Chapter 3 (Denial and Realization)

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Me: Hello! I'm back!

Danny: After 2 days.

Me: Yeah. I'd say that's pretty good.

Danny: Never said it wasn't.

Me: It was implied.

Danny: Whatever.

Me: Could you just do the disclaimer please?

Danny: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or any of its characters.

Me: Thanks. Thought it was not as entertaining as Scrwibbles's was.

Danny: Just get on with it already.



Quick recap

"Uh, dude, you do realize that you and Phantom are the same person right?" Tucker asked quietly.

"What? No, Vlad split us into two separate people. We're sophomores now. What's the date?" Danny asked.

Sam and Tucker shared another look.

"No, we're freshmen. It's February 3, 2006." Sam said.


Danny stood there in shock. "No, that can't be. It's April 11, 2009."

Sam and Tucker shared a look once again.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Sam asked Danny.

"Yes I'm fine. I know what- wait. Did you say me and Phantom were the same person?" Danny asked.

Sam and Tucker nodded.

Danny grabbed both of their wrists and dragged the off into an alley way before letting them go and taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 'Haven't done this in a while.' He thought.

"Uh...going ghost?" Danny said as more of a question than a statement.

Just then Danny felt the dreadful feeling, that he had once been accustomed to, of the blue-ish white rings washing over him.

Once the rings reached his head Danny floated himself of the ground a bit and looked down at his hands to see them covered with white gloves and the rest of his body with a black and white jumpsuit with a 'DP' in the middle.

'Phantom? PHANTOM?!' Danny shouted desperately in his mind in hopes of getting something, anything back. But there was nothing, only the sound of his own thoughts.

The realization had finally set in as Danny floated back down onto his hands and knees transforming back to his human form and he began crying. First softly but slowly getting harder.

'I'll never see him again. Never get to feel his comforting embrace, hear him laugh, see him smile, feel his gentle loving kisses. All gone.' Danny's mind spiraled into a pit of longing and despair at the loss of his boyfriend and the thought of never being able to be with him ever again.

Sam and Tucker stood there across from Danny and watched with confusion, concern, and--oddly enough--sympathy.

The two made their way over to where Danny was and bent down next to him.

Sam rubbed comforting circles into his back as Tucker gave him soothing words to try and help.

Danny gripped onto his two friends as if they were his life-line and sobbed into their shoulders.

After a good five minutes of this Danny had finally calmed down enough to stop crying at least.

Danny sniffled and wiped away the remaining tears that fell. "Thanks guys. Even if you didn't know what I was upset about." Danny said as he looked at them.

Sam and Tucker stood up.

"No problem, dude. That's what friends are for." Tucker said.

"Now, let's get you home. It's getting late and you were up fighting ghosts late last night and early this morning." Sam said offering a hand to help Danny up.

Danny took her hand and was pulled up off the ground.

As they exited the alley way, Danny hung onto Sam and Tucker a little and the three made their way towards Fenton Works.


Me: Ta-da! Another chapter down!

Danny: I-is he really gone?

Me: Who Phantom? Well...I wanna tell you to comfort you, but it's kinda a spoiler so, as of now, yes but no at the same time I guess.

Danny: W-well at least there's a yes in there somewhere.

Me: There ya go! Thinking positive! ...ish. Oh! And look at the new cover! I love it! I didn't make it one of my friends made it for me, because they wanted to. And it looks really good! Okay I'm done ranting 'bout that for now.

Danny: Kay. I'm going to go try and decipher what you meant by 'yes but no at the same time.'

Me: Okay! Well that's all for now. What did you think? Till next time, bye!

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