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So, here's a Caleo one shot, my second favorite ship. Its super cliché. And Calypso is a mortal and goes to Goode.

honestly feel free to skip it- it's pretty bad


Nash's POV

I can't help but roll my eyes at all the wannabe chicks who go to my High School, can't they get that I'm not interested in any of them. None of them can ever be as pretty as her. Why won't she date me? Does she think I'm too good for her or something? It's not that I don't agree with that but there is no one better for me than her. Why can't she get it! Oh Calypso if you would only agree to go out with me.

But being the smartass that I am* I used my charm, and asked out her best friend, Sam. Now I find an excuse of hanging around Calypso every day. Once she sees how amazing I am she is bound to fall in love with me. And very soon she'll be the one running behind me asking me out. Ahh, speaking of that beauty, here she is!
"Good morning Calypso!" After a pause I add "And... Sam." Good morning Nash!" Yells Sam trying to give me a kiss, that I narrowly avoid. "So Calypso, you excited for the last day of school?" I ask her, giving her my legendary, impish smirk. "Yeah, sure anything to get out of this hell hole," she says, busy texting someone called Leo on her phone.

"Ahhh, summer vacations are here! So what do you'll plan to do during vacations?" asks Sam. "I'm going to my Malibu, my dad owns a mansion there. Hey, do you'll wanna come?" I smile. "Sure!" yells Sam, "Calypso what about you?" "Me, no thanks I'm going to this summer camp with my friends. I've been looking forward to it all year, no way in the world am I gonna ditch it for a boring mansion in Malibu."

Okay now that hit me where it hurts. But before I can protest, the stupid first lecture bell rings and we gotta go to our classes. Thank goodness we have just 4 lectures today. I pay absolutely no attention to any of the teachers and think about how I'm gonna convince Calypso to ditch her stupid camp for me.

The bell rings, and school's over. I search for her but find her no where. Where could she have disappeared? I walk outside school and see her there, waiting for somebody? I walk towards her smiling. But she just looks through me. Uh, what the hell? She glances at her phone and smiles.

Suddenly I hear people murmuring and see four really expensive cars, driving towards our school. Whoa, those are like my dream cars, man! They stop right before Calypso.

From the the first car which was a Lamborghini, painted blue and grey walk out this tall husky black haired guy and a really hot looking blondie. They high five Calypso and start talking rapidly.

Then from the second car a Mercedes, came this athletic looking blond guy and Cherokee girl who looked kinda pretty but definitely not my type.

The third car was an Audi, not so posh like the rest but it was pretty good looking. A girl who looked around 14 walks out along with this weird Chinese Canadian baby looking guy? Whoa weird. They all ran towards Calypso and either hugged or high fived her.

How does she know these filthy rich kids?

The fourth car, made my jaw drop. It was a Ferrari with flames painted on it. They looked quite realistic. Just one guy walked out of it. His features were similar to those of an elf. But somehow he looked good? He had this weird toolbelt round his waist. What was he, a mechanic?

Calypso gave this superb smile to him. And so did he. But when he reached her, she punched him. "Yeah Calypso! Wipe that grin off his face!" I yelled. Those friends of her's look at me and laugh and speaking in that same weird language.

But then what she did, surprised me the most! She Freaking Kissed Him! Like what the hell man! She then turned towards me and smirked,"there he stopped grinning." I was shocked.
"You can't just ditch me like that! You're supposed to be my girlfriend!" I shout. "Yo man, the last time I checked, which was right now, she was my girl. The name's Leo." He said putting out his hand. I shook it, that was the worst thing I could've done.

"Stop hitting on my girlfriend okay? It doesn't even matter since we aren't coming back here, ever." He says barely audible and leaves my hand.

I think he broke it.

All I could do is watch as they got into their cars and drove off leaving everyone laughing at me.


Cliché much? I'm sorry you had to read that.

Cliché much? I'm sorry you had to read that

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