Percabeth once more

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An Extract from the Mark of Athena

...can't hear you!" yelled Octavian. "Wax in our ears. Standard procedure while battling evil sirens. Now throw down your weapons and turn around slowly so I can tie your hands."
"Let me skewer him," Hazel muttered, "please."
The ship was only a few fifty very away. But Annabeth saw no sign of Coach Hedge on deck. He was probably in his room below, war hung over his stupid martial arts program. Jason's group wasn't due back until sunset. And Percy was underwater unaware of the invasion. If Annabeth could get on board she could use the ballista, but there was no way around these three Romans.
She was running out of time. The eagles were circling overhead, crying out as if to alert their brethren. Hey! Some Greek tasty demigods over here. Annabeth couldn't see the chariot, but she assumed it was close by. She had to figure out something fast before more Romans arrived.
She needed help some kind of distress signal to alert Coach Hedge, or even better- Percy.
"Well?" Octavian demanded, his two friends brandished their swords.
Very slowly, using only two fingers, Annabeth pulled out her dagger. And instead of dropping it down, her tossed it as far as she could into the Harbour.
Octavian made a weird squeaking sound. "What was that for? I didn't say toss it. That could've been evidence or spoils of war!"
"Annabeth tried for a dumb blond smile, like: Oh silly me. Nobody who knew her would be been fooled. But Octavian seemed to buy it. He huffed in exasperation.
"You two," he said pointing his sword at Hazel and Piper. "Put your weapons down on the dock, no funny bus-"
All around the three Romans, Charleston Harbour erupted like a Las Vegas Harbour putting on a show. When the seawater subsided, all three Romans were in the water. Sputtering and trying their best to stay afloat in their armor.
Percy was standing on the dock holding out Annabeth's dagger. "You dropped this," he said, totally poker faced.


I don't know why I love this extract so much. It's such a typical Percabeth moment. With Annabeth being a smartass problem solver and Percy just being his usual sassy self. They make my heart ache.

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