of those chains!

Just curious, what do you think of Masamune Date?  You were fighting him in Odawara, do you dislike him?


I gave the letter to the bird and sent it back to Mitsu before I left my room. I took the key with me and held it tightly in my hands as I walked down the stairs and to Kojuro and Kanbe sitting at the table.

"Hey, Young Blossom, you're just in time for lunch!" Kojuro exclaimed cheerfully.

"It smells wonderful." I mentioned, after sniffing the air. I took a seat next to Kanbe, who had a bunch of sharp pointy tools laid out on the table.

"I got it all ready for you." Kanbe chuckled.

"Actually..." I unwrapped the cloth to reveal the key.

"Woooah!! How'd you get your hands on that???" I thought I saw Kanbe's eyes tear up a little. I held the key in my hand before trying to put it in the lock. It was a beautiful key!

Screeech! We heard echo through he house. The bird I thought had flown away with the letter to Mitsu was loose inside the house. As we all know, birds like shiny flew  down and snatched the key from my hands, before flying out the window.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled, and stood up. I ran to the door, keeping my eye on the bird. I grabbed a bow and arrow from our armory in the front, and fetched a horse. I had to act quickly if I wanted to catch it.

I caught glimpse of Masamune before the horse led me out of the village. He was near that woman he was with before, but he wasn't touching within  distance.

I followed that bird for hours. I could see it in the air just flying at its own leisure, without a care in the world. I tried shooting it a few times but I missed. I decided to just follow it until it landed, so I didn't have to waste arrows.

I ended up following the bird until the sun set. Then, it was cold and dark and I lost sight of it. I really wanted to catch the bird, but there wasn't much I could do when I couldn't see.

I made a fire with nearby sticks and rocks. I was far away from home, and I hoped they didn't worry. I would return the next day, triumphant hopefully, and get Kanbe out of those chains!

I stayed the night next to my horse, in the wilderness. As the sun rose, I caught glimpse of that same damn bird as if it had stayed in the sky the entire night, mocking me.

"That damn bird! Come down here and fight like a man!" I shouted. It was safe to say, I was a little dehydrated, and a little hungry. Okay, alot. I hadn't really eaten or drank anything in a few days. I guess I didn't really think of that before I left the village. I needed to get something in my system.

I followed the bird vigorously, still, despite how I was feeling. Eventually, I was led to an army, who was cleaning up their own campsite before moving on. I saw gold everywhere; and a symbol I wasn't quite familiar with. Before I knew it, I was seized, pulled off of my horse.

"Where do you come from?" One of the men asked, while holding my arms behind my back.

"That matters not. I don't do too well with my hands bound behind my back, so release me before you get a black eye!" I threatens.

"Wouldja listen to her!" One of the men became irritated with me. "Tell me where you come from. Before I--"

"You'll what, commander?" Another man approached us. "Now men, is that really any way to treat a lady?"

"General Tokugawa!" They suddenly let me go and bowed in respect to the man who was wearing golden poofy pants, some armor across his chest only, so his abs were exposed. He had a kind if jacket thing with a hood.

"I apologize for my men, My Lady. You see, they are just under alot of pressure as if late. We are going to Osaka to confront Lord Hideyoshi."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Walk with me, My Lady. I wish to know more about you."

His name was Ieyasu Tokugawa. He was going to confront Lord Hideyoshi, because he was controlling,  and wanted to invite the country by force. Ieyasu, on the other hand,  believed in joining the country through the bonds of peace. It sounded....less brutal, atleast, if not delusional.

"I used to be on their side." Ieyasu explained further, as we rode our horses next to eachother. "I defected though, after I saw what kind of man Lord Hideyoshi really was. My former friend saw that as a betrayal though. So we will most likely have to deal with him."


"Mitsunari Ishida. I'm sure you have heard of him."


So this guy was the man Mitsunari had talked about in the letter about going to battle with someone. This man desired to kill Lord Hideyoshi, and you know what? I was gonna let him.

"So tell me about you, My Lady."

"Well, I'm here by life coincidence. I was chasing a bird with a key." I looked up and sighed. "He's gone"

"A bird with a key? I saw it. It flew towards Osaka. So, looks like you're coming with us, huh?" He laughed.

"...I suppose I am." I smiled a little, but I didn't want to be gone for too long. I knew already that Kanbe and Kojuro were worrying. I just wanted to get the key and go. "But before you do away with Hideyoshi,  I have a few things I would like to say to him."

"Really, what would that be?"

"Now, that's a secret. I guess you'll find out soon. Anyway, I'm  (Y/N)."

"I see!" His face lit up, he had finally put two and two together. "Well, My Lady, it would be an honor for you to accompany me and my men to the west!"

"Why thank you my Lord, Likewise." I smiled.

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