Chapter 10 (The 'interview')

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Me: I'm back and with an apology of it taking forever. Oh, and a chapter!

Danny: Just get on with it already!

Me: Yeesh, alright. Just do the disclaimer please.

Danny: Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or its characters. She does however own Sky.

Me: Thank you. Now, ONTO THE STORY!



Suddenly Danny, Phantom, Sam, Tucker, and Sky found them selves onstage in front of their, admittedly pretty large, class.

"Let's start with the first question for Danny and Phantom." The voice said shocking the class that 'Princeton', who they just met a few minutes ago, was actually Danny Phantom, "What's your full story? And no lies or there will be consequences."

Danny and Phantom gulped and began their story.


"You may send in your questions and dares using your phones, and they will be retrieved and displayed on the screen upfront, so that these five can see them, read them aloud, and complete them." The voice said, "Have fun!"

And then it was gone.

"Looks like we have our first question!" Sky said as she looked to the monitor that was on the stage.

" 'For Danny and Phantom: How did you two meet? And how did you get together?' " Sky read.

"Uh...Well, you see....umm." Danny nervously fumbled over his words, all previous confidence he once held gone.

Phantom grabbed his boyfriend's hand and gave it a squeeze while giving him a reassuring smile.

Danny smiled back before taking a deep breath. "Well the story goes like this,"

Flashback (I guess...kinda.....yeah)

Danny was on patrol and so far everything was okay, nothing too exciting.

"I think I have it from here guys." Danny said to Sam and Tucker who were on the ground, on look out as well.

"Are you sure Danny?" Sam asked as the three stopped for a second.

"Yeah, I'll head back soon as well. Go ahead, there's just one more thing I need to check and then I'l go to bed." Danny said.

"Alright, if you say so. See you tomorrow, Danny." Sam said before her and Tucker went on their way to their respective houses.

Danny continued on his route and was about to head home himself when he was knocked out of the air by an ectoblast.

He sat up and turned to see who had blasted him.

"Plasmius." Danny growled as he floated up to meet the other ghost, "haven't you learned to take a hint?" Danny threw an ectoblast at Plasmius who quickly dogged.

"Come on Daniel, join me. I could teach you so many things." Vlad said as he launched a blast of his own.

"I will never join you you fruitloop!" Danny shouted narrowly missing the blast sent his way.

"Fine then it looks like we'll be doing this the hard way." Vlad said. He then teleported up to Danny and knocked him out.

When Danny woke up he found himself in a capsule with his wrists and ankles strapped down.

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