Chapter 20: Stay?

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Dear Mitsunari,

So, apparently there is this huge thing going on in the east concerning Honno-Ji. I heard Masamune and Kojuro talking about it last night, about how the Oda plan to find the remaining Toyotomi and eliminate them. They are trying to keep it secret from me. Should I tell them that I know what is going on? or should I continue to play innocent? I am at a loss. What would you do?

I know you're probably busy with...I don't know, Mitsu things, but I have noticed that you haven't responded to my last letter. Write me back as soon as you can, okay? I miss you.


I sealed the scroll and had a bird take it away, while Masamune went to 'Do some errands'. I figured it was the perfect time to try and get in touch with Mitsu, since I had a few moments to myself. The moment the bird took off, Masamune returned.

"About time." I teased. He smirked.

"It will be a long time until we're together again. So I wanted tonight to be...decent." he explained. "Let's get married when I come back. That gives you something to do, while I'm away. Lots of planning to do huh?"

"I was hoping...that we could plan it together. So I'll wait on that, and just look after Oshu like you asked."

"That works too," He smiled. Not smirked, but smiled. Here put this on." he handed me a deep blue kimono with dragons on it. "This belonged to my mother. It has always been passed down for the Date family. It's yours now."

"Oh wow...It is beautiful..." I gasped at the sight of the beauty.

"I bet it would look even better if you were wearing it." He complimented.

"Okay... Leave for a sec."

"Why?" he laughed. "Nothing I haven't already seen.

True, but he was going to just stare at me this time. I was a little shy, with nothing else to distract him from my body.

"...fine..."I sighed, and removed my garments so that I could put the kimono on. "Happy?"

"You know it." he laughed. It actually wasn't as bad as I was making it seem. He was to be my husband after all.

He walked me around town, until the sun went down. We didn't return until it was way late at night and everyone was asleep. I wasn't even tired though. We went back to my room, which was as I recalled, his room at one time before giving it to me. He made some tea and brought it to my room so we could relax with a cup. I had changed out of my Kimono while he was out.

"Aww, changed without me." Masamune pouted. I laughed.

"well sorry, I didn't wait."

He sat down, and I sat next to him. He held me closer to him, nothing kinky about it.

"I'll miss you." he said, and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll miss you more." I assured.

We cuddled that night, like he had lost all interest of doing anything sexual. It was obvious that there was too much on his mind, like if his army actually had the skill to kill off the Oda, or if he would be coming back to me at all. Those were my worries anyway. I would rather have been fighting with him, than being at home 'protecting Oshu'.


When I woke up the next morning, the troops had already left.

Masamune didn't even say goodbye to me, and that hurt me deeply. I went to the kitchen table, where Kanbe was, and he had made breakfast and tea.

"What is it with men and thinking they can cook?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Well, good morning to you too, Sunshine." Kanbe shot back. "I thought I'd do something nice since Masamune decided to be an ass, to all of our surprise, and left without saying anything to you."

"So you know huh...?" I sat down next to him.

"Yep. Just you and me for a while, Kid." He smiled, but I sighed. "Hey. It isn't that bad..."

"It's not you, Kanbe. Masamune just feels like he needs to go alone, and I just don't get why. We are stronger together. And it hurts that he doesn't think so."

"I doubt that's the reason. But hey. You gonna stay here?" he asked.

"What do you mean? He asked me to stay, he even left before I woke up. It's clear that he wants me to stay."

"Hm. It's just that the (Y/N) I know wouldn't just do what anyone told her...And I saw a horse out in the stables left behind by the army."

I laughed, at what Kanbe was suggesting, at first. I couldn't possibly go, when I was specifically told to stay there...could I?

"You want to go, right? So go." Kanbe took a bite of the food he made, then almost immediately spit it out. "man... You were right to doubt my ability. Don't eat this."

Kanbe knew exactly how to make me laugh. I took a bite of the clumpy rice porridge anyway.

"It's not bad..." I smiled. "Just cook it a little less, next time.

The next hour or so was spent preparing to chase after Masamune. I packed food, and extra clothing. Kanbe did the same, as I told him that I wouldn't go without him....he wouldn't want me to anyway.

We mounted the horse to go to Honno-Ji, through Kanegasaki. I wasn't scared of the Oda anymore; what had really scared me was that Masamune wpuld be facing something dangerous without me. I had to be there, and I had to hurry.

Stay? I thought. Sorry, Masa. I won't do that.

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