Chapter 8 (Phantom's idea)

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Me: Hello! I'm back!

Danny: Did the one shot about the abandoned fanfic or whatever make you suddenly inspired?

Me: No. Well kind of, but also because I now know what I wanna do with the chapter.

Danny: Okay. Whatever you say.

Me: Just shut up and do the disclaimer.

Danny: Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or it's characters. She does however own Sky.

Me: Nope, and yep. Now, ONTO THE STORY!


Danny broke through the door of Fenton works with the other three following closely behind him, Sky shutting the door as she passed.

Danny then barged into his room with the others coming in behind him and almost running into him.

All four of them stood their slightly out of breath. Some more so than others (me: *cough* Tucker *cough*).

Phantom looked at the group a bit surprised.

"You ran here?" Phantom asked incredulously.

"Well, technically, Danny ran. We were forced to in order to keep up." Sam said.

"Yeah." Sky agreed, still a little out of breath, "To passers by, it probably looked like we were chasing Danny while he ran from us."

"Hmm." Phantom hummed as he floated down from his previous position and set the comic he had been reading back down on Danny's night stand.

"So," Tucker asked, still panting, "what's your *pant* idea?"

"Well, I was thinking about how, technically, this whole thing is a time ordeal right?" Phantom said.

The others nodded their heads.

"Well, I thought about who is good with time and things that have to do with it, as well as time travel." Phantom explained.

"Uh huh, so....?" Danny asked curiously motioning for Phantom to continue.

"So, I thought who better to ask for advice than the time master himself, Clockwork!" Phantom said.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Sam said.

"Yeah. That could quite possibly work." Danny said.

"Alrighty then! To Clockworks!" Sky said dramatically before pausing, "Wait, who's Clockwork?"

~time skip~

"Oh." Sky said as they stood in front of the master of time, "I still don't know who he is though."

"My answer is no." Clockwork said.

"But we haven't even asked you yet!" Danny protested.

"The space time continuum is already messed up enough just by the five of you being here." Clockwork said, "I can't risk tearing a bigger hole that has already formed."

Danny and Phantom sighed, if Clockwork said no, he wasn't going to budge.

"However, I can show you how you got here." Clockwork said turning to one of his many screens.

The group huddled around the screen to watch.

~on the screen~

Danny and Phantom are in the midst of a tickle war in the throne room when suddenly the door was blown open and dust and debris flew, obscuring the two boys vision.

There was a flash of green light before the dust began to settle.

First thing off was that the boys were no longer in the room.

The second was the figure standing in the doorway holding a gun of some kind.

Once the dust was settled the figure was reviled to be...

Then static took over the screen.

"Aww come on!" Sky said throwing her bowl of popcorn, that she had somehow got, into the air.

"Where did you-" Tucker began before Sky put her finger to his lips.

"Shhhh. Don't question the author." She said.

"Wha?" Tucker looked extremely confused.

"Hey! Stop breaking the fourth wall, its fragile." Clockwork said, slightly glaring at Sky.

"But what about Deadpool? He does it all the time." Sky retorted.

"Yes, and I have to deal with it." Clockwork said.

"Well I'll break it if I want to. It's fun. Besides, you aren't the boss of me." Sky said crossing her arms

"Anyway!" Danny said stepping in between the two, "Why did it cut off?"

"Because, since the space time continuum has been torn I can not see into the future properly." Clockwork said. "And as for getting home, you'll have to find a way to do that yourselves. I'm am sorry."

Danny looked at Phantom sadly.

Phantom sighed and pulled Danny into a small hug.

"Thanks for your help Clockwork." Sam said.

"Yeah. Thanks for everything that you were able to help with." Phantom said as they turned and headed out the door.

"Good luck my King and Prince. For once, I'm not sure that all is as it should be." Clockwork said after the group had left, before he turned back to his screens.


Me: Voila! It's done!

Danny: Good job!

Me: Thanks!

Danny: Now how long should they have to wait for the next one?

Me: It shouldn't be too long.

Danny: Then what are you still doing here? Go. Go!

Me: Okay okay! I'm going I'm going! Just let me do the outro first.

Danny: Alright.

Me: Thank you. Anyway, that's all for now. What did you think? Till next time, bye!

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