Chapter 4 (Dreams)

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Me: Hello! I'm back at it again!

Danny: What's got you so wound up?

Me: *shrugs* dunno. I'm just really hyper for some reason.

Danny: O-Kay?

Me: Yep! Kay, now, disclaimer if you please!

Danny: This currently hyper ball of energy known as Waves-Of-Fury, does not own Danny Phantom or its characters.

Me: Nope. Sadly. Anyway, ON WITH THE STORY!


Short recap cuz why not

"Now, let's get you home. It's getting late and you were up fighting ghosts late last night and early this morning." Sam said offering a hand to help Danny up.

Danny took her hand and was pulled up off the ground.

As they exited the alley way, Danny hung onto Sam and Tucker a little and the three made their way towards Fenton Works.


Once they had reached Fenton Works Sam opened the door and the trio made their way towards Danny's room.

Reaching the door to Danny's room, Sam opened the door and they made their way inside.

After they were inside, Danny flopped down onto his bed, Sam took the beanbag, and Tucker sat backwards on the desk's swivel chair.

Danny sighed as he sunk down into the mattress. "Hey guys, I think I'm going to get some sleep. It's been a long day." Danny said adjusting his position once more.

Sam and Tucker stood up and began to make their way towards the door. The two paused in the doorway.

Sam turned to look at Danny, "You sure you'll be alright?" She asked, an underling tone of concern in her voice.

All she got as a response was a mumbled 'mhm' from Danny.

Sam sighed and shut the door behind her as she and Tucker left Danny to his lonesome.

Danny sighed again and settled in under his covers and soon slipped into the sweet release of sleep.


Danny looked around and saw that he was alone in an endless dark void. Black surrounding him on all sides.

"Hello?" Danny called out beginning to walk around, his footsteps echoing in the emptiness.

As he continued walking he slowly began crying until he fell onto his knees and began full on sobbing.

"I'm all a-alone. Phantom's g-gone, Sam a-and Tucker too. I'm the o-only o-one left. I-I just want someone, anyone, here. So I w-wouldn't be so, ALONE." Danny said as he began crying even harder, if that was possible.

Suddenly, Danny was enveloped in a comforting embrace, the mysterious person holding him close.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here." The person said as they rubbed calming circles into Danny's back.

Danny's breath hitched and he looked up into tho eyes of the person who had come to his aid.

"Ph-Phantom?" Danny asked starring into the electric green eyes that could only belong to his loving ghostly boyfriend.

Phantom smiled down gently at the boy in his arms, "It's me Danny, I'm here."

A wide smile made its way across Danny's face as he began to cry once more, but this time out of joy and relief.

"I t-thought that I had l-lost y-you." Danny said as he cried into Phantom's chest.

Phantom gave a slight chuckle, "I'm not going anywhere, Hunter. You may not always see me, but I'll always be there with you." Phantom said giving a light kiss to Danny's forehead and wiped away a few stray tears from Danny's face

"Now, how about giving me a smile?" Phantom asked, a light smile on his on lips.

Danny chuckled before giving Phantom a lopsided grin.

"There we go! You know, you look cuter when you smile. What do you say we make the most of the time here together and some video games?" Phantom said smirking.

Danny laughed, "Oh you're on!"

The lights blared on replacing the darkness and to their right was a couch and a gaming console.

After what had felt, to Danny, like hours Phantom had won another round making the score 15-12, Phantom being in the lead.

"Oh come on!" Danny shouted as Phantom laughed in the background.

Danny turned to Phantom, "All or nothing." Danny said jokingly serious.

"Danny, you can't just say 'All or nothing,' whenever you lose something, it's for when people have a draw." Phantom said.

"Come on, it could be like that cool end scene at the end of a movie." Danny said as an attempt to persuade Phantom. (Me: Please tell me someone gets this reference)

Phantom laughed, "Well, alright. I would, but it seems our time is coming to an end for now."

"Awww. But I don't wanna go." Danny whined.

"It's alright, Hunter. I'll still be with you, and I'll be waiting here when you return." Phantom said and gave Danny a quick peck on the lips.

The last thing Danny saw was Phantom's smiling face before the world around him faded to black.


Me: Ta-da! Another chapter done!

Danny: I got to see Phantom! *throws fists in the air

Me: *narrowly dodges getting his by one of Danny's fists* Yes you did child. Now calm down a bit. Please. -.-

Danny: Alright, I'm good now.

Me: Okay, I'mma trust you on that. Oh! I don't know how many of your saw this, cuz I don't know how many (if any) of you read my dare book.

Danny: Oh geez. Get ready for some simi-shameless self promo from Fury.

Me: Yeah. So...uh I have an Instagram, it's 'waves_of_fury', so you can follow that if you want.

Danny: Yep, cuz that wasn't an awkward way to say that at all.

Me: Oh hush! Well, that's all for now. What did you think? Till next time, bye!

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